I've got time for a new series and see this posted a lot here, How is it...

I've got time for a new series and see this posted a lot here, How is it, Are people really just watching it for the android and stacked girl?

i watch shows if theres sexy people i can jerk off to and if the plot is good i can continue

I'll take the lack of responses as a no

It's rather good and not another budget-punk.

Is this yet another Syfy shit show? How can anyone in the age of commercial free video games, and commercial free web content bare to watch this shit?

You couldn't pay me enough to watch this. I love space science fiction, but Syfy knows exactly how to bleed them dry of anything interesting.
"tough girl" angry dude"...argue, commercial....more arguing...a quick shoot out, team work because of girl power!...commercial.....moral - girl power wins!

It's alright but kinda dumb sometimes. Don't go in expecting high scifi or anything.

The Expanse is better if you haven't seen it.

It's pretty shit, some episodes are unbearable.

The Expance i think is the best among airing space sci-fi tv shows with Dark Matter at second place.

>Are people really just watching it for the android and stacked girl?
yes. limitations of the budget are clear, most plot lines go nowhere and little guy vs corporations does not speak to me. team itself is also overpowered so there is less struggle then when Andromeda was stuck in the future

Yeah but it's not great either.

It sucks, I finished Stargate last year and ever since I've been dying for good scifi only to realize there isn't really anything else.

>age of commercial free
what are you even saying?
no one watches shows on television
people would stop trying to dodge commercials if companies paid them to watch them instead of the tv company
>web content
most of it is garbage. active majority of it is dependent on preexisting commercial content

have you seen Babylon 5, farscape and andromeda?

>>web content
>most of it is garbage. active majority of it is dependent on preexisting commercial content

Like Netflix, and HBO Go which both provide premium budget commercial free content which both continues to gain attention, and awards?

I've seen farscape and I loved it. Babylon 5 is on my list it was recommended to me. I saw a bit of Andromeda way back when it was airing and I wasn't really into it.

I was recommended Battlestar Galactica, but that was pretty terrible. Firefly was pretty good. Fringe was really good, one of my favorite shows.

I have a couple non scifi shows on my watchlist that I want to get through atm.

Netflix really struggles with putting out shows that have a solid structure. take daredevil,marco polo,hemlock grove all of them seem to have no idea what they wish to do and only have select moments that are good instead of the whole show being good.
awards have no value. like the Oscars, its all self congratulatory masturbation and fake exclusivity made to control the upcoming talent with "do x if you want award"
>gain attention
not really an accomplishment in the modern age where a video of a man punching a kangaroo is likely to get as much attention.

What about continuum or defiance? dollhouse was well liked I think. I dropped eureka after seasion 2 but that was a thing as well
>Battlestar Galactica
new or the old one? also why?

>a man punching a kangaroo is likely to get as much attention

That would probably be more entertaining than most all of Syfy's shows combined, but people won't pay to see that so instead Syfy struggles because it depends on commercial financing which means providing family friendly content dull, empty of anything inspirational. The point I've made is that web content allows more freedom that the parenting groups have managed to kill on commercial broadcast TV.
Parenting groups have complained, and killed TV broadcast entertainment so that the only money makers are reality video clip shows, game shows, or dance shows.
Syfy is a relic dying thanks to the parents scared there kids might go crazy seeing boobs, penis, and vagina.
You, know the stuff that's still relevant to most human beings?

I've seen continuum and it was alright.

Defiance looked really dumb so I never gave it a chance. Same with Dollhouse.

The new BSG. All the characters act so stupidly. It just got annoying to watch. Not that the early seasons were great either, but I had patience until the colony and 2nd half of season 3. I had no interest in the characters or the plot by then.

I think you have some hate boner for them and are coming of as one of those "omg I hate capitalism #blablabla" while netflix does have more freedom it has not done much with it and while it has more that does not mean its not susceptible to a loud part of their subscriber base throwing a fit (for example changes in game of thrones)

I have grown tired of a machine that basically pumps out the same shit over, and over with a new wrapper to a younger generation that eventually ages passed eight years old to the web where there is content catered more towards their interest.
Syfy's a broken machine kicking out the same hollowed cans labelled as entertainment by a marketing team.

The cable channel has had well over 20 years to provide quality entertainment that could be worth watching, but instead remains the little channel that could but never would because everything it makes is forgettable.

>provide quality entertainment
except that was not their goal.
>younger generation
meaning to them its fresh

>except that was not their goal.
>because everything it makes is forgettable.

Yes. Basically Syfy is Teen Beat/Tiger Beat magazine for kids under the age of puberty.

The android in this show is shit. The tits girl is the only reason to watch.

>male plays an android
>multi-layered performance reinforcing the notion that while his mind is fully AI, he's subtly questioning the very nature of his own existence

>female plays an android

The only reason to have women in tv and film is to show off their tits. If they're not necessary for the character, then it should be played by a man,

the male is awakened, female is only starting out

Why is sci fi so fucking lame?

All I want to see is spaceships shooting metal at each other

that's it