Say yes to islam

I used to hate islam... But now I see they are all I want to be!

>Kill faggots
>Women are your slaves
>If anyone disagrees you just shoot them
>Devoted, healthy life
>Wear a cool hat

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Chloe became such a disgrace.

Holy shit, this expression.

Islam is a false religion designed by Arabs to culturally suppress and dominate others.

If you think it's what you want then you're a fucking spineless cuck.

Absolutely disgusting

you are a retard friend

the jews created islam read a fuck'n book

>When the shitksin manlet thinks you're absolutely disgusting, you gotta be a kike.

In all fairness, he's much shorter than her. She probably didn't even notice he was there.

Have to grow a disgusting beard that looks like they take no care of it or dont know what hygiene is

You also get killed for belonging to a tribe that very slightly prays to Muhammad differently.

>even the manlet spics think you're ugly

I thought this was a serious thread until I saw the monkey-people flag. Did a sand nigger promise you 72 virgins and escape from your shithole of a country if you convert?

god dammit.... I wonder if that guys still stalking her. If i was gonna dedicate my life to perving on a celeb, id have higher standards than what she looks like now. Very sad...

they get away with murder and rape, it's not easy not to convert at the moment. the west has gotten weak. From this day on I support muslims b/c they kill liberals and spineless christians.

>No free speech
>obligated to believe in their sky wizard crap wrote by goat shepherd
>mindset crippling economy and technological progress

No thanks, the West even in full degeneracy mod still trample them.

Now go back Ahmedshill.

>No pork meat

Not happening. See you in hell, fucker.


>wear a cool hat

My girlfriend made me watch the new Bad Neighbours movie with Seth 'the jew' Rogen in it.. and holy shit it was filled with feminist propaganda, calling a girl "hoe" is wrong, women are strong, Hillary cheer song, etc etc.
I almost shot myself on the spot.

Jesus Christ, puberty was a hard wall.