IT IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>Europe’s top leaders watch bizarre satanic ceremony opening world’s longest tunnel

>European leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Liechtenstein Prime Minister Adrian Hasler, and Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern took part in the opening of the world’s longest tunnel, running 57 km under the Swiss Alps.

>Similar in some respects to the ceremonies which launch the Olympic Games, the extravagant performances, one inside for dignitaries and another outside, included the devil emerging and adored by scantily clad figures repeatedly prostrating themselves before him. The satanic figure with a goat head appears as horrific wailing and screaming are heard over the audio system. The demonic figure simulates sexual acts with several of the male and female performers, many of whom are androgynous.


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O... Ok
K.. Keep me posted leaf-man.

They're just preparing to open a portal to hell if islamists take over. Pretty good plan desu


That's cool and everything but more importantly will the Cavs be able to come back from being down 3-1?

Theyre taking a left

They're summoning the ultimate jew

why tho

That's a long tunnel.

This scares me, they were all raised christian, how can they not fear this shit

>being superstitious

It's just some modern art bullshit with some traditional Alps dancing slapped over it (IE the goat). Stop thinking too much into this. All of those people should be in jail and or charged with committing genocide against the European people, but focusing on this Alex Jones shit just detracts from the actual issues.

Because it's literally fucking nothing.

Maybe there really is nothing to it.

Maybe it just looks like a satanic ritual because it is one?

I really liked the giant goat heads. Very subtle.

Jew jew m*therfucker

oh that thread again?
kill yourself OP

The goat gave me a boner


what the fuck am i watching? This is some creepy shit.

Look guys.

It's just a girl in a white dress and with a goat head being symbolically sacrificed for good luck.
There is nothing satanic about this.

Well done Ola

>quadruple dubs

Is that based Szandor LaVey / Sándor Lővei ?


Satanic? more like Germanic!


Look at those sweet sweet doubles.

For you.

Why can't anglos into paganism?
>b-but its a satanic ritual
You puritan roots are showing

and here is the full answer to it:

for you


It's just a new advertising campaign for Ricola.

it took so long to make the tunnel,

I bet it is a massive underground bomb shelters etc.

these shows only appear satanic in that they are artistic storytelling with symbols. find the menaing of the different symbols and you realize its just story telling.

>condoning faggotry

Self immolation is your only requested penance.

Live stream it.

nobody is raised christian in Europe except Poland (which is why they are so violent and keep filling our prisons) in Europe people either are raised atheist (and become christian despite of it) or they are raised muslim (because it's hard to take children from EVERY muslim family even if we try)

It's not surprise. Around 30% of EU MP are freemasons. And Masonery is in 50% depended for Illumintis. But they don't whoreship satan, they just in opposed with monoteistic religions, they are atheists.

Alright even if you don't believe in this
why the fuck would you want to perform it?
why would anyone think "You know whats a good idea for an art performance? A play depicting a sacrifice to satan"

check out that tank on the left.

Balkans too. Maybe Catholic Church failed at large. But the orthodox survived comunism. And strives despite western degeneracy

THISExcept the catholics traditionalists and the muslims, most of europeans are raised as atheists.

>I don't understand it so it's Satanic

>what happens when you fund the arts

>Stop freaking out you lunatics
>This is totally not a satanic ceremony

Sure thing Beelzebub.

Whoa, this is pretty recent news.

This shits creeapy

Thread theme:

>your blank is showing

Supposidely all the satanic stuff has to do with a legend from the place.

Like, the swizz alps are pretty hard to cross, and it would be almost impossible for armies to get through, so some army made a deal with the devil so the devil would build them a bridge that lets them cross in exchange for the first soul that crosses the bridge.

Still the whole ceremony is pretty disturbing, what the heck were they thinking?

really makes you think

Can't wait till traditional Catholics control the Church in France.

That's a fucking Krampus, not Satan


Did anyone notice the guy in the end of the tunnel part, which I assume is an organizer?(10:28) Looks like a kike but I can't find his name anywhere.

It's also why Poland will be relevant in thirty years and Western Europe will not.


Occultist here. No, it isn't "Satanic". A lot of it has it's roots in Germanic Paganism.

Goats aren't exclusive to the diabolical. Even the modern image of a figure like Baphomet comes from ancient Pagan ones like Pan, and prior going back to Egyptian mythology.

And even then, diabolical depends on your point of view. There is no black and white magick, only your Will.

That image is the wrong way around mate. Judaism espouses more social liberties (freedom to fuck faggots and diddle kiddies) and less government intervention economically so they can establish monopolies. NatSoc espouses full state control over economics and social life.


