
Pet ownership is essentially slavery. You purchase your pet. You force it to live with you. You train it to obey, and if it doesn't, you punish it. You use it for entertainment, companionship and/or labor, completely disregarding it's own inherent natural freedom.

>But he/she's happy, you can see it.
One could argue that their display of affection is nothing but a symptom of the Stockholm syndrome. After all, they were taken forcefully from their mother (unless it's a stray).

>They wouldn't survive in the wild anyways
That argument only applies to the "pets" that are still in circulation, not continuous pet-breeding.

Say what you want, but breeding animals for our personal enjoyment is a petty and morally unjustifiable act. It doesn't belong in civilized society.

>classic cuck post

Correct. It is the natural order of things. Deal with it, cuck. As a man, I shoot things, I lift things, I enslave things. It's in our blood. Keep crying about it on a pedophile anime forum though, I'm sure it'll help.

my dog has the best life ever

go fuck yourself cuck

i've given my dog plenty of opportunities to run away if it so pleased, it never does.

It gets food, shelter, compassion and exercise and it doesn't have to feel stressed out about any of it.

>Child ownership is essentially slavery. You make your child. You force it to live with you. You train it to obey, and if it doesn't, you punish it. You use it for entertainment, companionship and/or labor, completely disregarding it's own inherent natural freedom.
>>But he/she's happy, you can see it.
>One could argue that their display of affection is nothing but a symptom of the Stockholm syndrome. After all, they were created forcefully by their mother (unless it's an adopted one).
>>They wouldn't survive in the wild anyways
>That argument only applies to the "children" that are still in circulation, not continuous child-breeding.
>Say what you want, but breeding children for our personal enjoyment is a petty and morally unjustifiable act. It doesn't belong in civilized society.

Well I would love to be my dog, she only sleeps and barks, she seems happiee than I

The child was conceived by you and your partner (and is allowed to leave when grown up). It's not even remotely the same thing. You steal the pet from his/her's mother. It's barbaric.

>B-but muh Stockholm Syndrome!!

Is Stockholm Syndrome why you allow muzzies to take over your country and rape your women? Top cuck.

My dog loves me and I would do anything for that little fucker. Much, much more than can be said about you Swedecuck.

you better go and set all your bulls free then

PETA plz go.

>People who don't understand the Stockholm Syndrome.


The world doesn't run on your morality. Just because an organism can feel pain or happiness it doesn't mean other being will cater to it.

I have zero qualms about killing livestock or hunt to feed myself or even to love the calf I will raise to slaughter later. It's their destiny to serve me.

We should release all our animal slaves and watch them starve to death. That'll save them.

You're not white so your opinion is irrelevant.

Read the entire OP. Pets that are still in circulation should remain pets. However, continuing the practice should stop.

Pet ownership ain't slavery.
Breeding them is slavery.

FCI/TICA and all it's subordinates should be treated as terrorist organizations and dealt with accordingly.

My wife is on vacation and her dog died somehow while I was at work (neighbor found it).

She blames me.

Fuckin stupid ass dog.



Come stop me, Swedecuck.

>romanticizing your inability to resist primal instincts

I fucking hate this bitch so much.

Fuck you Op ~ The aliens spliced and diced dogs and cats to be our companions when they pulled us from the trees and gave us a big brain and opposable thumbs.

Dogs same as cats chose to be part of our lives because it is beneficial to them.

Im pretty sure my cat would disagree with you.

There are so fucking many studies that completely obliterate your post...
Just as an teaser, they did a study with very young pups (around ~7-8 weeks old).
They were put in a room with an unknown dog (male/female) and an unknown to them human (male/female), different pups, different dogs and humans in various combos were tested.

The vast majority of pups walked towards the unknown human, who did nothing to incite them to come over.

They also made the same test with wolf pups, they choose mostly the dog.

Then another study found out that both humans and dogs get higher oxytocin levels in their blood after looking at eachothers faces.
Which is very uncommon for cross-species contacts.

Face it Muhammad, living together with dogs didnt only change dogs, it also changed humans. Atleast us evolved ones.

Really makes me think

>free water
>free food
>free shelter
>free medicine
what terrible slavery!

>The vast majority of pups walked towards the unknown human, who did nothing to incite them to come over.
Doesn't justify enslaving them.
>Then another study found out that both humans and dogs get higher oxytocin levels in their blood after looking at eachothers faces.
Doesn't justify enslaving them.
>Im pretty sure my cat would disagree with you.
Stockholm syndrome
>Dogs same as cats chose to be part of our lives because it is beneficial to them.
They didn't choose anything. They were forced.

Guess you wouldn't have a problem with the government institutionalizing you then I guess.

>Free water
>Free food
>Free shelter
>Free medicine

Have to agree OP. It is cuddly slavery.

>implying pets are not for entertainment

All dogs are bred from the approximately 1 in 100 gray wolves that are not aggressive toward humans. It is just selective breeding and completely irrelevant to OP's post.

>You purchase your pet.

I guess I paid for gas, to get to the grocery store, yeah.

Cool anthropomorphism.

Cool anthropocentric speciesism

Prove my pets have Stockholm Syndrome then, Muhammed Al-Achmed

Sure. Are you willing to send him/her to me so I can make a psychological evaluation?

Could use all of this logic towards children.

Children are slaves, they dont have choice, we punish them, ect ect ect.

Guess we shouldent have children in civilized society

Why should you need that, you're making your initial silly diagnosis without that.

>Could use all of this logic towards children.
No, you couldn't. I've always answered this pathetic strawman.

>Pet ownership is essentially slavery. You purchase your pet. You force it to live with you. You train it to obey, and if it doesn't, you punish it. You use it for entertainment, companionship and/or labor
Literally what else are we supposed to do? Just not have dogs and cats? Ok, well I hope you understand that you are suggesting laws that would take something away from people they like. So don't be all shocked and bewildered when people don't agree with you.
>completely disregarding it's own inherent natural freedom.
Like what? What would dogs do without us? Kill cats and shit all over the place? It's better to have dominion over the animals, so we feed them, we pet them, we play with them, etc. They benefit from it more than we do. You don't even really have an argument. You're just asserting that it's bad with no actual argument to back it up.
>One could argue that their display of affection is nothing but a symptom of the Stockholm syndrome.
You don't know what they think you retard. This whole post is just retarded. What is your IQ and what do you do for a living?

>Why should you need that, you're making your initial silly diagnosis without that.
In case you wanted written proof from a certified psychologist. You could steal a child as an infant as well, and it would grow up to like you as it's own parent. Does that justify the act?

So foster homes are barbaric? adoption? surrogate parents?

What if you dont steal it from the mother, and raise it with its mother? still barbaric?

>comparing sentient creatures with sapient creatures

This thread almost perfectly mirrors the arguments about human slavery in the 1800's. Too bad the animal anti-slavery advocates are outnumbered 100,000 to 1, so the discussion is moot.

>Literally what else are we supposed to do? Just not have dogs and cats?
>I hope you understand that you are suggesting laws that would take something away from people they like.
Just becacuse they like it, it doesn't make it O.K.
>Like what? What would dogs do without us? Kill cats and shit all over the place?
Probably. What's your point?
>It's better to have dominion over the animals, so we feed them, we pet them, we play with them, etc. They benefit from it more than we do.
Same argument could be made about the government institutionalizing people. It's for their own good, right? >You don't know what they think you retard.
Do you?
>What is your IQ and what do you do for a living?
Irrelevant to the discussion.

You're just some pathetic loser trying to justify your morally bankrupt behaviour. Shame on you.

My animals love me and choose to live here
i let my cat out all hours of the day and he comes home to sleep, hang out, and eat

>muslim shithead
>speaking of morals

Where do you want those dogs and cats live then? On the streets? Domesticated animals need humans to live.

>So foster homes are barbaric? adoption? surrogate parents?
No, because that's basically like stray animals.
>What if you dont steal it from the mother, and raise it with its mother? still barbaric?
If they are allowed to come and go as they please, no. Then it's perfectly acceptable. Put your hands on them, start forcing, that's when it's immoral.

How do you plan to go about getting rid of dogs and cats? What do you plan on doing with the animals that you've removed from people's households?

Have you thought about the logistics of this at all? Or do you just hold this mindset so you can feel morally superior to other people?

You're just pissed that the dog doesn't have to wait in the cuck-shed when Tyrone comes over like you do.

Guess you wouldn't have a problem with selling and purchasing people who are in a permanent state of comatose. Disgusting.

Also, how do you know they aren't sentient? Just because they don't meet the criteria for human sentience?

Good, nothing wrong with that. You know as good as I do however, that that's not what's like for the majority of pets out there.

>Thinking he can comprehend ethics
Get out.

Like I said. Pets that are still in circulation should be kept as pets. The process of breeding more however, needs to stop.

Good to see there are psychos who will put animals up with humans. Whether it's right or not doesn't change the fact that people are going to continue to own and buy them. Wasting a lot of energy to complain about something you'll never have any sway over.

>How do you plan to go about getting rid of dogs and cats?
I never said I'm personally trying to achieve this. I'm just throwing the red-pill out there.
>What do you plan on doing with the animals that you've removed from people's households?
Perhaps you should work on your reading comprehension >Have you thought about the logistics of this at all?
What about the logistics?
>Or do you just hold this mindset so you can feel morally superior to other people?
It is the moral way.

That's going beyond primal instincts you cuckhead. In todays world you can easily just work a dead end job, eat, sleep and if you're social enough fuck - that's essentially all that is needed for survival. You have to go out of your way to take care of a pet, to kill something, to grow your muscle, you control the nature in this way and not the other way around.

Dumb cucks should be banned from this board jesus.

>Whether it's right or not doesn't change the fact that people are going to continue to own and buy them.
So we should just tolerate the act because it'll happen anyway? Legalize murder then as well I guess. Legalize rape. Legalize pedophilia. Legalize everything. People like you are disgusting.

Nice b8 posting.

Animals are inferior.

My Mexican neighbors saw me shoot a cat with a bb gun a few days ago when I was shitfaced. Didn't say or do shit.

Keep your cats in your own fucking yard or I'm getting my box trap and using my 22 instead

>You force it to live with you.

Dogs legit depend on humans for their survival more than eachother, they perform horribly in the wild as they don't really know what to do. Hell if mankind vanished from the face of the earth, dogs would be the next to go, they're very co-dependent and the measure of bond it has with its owner pretty much ties in with its survival rate. Almost 30k years of domestication would do that.

>Dogs legit depend on humans for their survival more than eachother, they perform horribly in the wild as they don't really know what to do.
Doesn't justify the continuous practice.

>Guess you wouldn't have a problem with selling and purchasing people who are in a permanent state of comatose. Disgusting.
It's illegal to purchase or sell human body parts.

>Also, how do you know they aren't sentient? Just because they don't meet the criteria for human sentience?
>doesn't realize the difference between sentience and sapience
>too stupid to Google
Animals are sentient. Humans are sapient. Great apes, dolphins, and some whales may be sapient, but I don't support ownership of them.

>cat came
>feed them
>won't leave
>mfw i want them to leave

>It's illegal to purchase or sell human body parts.
Why? The body parts aren't sentient. So according to your own logic, it should be perfectly fine.
>Animals are sentient. Humans are sapient.
Oh, so you have to be sapient to avoid being owned as property? How come?

>Pet ownership is essentially slavery.
Sure whatever, Sven. I'm a human supremacist and what you cucks call a 'speciesist' so your arguments aren't doing anything for me, bub. Sorry.

HUMAN rights don't apply to NON-HUMAN ANIMALS

>human supremacist
>not white supremacist
C'mon now.

>Doesn't justify the continuous practice.
It does because the alternative would have them die out in the wild as they lo longer can function properly. It's like throwing 25 japs in the middle of the congo, wtf are they supposed to do?

Hell brain scans have even showed that dog's typically have been so accustom to domestication that they are actually growing smarter and smarter, and have formed ties with humans beyond that of eachother, they legit see their owner as part of a family and recognize them from about feature they have.

It's like some exotic salamander or something, the very existence of dog's rest in the hands of humans and the practice of keeping dogs as pets have helped them leaps and bounds. In the future they will likely be one of the most intelligent animals slightly below humans. Yet you want to damn them to extinction.

Freedom isn't a human right. It's the right of every living thing.

Define "right"

>taking this post seriously

Holy fucking shit the tging isn't human you will drive yourselves mad trying to defend the righys of every last plankton. Human beans stick together beyond that we are free to enslave endanger and extinctify any non human entity if it makes our lives slightly easier

>It does because the alternative would have them die out in the wild as they lo longer can function properly
Doesn't matter if they out. They aren't beneficial to the eco-system, and they don't feel once they are gone.
>Hell brain scans have even showed that dog's typically have been so accustom to domestication that they are actually growing smarter and smarter, and have formed ties with humans beyond that of eachother, they legit see their owner as part of a family and recognize them from about feature they have.
Stockholm syndrome. Also, it still doesn't justify you stealing them away from their own mothers. It's disgusting and vile.

>It's like some exotic salamander or something, the very existence of dog's rest in the hands of humans and the practice of keeping dogs as pets have helped them leaps and bounds. In the future they will likely be one of the most intelligent animals slightly below humans. Yet you want to damn them to extinction.
Stop trying to play God.

Purchase a dictionary (if you can afford one).

Animals are not people you cunt.

>Why? The body parts aren't sentient. So according to your own logic, it should be perfectly fine.
Even someone as stupid as you should be able to see that placing economic incentives for obtaining human body parts is very dangerous. That's why I oppose selling a comatose body.

>Oh, so you have to be sapient to avoid being owned as property? How come?
Sapience is a fundamental element of humanity. To behave in society and be treated as a person (an individual with rights and responsibilities), you need to be sapient. Individuals whose sapience is lacking (children, the mentally ill and retarded) are treated differently by the law.

An animal does not possess sapience so it cannot participate in society on the level of a human. They are even lower performing than children or the mentally retarded, so they possess even less rights.

I want to slice some animal open just for reading this thread.

Rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people

> inb4 animals are people

pets are degenerate, they prey on your nurturing instincts that are meant for children. Leftists always love having pets.

>Freedom should be allowed to every living thing.
>We allow freedom to even micro-organisms, such as bacteria
>Everyone gets sick, no one can use medicine because it be would restricting their freedoms.
>Human race dead as common bacterial diseases now kill easily.

Can you shitpost any harder?

Slavery: the state of being a slave.
Slave: a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.


Dogs benefit from a symbiotic relationship with humans that drastically improves their life quality, breeding capability, security, and food supply. Morally justified and not petty.

I expect this from a Swede, you have a point though, regardless the animal has been born and i treat my dog as my friend always, he's mine and im responsible for him but I don't say that I own him

>Even someone as stupid as you should be able to see that placing economic incentives for obtaining human body parts is very dangerous. That's why I oppose selling a comatose body.
Your argument was sapience. These people aren't sapient.
>Sapience is a fundamental element of humanity. To behave in society and be treated as a person (an individual with rights and responsibilities), you need to be sapient. Individuals whose sapience is lacking (children, the mentally ill and retarded) are treated differently by the law.
Good, so your previous argument is irrelevant. You advocate the right for people to purchase bodies who are in a state of comatose.
>An animal does not possess sapience so it cannot participate in society on the level of a human.
So? They can still feel pain, and a host of other feelings. You disgust me. You think you're more entitled to freedom just because animals aren't equally intelligent as you.

Kill yourself, you fucking brainwashed cuck.

Who is to be considered a person?

not all animals can feel pain tho

If the bacteria attacks you it's obviously alright to defend yourself (i.e. with medicine). Stop strawmanning you autistic fatass.

Fuck off Swedish faggot. Also most dogs are the actual owners of the household.

a human being regarded as an individual.

This thread is directed towards civilized countries. See last sentence of the OP. Non-white, 3rd world shitholes need not reply.

Well then there are two clear choices user. You either let every dog out into the wild, completely killing natural habitats are dogs struggle to find their way in. They will take other animal's niches, along with likely be a destructive force like wolves. Those that survive, anyway. Most will be smaller breeds, so their chances of survival are dismal at best. Thousands of dogs will die every year on the street, as they fall prey to any number of natural occurences.

Or, you just stop breeding them. Kill off the dog species in about twenty years, making it illegal to so much as attempt to breed them. All puppies will be carted off to special facilities to be raised in captivity, where the slavery will continue until they're dead. Then once they're dead, no more slavery because no more puppy breeding.

Neither of those options are appealing. So we keep dogs in the house. Anyway, taking care of a living creature because you love it is actually sweet. Dog owners can be pretty based.

People, as based on a certain genetic code and birthed by other people. This is really easy to distinguish a person from something that is not a person. Is Oscar the Grouch a person? No. Is that lamp a person? Is the person shit-posting so furiously from Sweden a person? Unfortunately so.

Fuck off, Sweden. Pet animals are completely dependent on humans. Without us the majority would simply perish. They've been bred to be this way. Too late for your feelings to mean anything. Go suck Tyrone's cock.

Okay OP, we enslave them. Where is the problem though? I would like to get enslaved by another species anytime if they can satisfy all my needs as a human beeing.

Can Muslims fuck off? I'm sick of you trashy people trying to fuck over dog owners.

Bunch of slavers gang up on some poor noble Swede.

Get the feminists on board. You will have to sell this to women to have any chance of making headway. Pets are personal slaves used as substitutes for children and provide the same brain chemistry feedback that was evolved for child rearing. Taking modern woman's last hope for something to nurture is a lost cause.