
>be america
>get shot
>get shot

Other urls found in this thread:[email protected]/0/44e7066a7d173... crime/assault.html crime.html

>be french
>get shot


>be British
>get stabbed
>get turned into femboi by gang of angry Pakistanis

>be burger
>own 6 guns
>never shot anyone
>never been shot at

>be australian


>be canadian
>get shot on vacation
>I'm sorry

>be murican
>conceal carry
>get shot at
>shoot back

>get shot
>godamn muslims
>get arrested for hate speech

>be spanish
>no job
>hope to be reborn in a 1st world country

>Implying that AR-15 is superior rifle and not just popular due to being the cheapest modern .223/5.56 semi auto on the market.
>Scary black gun syndrome.

I'd rather die than give up my rights, aussie. Once you take away people's gun rights their governments always become more authoritarian. Examples: EU, USSR, China, etc..

Based leaf.

>be american
>conceal carry
>walk into gay bar
>go shooting

>be swiss
>have gun


>be aussie have to get a license to use a paint gun

he had a glock with a lot of clips in it

Aussies mad they can't play with the big boy guns :^(

>be aussie
>possess the well known superior long range weapon
>the boomerang
>dont need license


I would rather be shot than give up a single freedom. I will not be disarmed.

Making memes when he knows he has less rights than we do. Poor little fella.



Fuck all of you anti-gun faggots trying to tell America what to do

You've already ruined your country, my country, and every other one.

Don't ruin the last free country in the world

>An Aussie could still legally obtain a semi-automatic .223 rifle if they participate in shooting sports.
>Most low capacity magazines are just high capacity magazines with pins in them to prevent loading past legal magazine limit.
>Anybody fixing to go on a shooting rampage knows this.
>Kangaroo-fuckers not safe.

>mfw getting shot is a right in America

Israel too

>be american
>get shot by white evangelical
>media ignores it because shooter was white
>law makers ignore it
>tonns of people die from senssless gun violence
>no background checks
>no limits on firearm sales

fuck this

hilarious how there was actually an armed person inside, and the nigger still went apeshit for hours undisturbed. of course the hicks are going to ignore that detail.

>be French
>be nogunz
>still get killed by two mass shootings by muslims

>making memes when he knows he runs the risk of being shot in any public space because 'muh freedom'

change an amendment that affects 50mil people as opposed to making a law that watches muslims, bans them from purchasing guns


You have laws telling you how to cross a road. Your 'police' kill people and away with all the time. You're authoritarian through and through. Wake up.


And niggers. Most gun violence is black on black or black on white.

>media ignores it because shooter was white
I know this is a joke post but there are people that actually believe this and it makes me mad

Come to America, friend. We need more like you here.

There's no doubt in my mind that the Assault Rifle-15 needs to be banned. Those high capacity clips are too dangerous in the hands of the public. The founding fathers only had muskets in mind when they wrote the constitution. It's time to get real and stop the needless deaths.

> be australian
> the streets are covered with emu war veterans passed out in the middle of the dirt road from sniffing too much gasoline
>young soldiers are returning from the frontlines of the carp war, covered in the blood of their brothers in arms
>carp used splash
>it was very effective
Nevar forget

>be black
>stopped by violent thug cop
>pats me down, I conform
>cop suddenly kills me
>media ignlres it cause black
>cop isnt charged for murder
>cops rampage while racist media covers it up

this no gunz faggot

So tell me faggot, how will disarming law abiding people stop the criminals from breaking the law?

>There's no doubt in my mind that the Assault Rifle-15 needs to be banned. Those high capacity clips are too dangerous in the hands of the public. The founding fathers only had muskets in mind when they wrote the constitution. It's time to get real and stop the needless deaths.

Whenever an ausfaggot makes a thread like this just post the following


Our ex prime minister john howard got on your tv last night to LIE to your nation that gun control worked down under.

I am here to give you the real facts and dispute every single one of his lies with cited sources. Your job is then to save all these facts and BTFO anyone who tries to lie that aussie gun control worked. You will prevent the tragedy that happened to us happening in your nation and perhaps even redpill a few of my own countrymen as to the lies we've been fed.

>John howard claimed we have not had a mass shooting since port arthur
We have had FOUR since.
The hunt family murders
The recent sydney seige

Now time for some bonus points. Last week in victoria we've had 15 shootings, source below. We also had ANOTHER seige in sydney in the last week.
This is the first lie they push about our country. That the violence stopped. It did not stop, it has been brutally supressed due to gag and control orders on our media.

I find it amusing that people who want to ban guns thinking it will reduce gun crime.
Especially when they point to Australia as being a "gun control success story".

Australia is having an increase in crime, and has had one since the gun ban in 1997. Gun crime HAS gone down, yet what anti-gunners will not tell you is that it was dropping BEFORE the ban.
Link:[email protected]/0/44e7066a7d173...

Did you know: one in ten of all guns seized by police from criminals in Australia is a DIY submachine gun?
Here are some articles showing the major failures of Australia's "tough" gun laws you won't see on TV-
I found these in less than 10 minutes:

As you can see here:

>Assault rose crime/assault.html

>Sexual assault rose for 5-6 years following, before dropping off. Kidnapping also rose. crime.html

Go to America, friend. You'd make an extra target while getting shot so burger has an extra chance to survive

makes me reee

Too obvious.

Are you even trying to groll anymore?

>killing legitimate criminal niggers is a bad thing
>traffic laws are authoritarian
Holy shit you're really reaching aren't you?

It happened in a gun free zone.

If dozens of people in that crowded nightclub had the freedom to pull out guns in the chaos, things might have ended better.

Damn that's a lot of high capacity magaclips.

Haha. Assault rifle 15. It actually stands for Armalite model 15... Ban what you can't even name.

>>be america
>>get at shot
shoot back
>>but MUH GUNS
>>get at shot
shoot back

fixed that for you. they only people who are getting shot are the ones who want to ban the 2ND AMENDMENT and that are scared of guns.

Its not like there are all kinds of other semi-automatic rifles either

Just ban the AR15 though

Ya know, America's growing symbol for a stand against tyranny.


It's my dream to live in America but unfortunately I can't because of all the bullshit in the way of immigrating there.

I can only hope for Trump to win and allow some white europoors in pursuit of freedom to come there.

>no way to defend your Sheila when Mohamed comes

>ever having guns

If it were up to me we'd have only white immigrants, friend. Best of luck.

Not when I'm better armed than they are.

More like:

>be American
>get shot by nigger with an illegal/unlicensed firearm
>does not get covered by news
>hundreds of thousands like me
>niggers shoot other niggers increasing numbers
>no news coverage.

>one white cop shoots a criminal who's charging them.
>National state of emergency
>niggers chimp out because their lives matter.
>Angry libshits and jealous Europoors call for ban on black colored salt rifles
>legal guns taken away... Illegal guns continue to flow in.
>niggers keep nigging

>Haha. Assault rifle 15. It actually stands for Armalite model 15... Ban what you can't even name.
Their beliefs reside in the land of feelings and opinions. So of course they don't actually have facts to back up their positions.

>percentage of AR15s used in crimes: .0001%


This hurt my neck

Anyways how much does something like that cost you in America on average?

>no way to defend your freedom from immigrants when Hilary becomes president

>be in America
>Muslim sand nigger shoots gays
>"white Christians are to blame"


Australia really needs to be IP banned.

It's just embarrassing to watch at this point.

>tfw everything you post is complete shit
>literally could not give a shit about america
>country has way bigger problems than gun laws


>Disarming law abiding people will keep criminals from breaking the law.

>Banning law abiding muslims will keep criminals from shooting americans

Criminals in America overwhelmingly shoot each other. It's not really an issue.

But please, continue shitposting.

I'm happy for you that you're good at something.

Sorry for some reason the image got inverted. I got the FNAR for 1100 back when they were going for about 1500 and I got the Scar for 2400 the mk4 was another 1400 and the t1 on a 45 degree cant was 650 the Harris bipod was about a hundred and the scope mounts were like 250 total. So the Total for the Scar was about five grand, but god it's a fantastic shooting rifle. It shoots sub MOA with cheap range ammo.

If you ban guns you will be able to enjoy far far more diversity. Stabbings don't catch the same headlines.

>>Banning law abiding muslims will keep criminals from shooting americans
Well Muslims and Arabs should be banned. They don't belong in White countries.

> banning law abiding muslims
> law abiding

Next tell me about the law abiding niggers, or the non-greedy jews and how they make all the difference.

What a fucking shithole, why don't we just nuke the US? Seriously

>Nukes spics barely have electricity.

Is your grandma on a bike peddling her heart out powering your Apple II so you can shitpost here?

>love u american

You don't have any for starters. Secondly if there hadn't been so many gay mexicans to shoot and Don QuiHodor our peaceful muslim friend could have never gotten the high score.

>be Australian
>wake up
>wipe spiders off shitposting certificate
>go to toilet
>get bitten on the ass by a snake
>call ambulance
>it arrives
>abbos huff the ambulance's petrol whilst they are inside
>call taxi
>taxi driver dies from heatstroke on the way
>start running to hospital
>nearest hospital is 17 towns away
>trip over an abbo in the middle of the street
>make it to the hospital
>lie in hospital bed
>open Sup Forums
>type "be american" "get shot"
>shit Australian internet dies

Nuke you ? Mexico ? Nah we're too busy enjoying the guacamole tacos and fine asses.

Someone else should nuke the US though, i mean we can all agree it's retardo land beyond repair.

>Nah we're too busy enjoying the guacamole tacos and fine asses.
Don't forget the crippling drug trade and the torture, rape and murder that goes along with it.

>Someone else should nuke the US though, i mean we can all agree it's retardo land beyond repair.
Said Paco from Spictania.

Don't you have a wall to be paying for?

>be swedish woman
>walk on street late at night
>get raped by muslims
>call the police
>arrested for racism

>be american woman
>walk on street late at night
>muslims approach
>shoot muslims


>Babby's first polemic candidate
Even if he wins he can't and won't be bothered to make anyone pay for walls.

Don't you have some muslim cock to
be choking on right now friendo ?


But you should make sure you don't get skinned alive in the meantime, you can't pay for the wall if that happens

>Your 'police' kill people

>Your police kill """""""people"""""""


Dude, American liberalism ruined the west. Where do you think this 'nation of immigrants' bullshit came from? We have blacks in the UK who came here in the 1950's to work talking like they were the decedents of slaves.

>not embracing the beauty of the 2nd amendment
>not enjoying all that freedom

You also never made any effort to integrate them, now you sow what you reap.

Why does anyone voluntarily live in Australia? It was selected as a penal colony for a reason.

Everything is venomous, there are fucking huge insects, it's hot as balls, wild fires all the time, sharks and box jellies attack you in the water, spiders and snakes attack you on land, the emus run amok and rape your women, there are rolling blackouts every day, the economy sucks, it's a fucking liberal shithole with no guns, everyone's ancestors were convicts, the abbos can't be exterminated, and you have to kill 8 cane toads before breakfast


>conceal carry
>walk into gay bar
I don't think so, Tim.

we've never known any different

it's also why kids born in 97 are very anti gun, seeing as they've never got to experience freedom