If there was a God, all of the Middle East would get glassed in nuclear fire

No God with any shred of benevolence would tolerate these semitic subhumans to live and spread their genetic toxicity throughout the world. You can't prove me wrong.


Other urls found in this thread:


Werent the arab countries relatively peaceful before the kikes arrived in Palestine?

God doesn't do things for free, he expects us to meet him in the middle, WE on earth our expected to handle the problem but refuse to because of MUH HUMAN RIGHTS


Nope, they were just as belligerent. Muslims have been at each others throats for over 1,000 years. Giving the Jews their own state just added fuel to the flames.

Also do you have the other picture of the bloodthirsty one?

>links condemn both Muslims and Jews


>hating jews

Bring more in for the lulz.

They were peaceful because they were subjegated by the europeans before that they were basically a massive battle ground between the persians and the turks with arabic tribes migrating and pillaging every few decade, now the europeans left it become a shit hole again.

Actually, the Middle East is like this because there is a God.

Qur'an literally prophesied all this.

Sorry this is the only crusader feels bro I have.

Bring more into Europe just to see Sup Forums cry.

>Bring more into Europe just to see Sup Forums cry.
pls no, I love the porn of your country, I dont want the muslims banning it

Deus Vult

Christians: "Hate the sin, love the sinner."
Muslims: "Kill all the gays!"

Liberals: "As you can see, all religions are equally bad!"


Doesn't matter, all semitic filth must perish in the cleansing fires.
pic related
kike detected, this is not the board for you Shlomo
The middle east is like this because crusaders have become soft, and their morality is sleeping.

Fuck Islam, the Religion of Pieces



Fuck Jews and their endless lies, both groups have religions based on lying and deception


yes, kill them both




This board is absolutely disgusting. How could any single one of you ever understand what every single Jewish man, woman, and child has had to face in their lifetime?

Over 6,000,000 Jews were killed for no reason other than because they werent blonde haired, blue eyed bigots like the evil Nazis were.

This place needs to be shut down permanently before it spreads its hate to the rest of the internet like the vile disease of hate that is seeping through the veins of every single one of you .

This is the /his/torical one. Noticed how cucked it is.

Nice bait, John.

thats incredible.Cultral norm and hive mind shit is so fucked up.Almost all crime in this country is black and you let muslims in.......their narritive will literally blow up in their faces.
Then when liberals find out they enacted laws that are literally suicidal to their own welfare they will tyrn to us and want us to save them from their mistakes.
Children.All of them.

>If there was a God, all of the Middle East would get glassed in nuclear fire
>Implying it won't be
See pic

we are all jewbags.
Sorry asswipe kike,freedoms i have literally fought for on the streets of Baghdad arent going to be given away so your fucking jew feelings can be preserved.Fuck you and yeah,your welcome.

>Over 6,000,000 Jews were killed for no reason

Why does /his/ even exist?
Why do all the hugbox boards exist?
Are hugboxes what millenials have been conditioned to handle?
What makes a Sup Forumsacks different, why do we seek abuse and this Tower of Babel type environment?












Israel has had the means and capability for a long time now.
Why dont you guys pick up a crew outside Home Depot and get started on rebuilding that temple?

>sit in your basement
>don't do jack shit
>blame God that Western Countries rejected Him and the muslim scum took advantage on them
God gave to us free will and said that one of the Cardinal Virtues is Courage- in the Cathehism of Catholic Church (1808 verse) we can read that this also strongly for protecting your Faith and your people.
Tl;DR: want to change something? start and fight for it

>sit in your basement
>talking shit about people sitting in basements
you know its true










But it already is OP






Saved. This is brilliant.


Source this please



better fire up the ovens, then




OP doesn't know about free will.

And now for the kikes.












It will. He wills.




