Just waiting until he makes one about orlando

just waiting until he makes one about orlando

Ben "hanging muzzies from the trees" Garrisson?

please post the real version

This pls

>ficke ficke
okay i kekkled

>ficke ficke

>ficke ficke
Dat Ben

LOL sweden on the plank.


>ficke ficke

>fickie fickie
Did Sup Forums invented this pharafraze?


If you're looking for the difference, it's the anchor.

The picture is fairly accurate: It's too late for the UK to save themselves, there's no way 4 paddling dudes could fight the current.

>Britain is finally leaving this diversity
Yeah, how could the EU have led so many white immigrants like Polish into the UK, to take the job of the poor commonwealth immigrants like Pakis or Indians.
After all the UK was basically the KKKs wet dream before they entered the EU.

try harder faggot

Looks pretty redpilled for me. Was Ben always this redpilled, or you guys made him swallow the pill?

Wasn't my creation. Thanks for another version though.


He used to be libertarian, but he's certainly changed a little coming here

maybe the happenings help redpill him?
I remember his cartoons started changing with the rapefugee waves into europe

Look at this. You guys did it.

>Diversity cannon

Yup, we changed him.

>Jew hiding in the hold where the anchor is coming out

Damnit Ben, we don't even have to try anymore.