Why are Americans so retarded when it comes to gun control? If a black man had done all this damage, they'd all be clamoring for gun control.
Why are Americans so retarded when it comes to gun control? If a black man had done all this damage...
I thought felons were prevented from purchasing firearms?
>implying that image is true
Whites would be glad that Blacks are finally getting their shit together
>If every black male 18-35 applied for conceal& carry permit, And then half of them got denied because they are convicted felons, there would be an outcry that gun control laws are racist.
Blacks shoot everything in sight every day. Look at Chicago and Detroit. Nobody is calling for gun bans when they do it either. Fuck off you neo-Brit.
>getting a CWP
lol topcuck. You don't need permission to exercise your God given right.
And your image is wrong. Most "Racist" old white people are mislabeled. They aren't racist, they are prejudiced.
This is why when a black person shares their views, they accept them as their own. Look at Ben Carson or Herman Cain.
If they were truly racist, they would not be able to see past their race, and refuse to take the nigger in.
I'm actually pretty racist, so I would not vote for either of those by virtue of their genetic makeup.
Sup Forums might do something like in your picture, but not the 99% of white americans.
I actually wouldn't mind if they had guns and permits, as long as they had them in their own country instead of ours.
I'll bite.
Niggers are already armed to the teeth with illegal guns so no amount of gun control isn't going to change anything. Basic human freedoms are more important than a false sense of security and leftards' feelings. Deal with it
>If a black man had done all this damage, they'd all be clamoring for gun control.
No, not at all.
>implying niggers care about laws
>implying niggers don't already ilegally conceal carry
The white man has made that impossible. Many young ng blacks have criminal records and are too poor to afford them. The ones that can, and are free of criminal records, are small in number. A tiny, minuscule group of well of blacks = 0 threat.
The original gun control laws were meant to disarm blacks.
Thank god many blacks don't have this much respect for the law.
A half black man shot up an oregon college last year and nothing happened. Your point is invalid.
Plus i saw a handful of blacks at the gun range yesterday.
I'm fine with black people owning guns, I don't have a problem with them.
But let's say for a second I did. Black on black murder rates are the highest.
>making it about race and inanimate objects
What a fucking mongoloid.
>caring about the opinion of a dopey nigger who doesnt realize most of the deaths of his filthy nigger brothers are from illegal handguns
>be at range and about to leave
>black guy in the booth next to me asks me if I can help him
>asked me how he puts the magazine in the gun.
>didn't know how to rack the slide
Nobody cares when white people murder a bunch of children
>if a nigger killed 50 fags
>I would care
Pick one
>If a black man had done all this damage, they'd all be clamoring for gun control.
that is incorrect
But black people already carry firearms?
Just illegally...
>If every black male 18-35 applied for a conceal & carry permit ...
Half would be rejected for felony convictions.
Underrated britbong post.
And the NRA was founded to arm them so they could defend themselves, but hey they it's mostly white so fuck them right? The NRA would fucking love to increase black participation in its organization and has actively campaigned for more minorities to join. thegatewaypundit.com
the meme that just keeps giving
What you talking about? I just saw obama speaking. All he was talking about was gun control. He even went so far as to call the afghani shooter "home grown terror "
I don't understand black people. On the one hand they're all about that paper and alpha gangsta hustler shit but on the other hand they go full victim beta cuck. They suck tbqh
No they wouldn't you dumb faggot.
Time to go home.
Niggers kill that many each weekend, we still dont call for it.
Dc sniper
Black fag who shot his co workers at the T.v. station
Navy yard shooter
Nigger who shot up his work in Kansas last month.
Chiraq over memorial day (80 niggers shot each other)
Reality doesn't agree with your narrative, OP
Wendell Pierce was recently arrested for beating up some random bitch in a hotel lobby. Clearly he shouldn't be holding.
American gun control literally started to prevent that exact thing from happening.