Can you just say thanks?

Can we please pause the shitposting and memes for just a moment to thank this brave Muslim soldier who had the strength and fortitude to do what white men are too cowardly to do?

If you agree please post "Thank you Machine Gun Mo" and receive blessings from God in our war against degeneracy.

Other urls found in this thread:

>had the strength and fortitude to do what white men are too cowardly to do

I didn't know he exterminated the Muslim plague

samefagging for justice

Thank you Machine Gun Mo!

The Muslims are a distraction. It the eternal Juden you should be most concerned with.

coward white people are even further down on the list than brave gays.

So basically he went full retard and murdered the wrong people.

>what cowardly white people are too afraid to do

I was under the impression that white people were responsible for the greatest genocides in human history, but they're also cowardly? What are you on, retard

Who do you think the Muslims are working for? Muslims are exterminating whites on the orders of happy merchants.

I agree. White men have a real problem....Especially the older white men.

I've always wondered why older white men don't go out with a little honor and die a glorious death? Instead they'd rather watch re-runs of Jewish televisions until they're so old they can't even wipe their own asses.

The modern white male is a fucking coward who is unwilling to fight for what he believes in.

Stop trying to live off the glories of our ancestors.

All of Europe was invaded and not one white man has the fortitude to drag a responsible leftist out in the streets and do what was necessary. NOT ONE.

Anyone who fights degeneracy is a friend of mine. The cancer is the Jew, Islam is merely a symptom of the disease.


Fuck him and fuck you.

Kill all homosexuals

Except for the massive muslim gay pedophile population obviously cause little boys dont count and my iman says I can fuck little girls, decapitate anyone who eats bacon and inject man's best friend with acid cause muslims were too stupid to realize how advantagous taming dogs was

I don't care if gays got killed.
You don't come to North America and assault our degenerates. They're ours!

brain washed idiot

Fuck your Islamic apologoa, cuckservative. If people want to fuck each other in a private establishment thats their right.

Sorry Chaim. You mad? Losing control huh?

Go put out that fire Justin

Thank you Machine Gun Mo

Remember, Muslims would have no reason to leave their countries if it were not for the wars caused by Jewry.

Thank you Machine Gun Mo!

Thank you Omar "see a queer blow off his ear" Mahteen

That's one. May glory come to you!


Sup Forums loses track of the real issue: this WHOLE FUCKING mess is caused by the Jews.

Islam, fags, leftists, feminism are all symptoms of the Jewish cancer.

Motherfucker should have been flayed alive and thrown into a salt pile.

if florida man does not kill his paedo worshipping parents then my dissapointment knows new heights.

>mfw if he was a white christian this thread wouldn't literally be reddit

Sad! All the hypocritical faggots need to fuck off back to the_donald to your literal Zionist masters.

Jews are the best and everyone is just jealous that they hold all the power.


thank you based omar