What a fucking faggot. She's gonna leave anyway bc he has no balls to stand up to her
Most hilarious thing I've seen tonight. My wife also laughing.
Bull too?
>Bull too?
You would know.
>all the projection
wew lad
I wanna fuck that woman
>not saying you wanna hook up with that bird, or bang that chick
you disapoint me user.
I'm sorry that you dont understand white culture Sweden. Also stop ruining video game IPs.
"I don't know what a shit test is."
Fun fact: Straya women crave emu cock.
>the rain is oppressing us as we go to the first house
>beta cuck Bernie supporter
Why am I not suprised?
I find it amusing not because the guy did it, but because his decription of events are exactly how i would expect it. Unorganized hippies wasting time on people who just dont give a fuck what they say.
what's the first?
These are the people posting online about how all "alt-right" people wear a fedora.
I still cant tell who`s a male
male? none. Numale? I think that bottom left one, unless he's just gay.
The sad thing is that for Sven here, that is an honest and sincere question.
mmmmmm sure
you drew a mouth on your hand and you make it move
What about the one in the middle and botton right?
those tits are ugly
looks like dykes to me, unless you count post-op
>this is america's future
>doesn't know that "I was in the Peace Corp in China" is code for "I let chinese peasants and hundreds of peace corp guys gangbang me repeatedly"
>omfg Trump supporters are low test anime loving losers who can't get laid amirite, darling? oh, so you're gonig to Jamal's house today? but... I wanted to watch kitty videos with you today... what? the couch!? no please I will stop complaining now, sorry.
>went to China for two years
Let me guess, she's a fucking Marxist.
>Robin Hood dead center
"Bill Nye - In the true spirit of #feelingthebern, does your girlfriend also expect for you to pay for everything?"
Looks more like Robin Food
>You are just a racist who fucks your cousin lol you will never be cool like I am
> I had to convince her to not buy a “Bernie is Buff” adult coloring book.
It's a thing. My adult sister (as in she is 35+) had that on her Christmas list.
She is also, not surprisingly... the only liberal in the family.
It sounds retarded, but they actually are a thing. I mean I guess it's not the worst thing you could do.
Mine too is almost 30 and has every stereotype of a bernout. SAD
my mother is a stepford mormon wife and plays with those coloring books
is it a Canadian thing?
It's a woman thing.
Meh, relationships are about compromise (like how he dragged his girlfriend to a soccer game in a baseball stadium). His description of the HQ staff as living stereotypes/memes is also hilarious.
Fucking grow up.
We literally had them sitting in the entrance to a law school during finals, right next to playdoe. FUCKING. LAW. SCHOOL.
You're 25 and getting a doctorate, you shouldn't be coping with stress by reverting to literal children activities. It pisses me off to no end that these people do this.
>inb4 stop liking what I don't like
It doesn't change the fact that's what you give a toddler to entertain them. Why are full grown adults resorting to infantile activities? Learn to play an instrument beyond a recorder, work out, do anything else, goddamn.
>you shouldn't be coping with stress by reverting to literal children activities
>Law students
They should be getting drunk off middle road Whisky or Bourbon like fucking adults.
Hey look, I understand entirly about that, but he's not just compromising, this is full fledged submission
Found the pathetic cuckold.
You already should know you are in a shit relationship if you or your girlfriend/wife makes you do shit you don't want to do.
As far as going to events and such... not like actually getting off your ass to watch the kids and such.
women confirmed for children
my mother, grandmother, aunt and female cousin all have adult colouring books. [spoiler]My male cousin likes them too [/spoiler]
I should end it shouldn't I?
No. Women are children anyway.
Beat the man into your cousin.
> Jammstein
>Not fucking yourself by bending your cock into your ass
Jesus, what's wrong with you fucks?
My sister, mother, and grandmother are all currently addicted to adult colouring books, so probably.
>my wife
What about her son? Laughing at this will be a change from him laughing at you
No way is that real.
Women always love a conquering army.
No its not they are all white.
Its popular in australia too. Its the female equivalent of "just shut off your brain to enjoy it lol"
>you wanna hook up with that bird, or bang that chick
It's 2016 ffs, you can do both here in Canada now
We have move passed having such close-minded and intolerant views. Who are we as Canadians to say what animal a man or woman can love? Love makes us stronger. If we love our enemies, we win.
t. Justin
I could drive a tank through those tits...
shitposting has gone to a new level?
>m-muh wife
>Parker Jammstein
e v e r y t i m e
mihammed will love you long time.
No boo koo money goony.
ak in ashhore no mo boom boom after boom.
dont know why but i want that bird to go full autist on that chick.Just peck that beak all over that bitch.Through her skull,pick out the eyes .....
gnaaaaaaa muybbbbb bgnaaaaaaa
-what autistic bernie supporter is thinking during a rally.and coincidentally,what he thinks throughout the day.
they are used for meditation and against stress
>this cuck has been to China
Too bad he wasn't murdered
I would almost feel bad for bullying them if they weren't so nasty and violent.
He doesn't want her to leave and take Da'quan back to his father.
Made me laugh, thanks
>tie cuck to table
>pour gasoline on table
>feel the burn
>compromising on something harmless to you, which means a shitload to your gf, is full fledged submission
Found the one true wizard of relationships, who knows how to only have things his and only his way at all times in a relationship. (Don't worry we all know what it is though. The secret is to not be in one, which you're certainly very well versed in and will continue to be)
>presidential election
>Weakly campaigning for a candidate incapable of even convincing the party base to side with him over a criminal to make your gf happy, and probs get something valuable to you later.