Staged or not?
Explain this to me
Other urls found in this thread:
>We got a live one here!!
>Okey get these faggots back into the club so Muhammed can finish them off
>Swedish humor
stick with the cuck jokes, its what you know best
it was probably that these people moved far away from the club during the shooting, and after help arrived and/or the shooter was killed they moved these people into these vehicles
>inb4 shill
What do you think happened?
What's there end goal?
If this happened why did they stage this?
Who gains from this?
Who loses to this?
I mean there's so many questions I have. I really don't know what to think. I honestly believe the FBI had knowledge it was going to happen just like the Boston bombings.
Also what kind of cameraman just stands there and films but doesn't help. Seems wrong.
There was a command center and triage being set up in front of the club.
They may have been carrying these guys to where the ambulances were being centralized.
You need to sometimes take a step back and weigh the options.
1. They're moving these people back to an ambulance or firstaid station.
2. Government conspiracy.
that was funny desu
they were shot, bleeding and all.
here's the original without distortion
The only problem being that both of them are easily believable.
Flip a coin?
I think that fat straw hat faggot is a crisis actor
yes is it
>I believe I am highly intelligent
>Notice a chaotic event that I have never been personally witness to does not play out precisely how I imagine it would
>Since I am more intelligent than the general population, this means the discrepancy between reality and how I imagine reality to be means that sinister and clandestine forces are colluding to deceive the world to an unknown end, and my above average abilities of perception has enabled me to recognize the conspirators' fumbling mistakes whereas the general population would simply accept the untruths being fed to them
>I do not stop to think that maybe the reason why this does not make sense to me is because of my personal lack of experience or because of conditions during the event that are unknown to me that caused things to play out the way they did. I do not have to, however, as my naturally high intelligence makes this unnecessary.
>Every conspiracy theorist ever.
I'm sorry, but if you have a problem questioning the mainstream narrative of things then you are just living blindly in ignorance. I think it's very righteous to be questioning the narrative. Fuck off if you can't keep an open mind.
That was bretty good sven
Omar "Mag dump on the fag rump" Mateen shooting was not a psyop
>Omar "If you're a poof, you're off the roof" Mateen
Omar "Born this way? Then you die today" Mateen
>Omar "Think I'm cute, then I have to shoot" Mateen
Omar "Can't eat cock during Ramadan" Mateen
>Omar "Don't eat ass during my holy fast" Mateen
Omar "Act haram you get harm" Mateen
>Omar "Candy ass turned to glass" Mateen
Omar "The penetrator, no homo" Mateen
>Omar "Put away that peen or get a bullet in you spleen" Mateen
Omar "Tossing grenades at pride parades" Mateen
>Omar "Putting fags into body bags" Mateen
Omar "Emptying my glock on those who like cock" Mateen
>Omar "Stay in the closet or you get put in a casket' Mateen
Omar "Adam and Steve, meet Smith and Wesson" Mateen
>Omar "Lick a thick dick, get bricked quick" Mateen
Omar "Koran says it's a no no so gays have got to go go" Mateen
>Omar "Open gaybar? Allahu Akbar" Mateen
Omar "Make the queer disappear" Mateen
>Omar "Spray the gay away" Mateen
Omar "Put a mag in every fag" Mateen
>Omar "Suck a cock, get the glock" Mateen
Omar "Kiss a man? BLAM" Mateen
>Omar "Giving Queens the M16" Mateen
Omar "If he sucks cock he's going to get shot" Mateen.
>Omar "Wiping the gay club clean" Mateen
Omar "One Man Homocaust" Mateen
>Omar "The Closet Closer" Mateen
Omar "I got something to put in you" Mateen
>Omar "Empty my 9 at the gloryhole line" Mateen
Omar "Fags gon' fall when I shoot 'em all" Mateen
>Omar "What did he mean" Mateen
Omar "Bustin' caps in traps" Mateen
>Omar "God Slay The Queen" Mateen
Omar "It's Raining Lead" Mateen
>Omar "You lick bum? Die like scum" Mateen
Omar "At War with Gaybar" Mateen
>Omar "Not a real Muslim" Mateen
Omar "Happy Ramabomb" Mateen
>Omar "Take a wife or lose your life" Mateen
Omar "Out of the closet and into the casket" Mateen
>Omar "Gay bar? Allahu Akbar" Mateen
Omar "Cho's high score? What a bore!" Mateen
>Omar "Chinaman can't outplan the Imam" Mateen
Omar "Bite the pillow, Pulse is 0" Mateen
Didn't some ex-CIA or some kind of top-spy man once say "Every terror attack on US soil is a false flag"?
A false fag flag if yo will
Well, there you go. Mystery solved.
Plus, I read somewhere his whole family is in deep military-economic ties with Afghanistan and their puppet regime, so it's not really a surprise.
Pretty sure Omar "Quad damage" Mateen just acted upon orders.
staged whenever you hear these media kikes keep bringing up (((911))) you know somehting smells gifilte-ee
Holy shit, that front page.
The problem with these "the media/jew/whoever boogyman is staging violence to take away americans guns" conspiracy theories is that the scenarios are always examples for more people to be armed, not less. If someone/organization was really trying to set up some play to fool people into thinking less guns are a good thing, you'd think it'd be done in a way where the average person wouldn't think "hey maybe if someone less brown had a gun things might of gone differently"
this is the logical conclusion
>inb4 they staged this and used a muslim to perpetrate it because they know if it was a white guy that did it more people would be suspicious there are already confirmed crisis actors involved and they aren't talking! hmmmmmmm wonder why?
>Tossing Grenades at Pride Parades
if every kid learned to shoot in high school like they used to we wouldn't have these problems
>Also what kind of cameraman just stands there and films but doesn't help. Seems wrong.
a fucking mechanical one
Muzlem dindu nuffin day jus false flag
>"Don't eat ass during my holy fast"