"where are we going?"

>"where are we going?"
>Hindi music starts playing

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tfw I just realized the final scene in cowboy bebop is basically a school shooting

>"Where are we going?"
>"To OP's house"
>Poor Little White Boy starts playing

>tfw I just realized the final scene in cowboy bebop is basically a school shooting


>"wher are we going?
>"Hiroyuki's house"
>Jewish folk music starts playing

that's the penultimate scene
the final scene is the fight between him and vicious


>"Where are we going?"
>Nasheed starts playing

How is walking into the den of the Yakuza and slaughtering a bunch of people and then killing your blood enemy/former best friend in a duel on a rooftop any way comparable to a school shooting?

more like

change the words "den of the yakuza" to "your highschool"

>movie takes place in London
>Muslim music starts playing

literally everytime

>"where are we going?"
>"To the janitor's house"
>He Does It For Free starts playing

The students of the high school weren't trying to actively murder you though. Key difference.

I never saw this movie
why do they know Nirvana? Did they just want a fun song for everybody to sing?

they were psychologically trying to make me kill myself
it is basically the same thing

>"where are we going?"
>"Kill whitey" music starts playing


>"where are we going?"


>"where are we going?"
>I Shot The Sherrif starts playing

>"where are we going?"
>Rape Me starts playing

My last girlfriend broke up with me because I was singing that when Nirvana was on the radio.

kill yourself

The song is an anti rape song. Kuck Cobain was a massive sjw tumblerina

I don't get it. Did he think only girls can get raped?