How do I counter this, Sup Forums?


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Read the Qaran.

How does she know Islam is peaceful?

Mohammad was a pedophile warlord. She should read the Koran. Just bc she knows one Muslim dude, doesn't mean all 1.6 billion of them are the same.

Counter that? Just show her what our other allies in the region do. Hangings and beheadings and crucifixions and lashings and amputations. Just flood her with gore from all those "peaceful Muslims". It's not that fucking difficult.

Tell them to keep whitesplaining or christsplaining cultures they have no idea about to you.

Ask her if Muslims are so peaceful and progressive to name a Muslim majority country that is.

The core tenets of it are subjugation of the Kaffir. The peaceful passages have long been since abrogated.

Repeat a lie long enough, and the masses will believe it.


Real Islam doesn't exist.

ISIS is actual Muslims. Fucking No True Scotsman fags.

>Islam is a peaceful religion

show her this channel


Frazee knows what's up



still waiting to see those "refugees" in the news after they carry out some attack

This picture is outdated, muslims accounted for ~4.5% of the population in the UK in 2011, i'd wager it's at least 7% today.


>peaceful religion

Christians: "Hate the sin, love the sinner."
Muslims: "Kill all the gays!"

Liberals: "As you can see, all religions are equally bad!"

>peaceful religion focused on love
That she undoubtedly believes this to be the case just shows the depth of delusion. Not only is Islam not peaceful but almost every time love is mentioned it is contrasted with the requirement to hate non-Islam. Christianity it is not, not even close.


If Islam was a religion of peace then extremists would be extremely peaceful.

Buddhists in Myanmar are attacking Muslims.Now imagine how much of a cunt you have to be in order for monks to want you dead.

That must be painful as hell.


Send her this link

b-but the victims are largely muslim so somehow this means they don't count

Its shit like this that makes me wanna kill myself every single fucking day. feelsbadman

"Religion of peace" is the modern day version of "6 million" and in this day majority of western people believe 6 million jews were killed in jew removal camps.

Also if you dont know that was posted on an article about the Orlando shooting.
>kek muh hateful conservatives not Islam

I never understood why these cucks always use muslims being the main Victims of islamic terrorism as an argument.

Muslims killing other muslims because they are not muslim enough is not a pro islam argument to me

They are nasty cunts, that's for sure. Buddhists are normally pretty chill.

Peacefull islam in France

have a nice day

Oi we have to protect Muslims or risk pushing normal Muslims to join ISIS. Stop spreading all this hate


muslims simply need a "new testament" type thing. The old testament is basically the same as the cockran. (dont eat pigs, murder everyone who dont belive in god ect)


It's pretty easy to prove it's not a peaceful religion if you pick up a chronologically ordered quran.

Why do you use Facebook in the first place?
>Well you see, I'm not like those sheeple. I am 100% aware that they are spying on me and trying to destroy my life!

You don't, we meme away on this Samoan Stone-carving world and watch the world burn and we laugh. We laugh at how shitty thing are and mock those that emphasize "love, understanding & tolerance" as a end all cute all solution.

The truth is that Islam is a totalitarian non-western religious ideology founded by a middle eastern pedophile warlord; a man whom heavily borrowed from Christian-Judean script to instill a sense of purpose and religious fanaticism in his followers.

The religion is a sham designed to make its followers feel superior to he kaffir, and in this hides the danger. They might not feel the need to impose their view upon us now, but watch their insular little societal circles turn against you and growth in their numbers. Eventually they will come for these people that defend their "religion" of peace; they must leave behind their liberal beliefs and convert or die.

And as usual we will laugh, laugh at the shitty state our western and the free world is devolving into. Let them all burn and protect their religion of peace like the useful idiots they are.

>islam is peaceful

just quote the quran desu

There's nothing simple about that.

Because that's all people seem to use to communicate nowadays. I can't seem to shut down without becoming a total shut-in

Christian; hate the sin, love the sinner
Islam; kill all non believers

(Drops mic and leaves)

Maybe highlight the fact that the leader of ISIS majored in Islamic studies?

Also, anyone got that pic of the dude comparing the leftist denying ISIS credit with Monty Python?

>not fake at all



Makes sense to me. I know lots of muslims that don't want to murder anyone, or see anyone murdered. Every time there is a shooting, or an act of terror, they hope it isn't a muslim perpetrator because if it is, they face more hatred.

ISIS are Islam's version of you, Sup Forums. They're a bunch of self entitled pricks who hate everyone that's not like them because "necessity". The difference is they're putting their hatred into action and you guys are crying about it on an image board.

People like the girl in the OP are non-extreme white people. Non-extreme white people and non-extreme muslims get along great.

ask if she read the Qaran/.Why does she thing its a peaceful religion, what does he base that on?


I agree, FUCK Islamophobia.

the reality is that islam isn't inherently violent or peaceful.

violent people use it for violent ends. peaceful people use it for peaceful ends.

remember Sup Forums, if guns don't kill people, people kill people


religion doesn't kill people, people kill people


But the problem arises when mass amounts of people start following an ideology that supports violence. A gun does not support violence, a gun does not tell people what to do.


Islam is inherently an anti-western ideology that seeks political power and theocratic rule.

Indonesia, Tunisia

>those countries
>safe and peaceful
wew lad

its a religion and like all religion it will try to use the most optimal way to spread(which historically has been violence)Christianity used to have various little rules about not marrying people with the same godparent,etc but they had to dump all that in the name of coexistence while Muslims are trying to stay unchanged

But the muslims in those countries aren't peaceful, you dumbass.

and yet, the NRA spends ridiculous dollars every year lobbying government to support its agenda, to prevent the CDC from even investigating gun deaths in America, and to prevent any kind of official inquiry or dialogue into what measures can be reasonably implemented to curtail America's gun violence problem (if indeed there are such measures).

I would argue that in America, the gun actually is an ideology, and I bet that many people who firmly uphold the 2nd amendment would concede that this is true.

And if you accept that the consequence of inaction is violence, then yes, it could be argued that this stalemate supports a violent status quo.

I know that I personally take exception every time someone equates practicing Christians with groups like the KKK. Not being Christian, my exception stems purely from the fact that I recognize the KKK does not represent the mainstream practitioner of Christianity. Similarly, I recognize that ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the occasional rogue cleric do not represent the mainstream practitioner of Islam, that the people it recruits are damaged and deeply misguided or else have warped intentions. ISIS has incredibly low approval among even those muslim populations directly affected by ongoing conflicts - eg Libia, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, etc.

The following article makes this argument rather convincingly, and sources its arguments better than most, if you care enough to read on the subject.

they're as peaceful as non muslims anywhere else

>a fucking leaf
Kill yourself.

you first

Not an argument

Wtf, are these people legitimately retarded?

kek, this is a good one

The only reason why Virginia isn't on the same level as south Dakota is Jiggs and spics


>and to prevent any kind of official inquiry or dialogue into what measures can be reasonably implemented to curtail America's gun violence problem (if indeed there are such measures).

I absolutely agree.

America has relied on the hoplophobic meme for far too long to avoid serious inquiry on how to tangibly curtail America's gun violence problem.

No, they're just pretending.

stop arguing with morons who believe organized religions are devoid of flaws simply because they are foreign and exotic-seeming to them.

I wonder what this would look like overlayed with % of minority population.

Really makes you think

They're not warping it. This is what these people believe. They made their beds. They asked for ISIS and similar groups, and now they join them by the thousands to fight.
The only thing we should be doing is keeping them all out of our countries.

They seem retarded, but it is probably just "virtue signaling", a kind of retarded faggotry where you do all kinds of mental gymnastics to show how humble you are and how sensitive you are to the plight of the oppressed, all while patting yourself and your fellow SJWs on the back for being soooooo good.

>How do I counter this, Sup Forums?

There is no point. Its just a big grab bag of emotional nonsense. Just link her to pew polls on most muslims worldwide being against everything she believes in.

The she calls you a racist and blocks you.

just look at all those nigger filled southern states

It looks like liberals have found an innovative way to miraculously reduce the discrepancy in crime rates between the races.

They can't even write simple English sentences properly. They are at a 3rd grade reading level.

i was eating bruh

That is a very good question.

In short: how to be an unviable lifeform, because those individuals are literally promoting their own extinction.

No way thats real.
There's just no way that law enforcement would lie to change statistics, cops are usually pretty redpilled because they are forced to deal with niggers on a daily basis. lt would be counter productive to their own safety to make people think most crime isn't commited by niggers.

Watch Molyneux's videos on Islam, slavery and the crusades

Lol only Christianity and Islam try to spread, because they're literal cancer. Look at eastern religions, there's no proselytizing and that's why they're so much better.

>Closest ally is Pakistan

Chinks love Muslims

After yesterday's shooting, don't be surprised when the number of "white" homicides increases, just have a look at that whitey, Yaser Abdel Said:

Fucking murdering crackas, man.

like this op

not all muslims fly into buildings
just most
and all it takes is most


Remember not all National Socialists made lamps out of your grandma and soap from the fat of the 6 gorrilion. They were mostly peaceful followers of an ideology that stipulated that Germans were more important than non germans. Only a small minority actively killed the jew, the rest followed Mein Kampf and tried to live their lives as good Germans.

You don't, this is beyond saving. Posting on Sup Forums what this microcephalic cunt manages to produce wouldn't even be taken seriously, it would just be discarded as very low quality bait.

The irrational, unfounded, systematic Naziphobia needs to stop; you aren't allowed to criticize National Socialism until you read the original Mein Kampf in German. #notallnazis