Why do people use college life as an excuse for degeneracy?

Why do people use college life as an excuse for degeneracy?

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Because everyone goes now and it's taken for granted. It's "an experience" rather than a place of higher learning for the brightest of the population.

because they are living on their parent's dime

if they were paying for it themselves they might give a shit

booooooo bama suckssssss


look at the media and entertainment industry for your answer

look at who controls these for the underlying answer


the theory is to get all the wild oats out of your system before you are expected to buckle down and be responsible for the rest of your life

kind of a shit theory but is plausible enough to pass for normies

It is a shit theory, but I take full advantage of it.

I've had several girls asking to date me after we fucked completely hammered at a party. I don't understand how they expect me to date them when on our first encounter they literally let me slap, choke, and fuck them.

Nearly every girl is willing to sleep around in college, and it's great for sex with no strings attached, and I honestly think that's to the benefit of guys.

>kids move out/live in dorms away from parents
>finally able to do more or less whatever they want
>do dumb shit and fuck eachother

whats difficult to understand about this?

Yeah except it's completely meaningless and it makes me feel shallow and empty like I don't have a girl that loves me you know what I mean

1. Ban girls from college
2. Separate the sexes.
The quality of graduates is fucking bad. People who believe in safe places will become our fucking leaders

>ban girls from college

what does this accomplish

You are dropping young people off with Free Room, Free Food, Free Classes where they meet people like themselves and almost no supervision.

They are going to do some extremely wild things.

Do consider saving all the rare color patterned whites and breeding with them though.

There is no need to make the brownification of American too easy for the Money Printers.


I'm in college right now, I was from a big city in an urban area but I went to a smaller college in a rural area. Many people there comes from tiny towns with only a couple hundred people, so suddenly there's so many options for people to fuck or get drunk or just be stupid.

I have a gf so luckily I get to skip the college dating bs. Sure maybe it would be fun to get drunk and fuck college chicks but at the end of the day I think there's lots of regret on both sides, and it just happens again next weekend.

Fun story: I was with a group of people heading to a party hosted by the soccer team. We tried telling the girls with us their reputation as scumbags but they were in denial. When we got there they let in the women and locked the door once there were only men outside. Most college girls are delusional as to how much of a piece of meat guys see them as. "He wants to fuck me because he likes me!"

Go Blue

Fuck Ohio State

cant hear you over the sound of all the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES we have god bless pope urban meyer

High school kids often graduate with no real sense of direction. They think of college as the direction, at least for now. They look forward to this for the freedom they will have, not least to have sex without restraint or concern for anyone's judgment.

At this same time they suddenly have access to alcohol. Then they are inundated with theoretical bullshit and activism, much of which devalues whatever it was they had hoped to become after college.

Perfect storm of dumb innocence, no meaningful rites of passage, pressure to leave home before they have an adult approach to the world or any sense of a path through life. In truth the degeneracy itself is the least of anyone's worries. They sleep around for a few years and probably use condoms most of the time. Big deal. That so many leave college without a useful education, and often with contempt for their society, is a much more serious problem.

Very very few girls know and understand love and loyalty.

If you yearn for romance, do not expect it in college. Maybe later on in your life, a mature and intelligent women can appreciate you for protecting and providing for her, but in college there's virtually no way you can do this, so the chicks you date have basically 99% chance of cheating on you, unless you're some master of manipulation.

Love does exist, but much later on in life. For now you're just stuck with pussy on demand and focusing on studies and bettering yourself both physically and mentally.

Would snu-snu with.

Where are their parents in all this?

You mean women and lefties?

If you were a normal person who had the brain of a mentally healthy person you would have 0 trouble understanding this. Put a bunch of 18-22 year olds in pseudo-apartments in very close proximity living on their own and you get tons of wicked fun sex, drugs and general chaotic experimentation.




Because they fell for the meme.

It's degenerate as fuck though and only within the past 40 years has been widely acceptable.

>move out of parents house for the first time
>feel liberated
>get horny

What's so difficult to understand? Please stop making this site feel like a literal autism help forum.

Colleges had significant party cultures well before the jewification of msm or even portrayal of said culture in msm. I'm pretty sure the association goes back to at least the late 19th century.

Oh fuck off with that "degenerate" shit. The majority of people party and have a lot of fun in college and it didn't start in the 60's.

They are weak willed degenerates let them burn.

sounds like someone is a bent out of shape because they didn't get to have college sex

Not true at all. See

You're supposed to be getting an education though, not fucking everything in sight.

Let's see how you feel about that when you have a daughter of your own.

On the phone once or twice a week if they're lucky, two or three thousand miles away.

Mine sent me a giant shortbread cookie in the shape of a pretzel and listened to me blubber about the groids in my dorm building, and even with a mad fear of liquor and a monogamy co-dependency friend to keep me occupied I still fucked everything up.

Hey normie if you're so cool then why don't you jump off a bridge and fucking kill yourself you piece of shit

I'll be a normal father and let my daughter decide to do what her life when she's a grown woman you fuckin weirdo.

I'm clearly on your side man.

The sexual liberalization of women has made it much easier. Feminists want women to be like guys and have sex to "be powerful" and "liberated" and guys are all to happy fuck them.

Every girl I banged in college was a raging lefty or strong left leaning. Conservative girls were much less likely to put out from a single hook up. Most conservative girls would only fuck you if you dated them at least for a month or more.

This. These people had to answer to their parents their whole lives and don't know what to do with their new freedoms.

Men will finally go back to college to get higher learning. Do you not know anything about the statistics with women in college?

you realize that the forward pass is legal in louisiana right?

holy shit nerve struck


I hope you guys understand how much you reek of sexual frustration and bitterness from rejection.

>not wanting your daughter to be a whore

>You're supposed to be getting an education though, not fucking everything in sight.

You can do both. Holy shit what a fucking loser.

guys don't go to college to fuck girls. guys go to college because its been forced into their head since they were little that you need to go to college or else you're a fuckup.

>normal father
>daughter bring homes Jamal
>gets preggers
>Jamal is gone like a fart in the wind
>shell out cuckbucks for your stupid ass daughter
You sound like a fucking cuck

Hoes gonna hoe.

First day away from their over bearing parents most likely.

Also this and frankly universities should not be used as vocational schools.

No dumbass, most guys who go to college go to follow a career path they desire. Just because you're a truck loader at UPS or some shit doesn't mean that's everyone else's goal.

You guys know that every father has to deal with this right? You can't stop your 19 year old daughter from banging dudes in college, you just don't think about it.

This doesn't have to be explained to normal people, so obvious that you have no social experience.

I know lots of grandparents who are raising half nigger babies.

Daughter off in some wastrel life.

Nigger babydaddy a ghost as soon as he heard he ruined the pussy and she didn't have money of her own to support his lazy ass.

And so it goes.

pic unrelated

kek, no. I've been through 3 different colleges. Most admitted (or show) they wanted to live it up and party, like continuing their high school days, but spending money and getting in debt. I didn't go to college for that reason. My school/parents wanted me to join the military or go to a trade school.

Imagine high school kids with the privileges of an adult, that's what college kids is like

I'm pretty sure those are middle-schoolers

God man you reek of weird sexual complexes. No girls I know from college got pregnant while there.

Casual sex doesn't take a whole lot of time out of your day. Not compared to monogamy, anyway. Excessive drinking, on the other hand, can be pretty time consuming.


I have a lot of social experience. Btw you can control your daughter by raising her right and making sure she doesn't do stupid shit. Don't breed you fucking cuck

Lol faggot the sluttiest girls are the ones with psychotic controlling fathers. It's not my fault you're socially retarded and don't understand this basic aspect of our reality.

jesus christ what the fuck happened in pic related

this desu, the modern education system is a joke.

Normie cuck detected, what a fag. I'm not socially retarded like you have some weird fetish about social retardness or something. Don't breed.

She's getting culturally enriched, Pierre

It actually was pretty related.

RIP Arnold Lobel, GOAT.

>uses normal as an insult
>claims he isn't socially retarded

Fuckin lol

I'm going to breed and there's not a thing you can do about it.

Who cares how many men women have sex with in college. As long as she gives her consent and uses protection it shouldn't matter. Y'all need to shut up, everyone has needs.. Female here.

>using socially retarded as an insult on Sup Forums
fucking kek you're new
You're mad but it's alright. Anyway you gonna breed with a used up pussy and will shell out cuckbucks like a true faggot. Kill yourself, but stream it.


Lol god I forgot it's summer.

Have fun getting C's in community college when you graduate high school in two years.

Never mind, I'm an idiot and thought you were asking about the frogs eating cookies.

Between you and me, I thought you were kind of overreacting.

Anyone else jelly that they didn't get to experience college sex?

>tfw 27 year old virgin

I don't blame them, though. I would have done the same thing if I had the chance :(

Fuck, even whites look better at doing nigger shit than niggers

>btw im a grill ;-)
fuck off.

Men don't want to settle with women who have had a least 10+ dicks in em. Used pussy is terrible currency for a partner. You're gonna be 30+ and alone or you will find some beta like this fella

>everyone has needs
>casual sex

She went on to become a fetish porn star.

I'm not joking. Her porn name is Chloe Camilla or something.

Yeah it was fucking sweet. Fucked 10 girls and 9 of them were total babes, one was a chivette.

Went to a private university. Had a 3.4 GPA Criminal Justice Major/Bio Minor. Get real faggot.

10 girls only in college. Fucking kek.

Pic is Haley koch

No. I regret fucking the 3 women I loved. Can't imagine how degenerate I'd feel if I had casual sex.

Honestly, I am jealous of you.

Says the guy insulting people by calling them normies and cuckposting on Sup Forums

Most of them were fuck buddies and not one night stands. So I'd go from girl to girl with one for a few months each.

>Anyone else jelly that they didn't get to experience college sex?
How do you miss that? It's the easiest fucking thing in the world.

Looking back on in, even though I denounce degeneracy now I'm glad I got to experience it with some of those girls because most were so good looking in a normal setting I don't see how I could have scored.

Hitler was fine with degeneracy too so it must be ok at certain levels.

>criminal justice/bio

You're a moron.

Stellar argumentation.

>or something
LOL acting like you don't know.

fuckin fag.

Um excuse me. Are you aware of how female anatomy works? You can have 100+ cocks and that pussy will still go back to it's original form. Also, every pussy is different, they don't all have the same shape so you can't assume by just looking at it that's it's loose. DOESN'T WORK. Get the fuck on


Lol in case you haven't noticed, this board is packed with virgins. Of course they don't know how vaginas actually work.

Pretty much this...
>young, dumb, full of cum and spending mom and dads money.
What's not to enjoy?

But you aim to be cucked freindo.
You can't land a woman huh? Just get turned into a fuck buddy while she has several more. Fucking hell. Cool story, this guy I need always bragged about being fuck buddies with a few girls, but I found out she had like 10+ more fuck buddies. You're not special, cuck

roastie get the fuck out of my Sup Forums , let the grown men talk

Lmao your butthurt is palpable.

>3.4 in the major exclusively designed for bootlickers with a double-digit IQ

No it doesn't you dumb broad. If you are a woman then congrats you prove that women don't even know their own vagina.

Beats me. I went to college and even lived on campus for 3 years, but I never had sex or did any drugs there. I didn't even drink for the first time until I turned 22, and even then I only enjoyed beer and liquor for the taste, not to get drunk.

The only 2 options. Anything else is degenerate

>not googling science research on it
>insulting virginity on Sup Forums
It is summer

Nah m8, I'm just actually concerned that you want to be a cuck