Homosexuals are ritually beheaded in Mecca, the Spirital Capital of Islam, their Vatican City.
Women are stoned there for sex outside of marriage.
Drinking alcohol will get you 100 public whip lashes.
Leaving Islam will get you stoned to death and your destroyed body crucified.

Imagine that were to happen in the Vatican? Would #NotAllCatholics ever come to be?

All violence against Homosexuals, the Paris pub killings - everything - it is the very core of Islam. Mohamed called for the killing of Unbelievers everywhere. Notallmuslims kill and slaughter, but allmuslims give the feeding ground for the extremist.

48% of Muslims in the UK want homosexuality illegal, 62% in Germany.
1/3 of all Muslims in the UK want Sharia law for the UK.


Other urls found in this thread:




Homosexuality is readily accepted in Islam, so long as its a little boy. Look up dancing boys, muzzies are gayer than actual fags. Little boys dont count as gay somehow because boys dont count as men according to the imans.

If its two grown men on the otherhand then they bust out the beheading sword


Is that why they're so fucked up? Because they get dicked at young?

This is exactly why I go to church. Sure, I don't believe anything that is said there, but what will replace Christ after the fall of the church? Mohamed - not OK.

And that's not even mentioning presenting your booty hole 5 times a day.


>religion that is actually actively against degeneracy
>Sup Forums claims to hate degeneracy
>Yet hates the only religion against degeneracy

This place is bizarre.

The subtilties make the difference and you not being able to make the difference lets me think your IQ is far below average.

Yes, I don't like being cold but I don't want to live in the fucking Sahara.

and what are you gonna do about it?


no one can do anything about it, it's a lost cause

the only bad thing is that i will miss alcohol and watching half naked sluts walking around the streets

So long as they only kill each other and homos I don't care.

Things happen, Macedonian bro, things happen. It will get worse, much worse - and currently things have escalated, gotten out of control.
Soon the winds of change will once again blow upon us.

Crusade when?

Homos attacked Catholics when that religion only "condemned" them, not kill. Yet they don't go after Muslims who actively hate them to a point of wanting them dead.

>right wingers dillema
So is islam based now?
If not then you love homosexuals.

I hate homosexuality, not homosexuals. Well, sometimes I do, but not enough to wish them death. GRIDS is enough.

Christians: "Hate the sin, love the sinner."
Muslims: "Kill all the gays!"

Liberals: "As you can see, all religions are equally bad!"

>religion against drugs and homosexuality
>leftists love tolerance and that shit
>they also love islam

what the fuck

leftists are not patriotic. Hell, thankfully they didn't exist in the past or the Brits would still control us.

Honestly, Islam sounds pretty good. How do they deal with Jews though? That's really my priority.

>implying there will be crusade soon

who is gonna lead the crusade?guys from pic?ahahahaha

You're as dumb as a pile of wood.

Leftists(marxist) hate western civilization, this is their enemy. Islam is also an enemy of western civilization so it's good in their eyes.

Anything anti western is good in their eyes. Anything western is bad.

For example they despise catholics and protestants, but they don't have a problem with eastern christianity even though we're way more conservative than catholicucks.

>implying you wouldn't follow him into the depths of hell itself just for a taste of that sweet kebab blood.

Imagine old, grizzled 90's "war veterans" leading the charge one final time.

I hate dead Americans more than I hate fags

>How do they deal with Jews though?

We kinda don't like them.

>For example they despise catholics and protestants

This shit is not true.We don't hate followers of Abrahamic religions.We kinda loo at them like those who need some upgrading,that's all.If I should choose friend between Bosniak atheist/liberal or religious God fearing Croat(or any other Christian),I would chose religious guy.

>All violence against Homosexuals,
is there really anything wrong with that?

this is seen mostly in the afghanistan area

when the taliban took power, this practice was forbidden, but came back when the americans "freed" afghanistan

And meanwhile American Christians are barbaric because they don't want to bake rainbow cakes for make believe weddings.

>Imagine old, grizzled 90's "war veterans" leading the charge one final time.

they are too old now and capturing and "pic related" would be to easy and boring.younger blood perhaps?

>"war veterans"
You mean unprosecuted genociders?

leftist only like islam since they see it as non-white/non-western

these niggas

Historically, pedastry has been viewed as more "normal" than buggering an adult male in many cultures. Probably because boys and youths were often regarded as more feminine.

Pic related, a köçek (Balkan slave-boy dancer and entertainer for the Turks)

Europeans are really nice until they aren't - people always seem to forget that

I'm talking about western liberals, Haso, they hate protestants and catholics(they hate themselves basically)

Why do you use negro slang words to describe two decent looking white guys.That's just not OK.So tell me,cuz guys in pic are minority,what chances do western decadent pussies have against a death cult in some all out war?

Watch this fellas

>Europeans are really nice until they aren't

This is some other past time.Now,your youth is destroyed by liberal propaganda and it will only get worse by time.I don't hate you guys,but when I look at you I only see decadent weaklings.

>Can't eat pork
>Can't drink beer
>Have to spend an entire fucking month fasting
>Will literally be killed or whipped if you do anything different

Are you seriously asking why Sup Forums isn't with this worthless ass religion?

It wasn't that long ago that American troops were there. A guy I work with was a Marine and shot one of you faggots. Do you not realize that WE have no problem and in fact like killing as many Muslims as possible? The Crusades began on 9/11, we have only had a lull because niggers got a nigger elected.

I need that collage with all the joyful muslim comments on the attack of Orlando, gotta bash a liberal friend who's defending them.



So half dont care about gays and 2/3rd dont want Sharia but British/European law

Sounds like not all Muslims to me m8.

The fact that governments would rather pander to people who would throw their own family in the gutter over people who want a stable society is the scariest shit to most people.

Well everybody likes to get stoned before sex outside of marriage. It's a natural aphrodisiac.

Do you realize half of the Muslim population is far from them being an exception?