John Oliver on Orlando Shooting
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who cares what this cuck thinks about anything
Fucking this, listening to a fucking comedian for political or social direction is one of the worst manifestations of appeal to authority there is.
In a world where politicians have become entertainers, we must look to entertainers for political discourse.
Well, since you can't look to politicians or FOX news for political direction, it's only natural people try to find it somewhere else.
"if you didn't get shot, well congratulations on not sucking a white penis"
He just doesn't get me, he totally misses my funny bone. He should be fired HBHO and replaced with Asian chick better for Culta
is it still current year?
I'm going to not even bother looking at what he said and just shitpost LE ITS LE 2016 xD KEK xD
Why is he upset? Doesnt he know this is just their culture, i mean IT IS the current year you know? Stop being a bigot john
>Latino faggots and themeparks is what makes Murica great.
And listening to social outcasts on a thailand crossword puzzle board is any better?
Braindead user thinks hes morally superior. Sad!
I didn't suggest that anywhere, what are you on about?
>He should be fired and replaced with Asian chick
I like this idea!
Least he called it a terrorist attack and didn't go on a gun control kick.
Pretty good reply familia much respect
>listening to outcasts is better?
We have no financial incentive to push a narrative. Never take anyone that gets a paycheck for their opinions at their word.
Here, people will lie to you because it's funny and your fault for not doing more research.
In both scenarios, you should be pulling primary sources only to formulate an idea of the events taking place.
I would watch her scrunching up her cute little nose and fake raging with knee high socks on, while she pumps her fist in the air and you can buy her panties ...
Can gays give blood in the US?
>FOX news for political direction
You're right, Fox News triggers everyone. It's not a safe space and needs to be dealt with. It's 2016, why are media outlets allowed to be the first to call the shooting in Orlando a case of "Islamic terrorism?"
Yes, they lifted the ban this year.
>not calling him by his meme handle
Islam mandates Sharia Law.
Sharia Law is government.
Islam is a government and should be treated the same as an invading country, as a threat to national sovereignty.
No. Faggots btfo and triggered when they realize their lifestyle spreads hiv and aids all together.
Anyone implying gun control is the answer:
Banning guns didn't help France, your argument is invalid.
what he said was pretty alright, no liberal bullshit there.
reading the newspaper or watching news on the tv is boring as shit
it's only natural that normies would be attracted to this kind of things
Not even going to watch it because this limey cocksucker does nothing but piss me off but let me guess he goes on about homophobia and that favorite of smug Brit criticism of America "WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE GUNS, COME ON" but never actually mentioning Islam.
>America is great because of degenerate enabling
>The pain is familiar
What pain is he talking about? Because quite frankly, alt news has ruined me to the point that I can see behind the curtain. There is only anger.
why he cant stop smiling? he thinks its funny. isnt he a sjw?
From now on posting this fag is like posting mlp shit, it's not allowed here
so youre saying because a faggy country such as France couldnt deal with their guns, the amazing UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will do the same?
Are you implying USA is as great as shitty france?
damn, where did your self esteem go faggot
Fucking nice flag pham
I wonder if any of the people giving blood are muslim lol
Wait isn't it against their religion to go in to politics. So in enforcing their law they need to be beheaded as they are going into politics.
>no political views
>no bullshit about guns
>actualy saying it was a terrorist act
Im actualy surprised.
The shills are getting better, aren't they? Yeah, we should totally discount what is discussed on this site because this faggot managed to format his horseshit like a Trump tweet.
in times of jihad all things can be justified in order to overcome the status quo. Including eating pork if need be. In otherwords 'if your local imam says its ok, then its fine'
Father of "normal first generation immigrant"
Syntax so Jewish, your flag is redundant. Cut me a deal on it, why don't you?
Wow, he didn't beg for gun control, talk about homophobia or islamophobia, etc. I'm impressed.
>good people outnumber the dipshits
Hooray Johnnyboy you've found the answer to all problems in the world. It's OK that this happens, as long as we don't spread hate and love each other through hard times. That will show the dipshits of the world
You might want to make your shilling a bit more subtle next time.
Yeah let's look to paid shills who don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about instead of reading a book you fucking leaf
He called the terrorist a dipshit. Is that racist?
i hate le current year man as much as the rest of you, but did anyone even watch this video? I see only a couple posts in this thread that seem like they are from people who watched the video
I am surprised that he didnt say anything about gun control and he didnt say anything about standing up for muslims (though he subtly implies this by calling the terrorist a dipshit). He really could have done a lot worse
He always has a goofy "punch me square in the face" look about him all the time, he can't help it seems.
It was just the obligatory 'bad shit happened today, but we are here to laugh' stuff. Then he said people were lined up to give blood. That's good.
It wasn't really interesting.
A fucking... leaf?
well, at least he had a better response to it than Obongo. Even when he was nearly crying big crocodile tears
No connections to usa govt people
I can't imagine being this dumb and spiteful that you actually reach this far to criticize a hopeful message. Were you expecting him to offer a pragmatic solution to global terrorism in the 1 minute video proceeding his comedy show?
I did click this tripe, and no he didn't do any better than previous attempts. He is not some Comedy Chimera, he is a good writer. I don't care for his clearly borrowed style of delivery, and just because of accent Americans laugh at him..
is this an actual quote? because it made me laugh.
Can't be fucked to watch, please can someone give me a synopsis of Le 2015 Man's opinion?
He said a lot of nothing.
They can't have had sex within the past year.
There was some sort of bug where the Florida database was still operating off the old rules that had a lifetime ban though so a bunch of people were unfairly denied.
Who the fuck is John Oliver?
I can't stand this asshole but that was well said.
fucking this
Must be great being blue-pilled and being able to enjoy this guy's show.
they are known carriers of disease
No thanks, every time I've heard this guy speak, I've felt I've just been becoming dumber
dont give this embarrasment any views
i don't have to watch it to tell you it goes something like
Aren't you all sick of hopeful messages though? At what point will you say that enough is enough? When will it be time to look at fixing the real problem instead of saying "Oh well, shit happens. We can pull through this guys".
I apologize for this thing.
I hate to admit but it but yes.
Hope and Prayers won't stop more Muslims from killing our western society.
>God sent a muslim
Islam confirmed for the one true religion.
Who cares what this booger eating snaggled toothed clown says? He's unfunny and just whines, pisses and moans about politics which he's completely biased towards the extreme left.
Fox news triggers you bro? Why? Don't you wish big bad Fox news went away and it was all government funded manipulated news like you guys get for the most part in all EU states?
yeah but that goes back to the court jesters that could actually say something political without getting in trouble for it
his accent is so fucking fake. all i keep hearing is slight variations of OY
let me guess? he blames guns and avoid using the word "islam"?
by ignoring it his allowing it.
If you actually watch the video you'll see it was actually a well done segment. He didn't make it about gun control or the right blaming mudslimes he simply said fuck the terrorist and instead focus on and be proud of how all the blood donors and doctors who helped in this tradegy came together.
Honestly the news media giving all these killers so much attention is a big reinforcer of their actions like scolding a bad child who otherwise would get no attention at all. I hate current year man but all the other news media needs to mimick him in this regard.
Ban this hate preacher.
It is allowed to be posted because it's freedom of speech.
Oh wait, you're against free speech.
Nope. They only give the killers attention when they're white. I saw more headlines about his father and people talking about Trump than this shitstain.
john oliver is a lil faggot bitch nigga who only lives because other people fight for the system he leeches off of. fucking parasite scum.
This and this
People taking political advice from a tv-host are idiots. Specially if you listen to someone like John Oliver
Fox sucks just as much.
Limousine liberal faggot.
Love to kick his teeth in.
what is the solution here? The guy had a million red flags and brought the guns like a day before he did this.
Just a friendly reminder that actions speak louder than any words John-Boy. In your case you're choosing the wrong action...
How delusional are you? Every single major news network around the world talked about this and guess what Trump and his father were talking about, him.
You're fucking delusional user. His name was utter millions of times yesterday and you're saying he didn't get any attention?
Sup Forums is fucking stupid