Britbongs BTFO

> Be British
> Get Beat up by russkies
> Get jailed

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Why is your flag messed up? It should be this

2/10 for making me react

3 Frogs got arrested too. 150 Russians got arrested.
>Being this small minded because your own country can't handle a bit of fisticuffs without resorting to tear gas

>150 Russians got arrested.
Nope. *zero* Russian got arrested.
Pic related

and link

britbong really got BTFO

the russian ultras are trained fighters, yet theyre attacking just casual english fans who are pissed up and having a laugh, too drunk to defend themselves. and somehow the english get blamed for it? we literally did nothing wrong

>We dindu nuffin'!
>It's all the ruskies fault!
>America help me

Fuck you brit, you were as guilty as fuck. You were 200-300 in Le Vieux Port de Marseille, all drinking beer.

You poked the bear and got the response you deserved. Even locals joined the party to help the Russian dudes.

typical you dont do shit until the russians go in and butt heads with the english first

Imagine sucking off Russian Chinks THIS much.

>answering to algerian diaspora

>be french
>can't arrest a single russkie

>be french

>Even locals joined the party to help the Russian dudes.

Obviously. Russia sucks Muslim cock, so the Muslims returned the favour.


This is hardly news . . lots of Brits are banned from attending matches abroad.

The other shitting thing was that Russians turned up with knives and shit . . . . .. .Apart from the Turks who did this a few years ago . . .. Euro hooligans don't pull knives - bad play really.

Stay away from *your* media propaganda will you.
The mostly injured English guy have a skull concussion caused by a metal pole.

Not clear if he fell on it (there is many anti-parking poles in Le Vieux Port), or if he was beaten with the pole.

The rest is just cuts as the result of shards of broken bottles that were lying litteraly fucking everywhere in the battlefield. Impressive as even small head wounds often bleed a lot, but not that dangerous.

did you see any of the brawls? whats french media saying about all of it?

Usual Russophobia all-in user.

They are all "oh, we should punish entire fucking Russia for this. Disqualify them for the current EURO, cancel the 2018 Russian mondial ...", or "See, a Russian PM defend their hooligans"

Our entire fucking press is held by only 3 billionnaires (TV), extended to 9 for the entire press including paper. They are all rabid russophobic. So anything about Russia is labeled negatively in our press.

And since RT started to air in French, they are twice as pissed off as usual.

In fact, only one (minor) news source stated that we should have listened to the Russian who warned us about 35 of their dangerous hooligans, and we should have accepted their offer of help, which were in fact declined because EU sanctions against Russia prevent some security chiefs individuals from entering into EU. So there have been no coordination with Russian authorities about their violent football fans.

Yes, we are that stupid.

>be britbong
>Get BTFO in extra time

Nice shoop

>be france
>get pwned 3 times in a row by germans
>claim that france is the greatest nation