MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

It isn't a movement. It is a lifestyle. It is a total rejection of marriage. It is a commitment to remaining a single man. To never put yourself in a situation where a woman can use the state against you.

Most of you are MGTOW and don't even realize it. It is the way of the future. 70% of all men under the age of 35 are not married.

Why is this significant? It is significant because that means the vast majority of the men in our generation are MGTOW and they don't even realize it. They became MGTOW naturally, without having to be encouraged to do so.

Reject marriage. Let the other shoe of the feminist movement drop.

Other urls found in this thread:

To secure a bright future for your country and race you need to find a proper woman and build a good family.
Family is a basic cell of the Nation.
This is another jewish method to destroy our race

so where will you go when there aren't enough white men to secure a first-world civilised society with a high quality of life?

In the year 2060, the white race will constitute 10% of the world population. This is due to the fact that most white people live in more advanced cultures and have access to birth control and western women have educations/careers and due to the fact that in Africa and Asia, women do not have universal access to birth control and are generally uneducated/don't have career options. From now until 2060, Africa and Asia will produce a shitload of children, and their child production will take the world population from 7 billion to 11.5 billion. There is no amount of fucking white people can currently do that will undo the demographic growth of those two peoples. Our fate as a minority on this planet is sealed. Aside from mass genocide or a plague, nothing will undo it.

But here's the thing. Despite white people being a minority, in 2060 there will be more than 1 BILLION of us. 10% of the population and still there will be a BILLION of us. The white race isn't going anywhere. The notion that we are under threat of extinction is propaganda stormfags use to grow their ranks here. Stop drinking their kool-aid and grow a pair.

This is honestly the most retarded movement of movements, its the literal jew.
It's the embodiment of "if you put out the fire the fire wins".
Not to mention its actively advocating white genocide since your not producing children.

MGTOW = White Genocide and decline in traditional values.

I mean what do these faggots think, they'll stop courting women and so women will get mad because they can't leech off MGTOW men? No your just handing away all male roles in society to women by retreating to a neetshell """superiority"""

Fuck yeah OP

MGTOW is not a movement. It's a lifestyle.
In order to be MGTOW, all you have to do is not enter into a relationship with a woman.
That's it. That's all it is.
Its easy to mistake MGTOW for a movement, because men who begin living this lifestyle find it improves their quality of life so much that they feel compelled to share their way of life with other men. There is no more organization behind this compulsion to share the benefits of our lifestyle than there is in recommending to someone that they go see a good movie.
It's a grassroots, spontaneous male awakening to the parasitical nature of women regardless of political affiliations.

it is true pham. the women I could have are at least 2 of the following:
>have to high expectations

the only way out would be if I bettered myself, which I try and fail over and over and over again

Enjoy giving your balls to a woman only to be patted on the head like a dog.

So where the fuck do you find nice women?

The ones that are into me are boring as all hell. Actually now that I think of it, almost all women are boring as fuck.

Nah you just need an artificial womb and two dad's.

My upstairs neighbor asked me watch her 3 year old son so she could go stripping on Saturday night 7 - midnight.

The kid was cool, and I got paid 30$ I made a better parent than she did in less than 4 hours.

Still she had the gaul to ask me the next day if we could make this a regular kind of deal.

Modern women are the worst fucking caretakers.

>There is no amount of fucking white people can currently do that will undo the demographic growth of those two peoples.
what about Zika, ebola and AIDs??

>I'm a virgin on purpose, I swear!

MGTOW is a movement for butt hurt fags who are sad they suck at life and can't vet a woman properly before dating them.

White race may be gone in your countries especially when you advocate bullshit hedonistic lifestyle like this.
Here things won't change

You aren't even aware that you are using female shaming tactics.

i love aussie bants

i would be wary of this

This shit is retarded and stems from a lack of ambition and indulgence in degeneracy. You will never find happiness from this movement.

If you're MGTOW, you're essentially no better than the narcissistic destructive promiscuous lowbrow scum of the world you all tend to hate so much.

>join a lifestyle that decimates western birthrates so you can play video games all day and live on a safe space where women can't hurt you...because they're going to hurt you...WOMEN ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR MEMES DONT LET THEM REEEEEEE!!!

All MGTOW faggots are gigantic pussies and will never know the joy of teaching your sons that women are things to be played with.

Inb4: herrrderrrr your wife is gonna take them away, bbc bantz, courtroom propaganda and other useless factoids.

>not mastering the art of making your woman go your way as well
fucking betas


Japan and Korea are whiter than you just saying.

You are severely misinformed my friend.

MGTOW aka feminist equivalent of the male gender. SAD!

Women are the ones that have sexual power. Stop acting like you do.

Fuck off R9K

You're fucking pathedic

If you really want a detailed explanation, here is the long version of the worlds projected population growth expectations.

MGTOW = Single and writing a blog about it.

If you really want female companionship, work for it. Just because most women are useless whores does not mean we will salute you for giving up and telling us all about how it isn't your fault you failed.
MGTOW is a cult for millennials that think doing nothing is a great way to get what they think they deserve.

Apples to oranges. I'll marry when an actual woman stumbles into my life. Until then bitches can get bent and I'll spend my 20s preparing an empire for my children to inherit.

This Thursday I'm headed out of town for two weeks so she won't even be able to bother me.

I had fun taking care of the kid, we just tossed a ball back and forth the entire time.

I don't really understand why she wouldn't want to hang out with her own kid, I'm just disgusted she practically is trying to give it to me every weekend so she can go strip for money.

She has a husband he's a (businessman travels around a lot) definitely something fuckin shady going on but I keep my nose outta that shit.

I'm just undesirable and pretty ugly. I'm also Hispanic, so that doesn't help.

I'm happier on my own and doing pretty well.

You tossed a ball back and forth for 5 hours?

I'm not MGTOW, but I have extremely low patience with women. As soon as they start pissing about I break up with them.
i don't see the point, life is too short.
You either want to be with me and spend time with me or don't.

That's why I'm single, because women just piss about and I don't have the patience for it.

Whatever makes you sleep at night m8
I'm going to a mass right now enjoy your dindus Burger

So let's say you save "all this money and time" because you're MGTOW and are completely immune to women's schemes. Where are you going to invest it all if not into your family and children?

You are letting your bloodline die you idiot. No amount of money or time is worth literally removing yourself and your culture from this Earth. What successful culture falls for fucking self-imposed celibacy? It's the cuckiest possible movement. You're wearing a mental chastity belt.


MGTOW is destroying the west.

You know how you fix women?

You become a well rounded chad with social influence.

But of course that's too much work and you'd rather play video games all day and jerk off.

Fuck off, family is the foundation of nations

>play video games all day and jerk off
The dream

You're right MGTOW isn't a movement, it's a reaction. The liberal agenda and feminism have destroyed traditional family roles. And sure, you may be free and happy for the time being, but it will eventually lead to the destruction of society. The reason why you see so man y men as "MGTOW" without even knowing it is because the decline has begun. It's not a good thing, we can't reproduce asexually.

Yeah (I didn't mind it was kind of cute if you ask me) if you get left alone with a kid your natural instincts kick in, same for the kid really we were practically attached to one another (he would hold my finger and drag me around my apartment)

To make this story more fucked up I've probably only had 3 conversations with this lady and she just left her son with me a total god damn stranger.

I'd be pissed if I was the kids Dad it's just a sad world we live in you know?

It's for the better that the genetic trash will exit the game by its own will. The genetically superior ones will still get laid and impregnate women.

So it's good, if being a MGTOW man makes you feel better, then go for it by all means.


MGTOW is the excuse they need when people ask why they don't have a woman. Hard to say you go your own way when you didn't have much choice to begin with.

>You're right MGTOW isn't a movement, it's a reaction.
It's inaction. You're choosing to respond to a problem by not participating. I'm sure women will wise up and realize that you were a great guy all along if you move in with your mother and speedrun ocarina of time in your underwear for the next two decades.

Thats called being used and it's your fault for being weak.

Lifestyle/Movement. Not an argument, bottomline is that its harmful to society in the longrun. No kids = no future for your country.
If you wanna see where being MGTOW takes you in life just head over to wizchan

I have sex all the time. I pay for it directly.

I know two 19 year old strippers and one 20 year old stripper who moonlight as prostitutes when they aren't dancing. They charge between $90- $150. The 19 year old who charges me $90 gives me a discount for being quick. 15 minutes sessions. She's in and out of my place in less than 20 minutes, usually.

I have a maid clean my house. She'll suck my dick for $15.
Most women are whores. Having sex is not difficult and whether or not you have sex has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you are MGTOW.

If someone is dumb enough to embrace an ideology that is incompatible with procreation, then he does society a favor by pulling himself out of the gene pool.

hol up

i thought that falling for the marriage meme is destroying the white race

It's a natural response you idiot, it's just a fact that dating is fucked up... even if we MGTOW didn't try to be MGTOW we still would be MGTOW in some way because we realize subconciously that we are being fucked over. Yeah ok youre right about the bloodline, be lucky you alpha have more chicks to fuck now. Go ahead mr alpha and spread your seed.

Its backlash to SJW cultral forced acceptism of degeneracy and is good but needs more organization.Get off websites and start creating political organizations and a political party.
Mens rights movement.Until you have done marriage and been fucked by it you dont understand what is going on.Women dont want cis males silenced,they want us dead or in jail.This is real and extends way beyond people you have to tolerate on the street.Laws are being enacted everyday that are getting us imprisoned for simply defending ourselves and our right to live as free citizens.Shit has to stop.

If traditional family roles have been destroyed, it's up to you to rebuild them.

Possibly, but I'm always willing to extend at least one act of kindness to a stranger in hopes the universe will reward me down the line.

She made it sound like an emergency when she asked the first time so I didn't mind.

When she tried to make it into a regular thing I put my foot down and said "I'm not looking to be a baby sitter or anything."

I can't believe a man who has a job that requires him to travel would marry a woman who gets an income from stripping

All these anti MGTOW fags.

I didn't realize feminism had taken over Sup Forums so much.

>Find qt conservative good girl
>Date her, vet her properly, her parents are good, no strange past dating habits
>Everything seems well, she is sane, stable, productive
>Get married, she gets pregnant
>Have kid
>Things start turning weird
>She starts cheating on you, even though you provide epic romantic sex
>She files for divorce after you find out
>She is awarded the house, the kids, 50% of your monthly earnings for all eternity

Just daily life in a non MGTOW man who thought through hard work and manning up that he could have the dream.

Rejecting marriage is retarded.

>eventually lead to the destruction of society

Our society was destroyed years ago by cuntification and immigration caused by cuntification

>this lonely faggot thread again
you're just as bad as lesbians, the only reason you want to go your own way is because the only bitches who want to fuck you are devoid of moral standards and good looks

>because ideologies are inherited genetically.

I can't fix stupid. You're on your own.

This was her "first time" can you believe it user?!

mandatory for every MGTOW shill thread

>>She starts cheating on you, even though you provide epic romantic sex
I was going to make a serious reply to shit on you, but that made me laugh out loud. You made me wake up my cat now i have to go feed him you faggot

>>She starts cheating on you, even though you provide epic romantic sex
Contrary to memes a minority of people ever cheat on their partners.

might as well neuter yourself.

Why do you think MGTOW happened? Because so called alphas white knighted like shit for women in the west, leading to the situation in the first place.

I assert that traditional women are worse relationship material than feminists. Here is why:


I hate feminism. My assertion that traditional women are worse relationship material than feminists is not an endorsement of feminism.

It seems to me that there is a common misconception that traditional women are the antithesis of feminism. They are not. I assert that a traditional woman is nothing more than a feminist who wants to get her slaves back.

Traditional women are much more harmful to men than feminists.

At least you got paid for it.
Only problem is you've got to ask yourself "what made them think I'd be so willing to do this for them"
Chances are it's because they think lowly of you. Also karma is a spook.

>Crazy cat lady: male edition
Yeah nah, fuck off jew.

Find a qt girl, marry her and have multiple white children.

>He wants to be egalitarian
When will you faggots fuck off and realize that men and women are different, and that this means that men and women should have different rights and duties within the family structure. Chivalry is just part of being a man.

Women are being told by society and media that they no longer half to follow a standard anymore. Now men are following them, and no longer conforming to their standard. The only way to stop it is to end the liberal agenda and stop feminism. And there is a backlash, but there's no telling how far it's going to get, and if it will be enough. Trump and what he represents is our last hope.

Pic related is a classic for a reason.

Raising a family in Hell is retarded.

>Implying us loners are gay
I would never do anything gay. I like my 2d waifu and nothing more. Real sex is dumb and dangerous so we have nice clean 2d waifus.

The predisposition to idiocy is mostly genetically transmitted and so is the bad judgment that leads in embracing destructive ideologies.

You sir have been awarded oppression points. Use them wisely

Yeah give spend the money for women instead goy. Be a good goy and buy her that diamond ring goy. Love is real goy, we didn't invent it for movies and books which we write.

That video is critical of the traditional woman speaking during the first 8 minutes.

It's not even karma entirely, you can ask people you help for connections it's all about extending your network.

Love is a source of strength

Hate is a source of strength

both are tools you have to adapt to situations into your later advantages.

I have a friend who needs a job and this lady runs a couple Mexican food trucks around town. You can worm your buddy's into jobs and get free food if you're a good enough manager of people.

so the purpose of men is to fuck as many women as possible while the purpose of women is to fuck only one guy? Only way that can be achieved is with a harem. Are you a muslim polygamist? Jeez, I hope you don't get to own assault rifles.

Employment is mandatory.

And I am saying that there is nothing wrong with men and women being treated differently.

Hope you remember those words when you are alone on your deathbed and realize you left no legacy whatsoever in this world, that nothing has been marked with your name on it.

a shut in is of no more use if not less use to society than a gay, therefore equivalent to being gay and should be treated as such


Treat women like women and whores like whores, do not submit or you are a pussy whipped cuck

I am going to weigh in here
>married to red pilled wife
>house, cars.

Before the kid my wife was a hot skinny blonde, we always had great sex and we used to stay up just bantering n making each other laugh

But pregnancy changed all that. She got fat, her personality changed for the worse and now I feel trapped in my home. It really sucks her attitude is 'im happy like this being fat because we have a son now'. While I still workout 4 times a week. It's fucking fucked and there is no more sex, no more her wearing sexy clothes and no more even just spending time like we used to. I am seriously considering about cutting my losses in the next 12months and live as a fuckin hermit cos now I've got a kid I probly won't ever get much pussy again.

The only thing that will reverse the trend is men and women seeing functioning families and choosing to live a decent life instead of a pointless existence as singles.
MGTOW like most other identity politics or social justice movements have no positive goals, they're all about planting your feet in the ground and crying like a babby.

Being a MGTOW wont get you a family and a future, that requires you to be a man and fighting for what you want. I know the game is rigged against you, but the only way to get what you want is to go for it, please don't delude yourself into thinking that a ideology of despair will give you anything but loneliness and misery.

Trump wont fix anything for you either, it's all on you. Stop giving a shit what the media, or any other outlet of bullshit says or does. Make your own life.


That's one way of making excuses for not getting laid.

This is a bullshit justification. Do you honestly think other people buy this crap? Remember to craft your justifications so that a feminist who's willing to listen (trust me, they exist) can be shifted towards a less extreme position. You have to make people believe that "Ah, after all the other side is not as retarded as I thought!".

And I'm saying that it is possible to critically evaluate the traditional gender roles typically associated the with the nuclear family in a pro-male, anti-feminist manner. You won't even listen to the argument and yet you're criticizing it.

>in hopes the universe will reward me in time
you should have just said it as it is, but i agree

You don't have to get married to make kids, faggot.

>Wanting more single mothers

Dating is important. You have to test the girl. You did not test her or you did but you suffered from oneitis.

>“The ones who are very serious get married early. And that leaves the majority of the girls, then, by the time they’re 25 and into their first jobs, the pickings are very, very slim for them. And Mark Regnerus was very, very clear that the quote ‘good girls’ are the ones who are at risk now in terms of not being able to get married.”

What? It's the opposite. Sensible men want the good girl as a wife, while they usually have no problems having casual sex with sluts.

>But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out. “A lot of women fear marriage. While feminism is a spent force, the ultimate consequences of that philosophy is a whole generation of women who don’t want any man to tell them what to do, and don’t really understand the give and take that is necessary for a marriage relationship.”

The problem is western women are brainwashed from the youth to be strong and independent, and to have a career before kids. Then they jump into marriage with the first suitable guy and because it's the "right thing to do", and wonder why they feel so alienated. Then they live on and the woman secretly despises her man, and she can't figure out why she's so unhappy. They can't have their cake and eat it too.

“Feminism was supposed to bring women happiness,” Crouse said. “But the research shows that women today are much more unhappy then they have been in the past. They’ve ended up with far more opportunities, but their personal happiness is way down.”

And there you have it from the horses mouth. You reap what you sow. If there's any hope in this god-forsaken earth, western people will some day come to their senses why marriage was once pushed from an early age to men and women. Destroy the family unit, you destroy the society, and in our case, the western civilization.

have you forgotten where you are?

well then it would follow that a good man is the one that only sleeps with a women when he commits. but the pic says something different.

Have fun dying alone.

Op here,
This is the short version of what I'm talking about:

A traditional woman rules her household by feigning weakness, wrapping her gullible, easily manipulated provision drone around her finger like a puppet on a string.

>you are trapped. you're wife is using the state to hold you hostage financially.

>You become a well rounded chad with social influence.

You're delusional if you think this. Women will become complacent even if you're a millionaire celebrity.

In other words op is a virgin and will never get laid so he gave himself a label to make him feel better about never getting laid

news flash

everyone does.

Don't worry no one wants a fat American like you anyways

The best solution, really, is to become Chad but not behave like Chad. I know this is fucking hard for many guys, so that's why it probably will not happen.

That or a simple political revolution on the part of all the beta males (who've got the numbers) against the alphas. This has actually happened in the past and is recurrent in the animal kingdom.