Breitbart is controlled opposition

pic related, the comment that got me banned

This is the most infuriating thing of my life. All over Breitbart you have CHRISTIANS saying that Jesus would embrace homosexuals. That Jesus had nothing against gays. That fighting against the gay agenda has "nothing to do" with Christianity, and I must be a Democrat plant to make them look bad

What the fuck is this shit? When did things get this bad?
Where is my uncucked teutonic Christian order standing up against degeneracy?

desu jesus did love his enemies he probably would have embraced gays and left the judging to his father

Jesus was probably gay himself. That's why he had 12 fuckbois following him around.

Pretty much this desu sempai

Sup Forums is fag now.


Try getting it out: ISLAMIC TERRORISM

This has nothing to do with anything else but Islam.

OR you're about to convert, since mudslimes are 100% + jihad against gays.

God's greatest gift to Man was freedom. We are on this Earth because we are free to sin.

As men we have no right to enforce our morality upon others who do no harm to us. Only God can judge homosexuals.

The great threat to Christendom and Western Civilization is Islam. We need to defeat Islam first.

But Jesus would have also told them every chance he had that what they were doing was sin and wrong and will lead them to hell unless the TURN and REPENT. Jesus was a man with great love for us but love isnt always nice.

So how would your tepid, weak-ass ideology combat the mass propaganda war that Hollywood is waging, trying to get us to accept adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism....etc.

Jesus wouldn't condone sitting by and letting your own people be slaughtered by heretics, however degenerate.
"Go and sin no more" is a far cry from "die infidel! Blamblambam."

>with semites prepare for fights

It doesn't get much more jewish than that.

Just kill them all.

That guide is shit. Islam comes from Judaism not Christianity. The split is from Abraham and has nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus could have never come and Islam would still be here.

Tell them to read Romans 1 and see how wrong they are

>an Israeli founded news outlet with a nigger dick shilling queer kike as their most popular author is controlled opposition

No shit.

Eastern Orthodox bro checking in. Homosexuality is viewed as a sin and will always be looked at upon as such. However, it is no greater sin than masturbating to pornography. Sex outside of marriage is a sin whether it's blowing a load into a tissue or up another man's rectum. So I don't look at a gay person as a subhuman or anything like that.

The problem is that mainstream culture has conditioned it to be normal and even celebrated. Therefore, people who engage in homosexual behavior are tricked into thinking that there is nothing wrong with their behavior and that there dis no reason to repent. That's the issue. They won't admit that there's a problem. That's why the Eastern Church will never recognize homosexual marriage both for the sinful nature and even from a Liturgical standpoint. When conducting a marriage, there are parts of the service that specifically refer to men and women conceiving children which is obviously impossible with two men.

And yes, the pic is infuriating. 30 or 40 years ago two guys having intercourse would be considered revolting but now it's accepted as normal. Right now I imagine that most people will think people having intercourse with animals is abnormal, but with enough Jewish propaganda, the masses would easily accept that behavior with open arms at some point in the future

nice screen, 10/10

in meanwhile pope kisses shitskin feet.

Your comment is retarded and I would have banned you myself


I liked it too. I hate nice doctrine. Its a great way to tell if anyone has actually read the gospels or just think they know the stories.

Here have a pic of the proper way to fly your EU flag!

Breitbart was started by a american jew who also was a closet faggot
Most of its corporates are alt right gay jews
Milo is pushing Breitbart's gay agenda among the alt right youth
The drudge report is also owned by an alt right gay jew
You all have been jewed and gay'd

here everyone knows at least about jesus flipping tables, its one of the most popular parts of the bible.

>evangelical crybaby non-issues

Stormfag please go.

gayness is part of all culture you dope,

you should read about the egyptians take on it, in their thing Jesus is raped by the devil and society can only be set right again once they reconcile by creating life,

this is the only inter god conflict in their mythos

>Only God can judge homosexuals.

although most of the judgement comes from themselves

the propaganda war is based around Setianism, the natural opposition and solution to it is Hermeticism

The parasite wishes to infiltrate us. We cannot allow it. It is the enemy.

true, Jesus also would have been in their company too because he came for the lost. So if Jesus were alive today he would be surrounded by faggots and all forms of degeneracy.

Does the fisherman jump into the water to catch fish or does he bring the fish to him on the boat?

Jesus hung out with whores and drunks yes but he wasnt preaching at the orgy or the bar. He caught them with bait when they least expected it (think the woman by the well).

Sup Forums total.y taken over by the JDIF
Sup Forums is controlled opposition

Based OP speaks the truth. Keep on spreading the word user, God be with you.

I'm with you brother.
Crusades when? Who will stand with us?

Nice one, saved.

Do you guys still have hussars for ceremony?

>posts regularly on an imageboard made for weebs that sees more hardcore gay porn than half the internet pass through on a daily basis

get a job you underage closet case

I think we reintroduced them again for ceremonies, if not the govt is already working on that.

The 'alt right' itself is controlled opposition. The jews have their subversive tentacles in every political movement. You literally can not and will not beat them.

>OMG TEH JEWZZZZZ1111111111111

nice red pill OP.

>completely triggered christcuck
