
Look at all the fucking liberals eating up this Muslim's little apology. Those naive fucks never learn, do they?

Other urls found in this thread:

> yes my name is Mohammed a proud Muslim man

jump to

> yes our community is blah blah but let's forget race ethnicity religion and color ..

What a fucking pandering fucking idiot..he just looking for more points

>yes goyim give your blood for free so we can resell it to the hospitals for profit.

On a different note, I'm highly skeptical of this, they iron test you before you give blood and if they're actually fasting their count would be too low

they just eat all at once at night is all. ramadan is for bulking

>crazy claim to be a muslim

hahaha. he isn't a real muslim!

lets see how they respond when Islam literally takes over London and Paris


they won't wake up till their neighbor's house is burning

They probably just throw Muslim blood in the trash anyways


too bad that one is not real


Not a real Muslim

I just can't believe 200,000 people liked or shared this

Jesus Christ they're so fucking naive

>The wait is 5-7 hours
>They clearly have plenty of blood
>They're only waiting for the self-satisfaction
>They need to be able to tell their friends they did it on facebook so fucking bad
Fucking pricks.

Father of the normal fist generation american pictured

You cannot be an American if you put some other type of identifier before it.
If you're a "Muslim American", that means you're a Muslim first and an American second, and I don't want you in my fucking country.

All Arabs are brown nosers. He's an oppurtunists trying to win brownie points to further his career. Deep down inside he probably mutters underneath his his breath fucking faggots whenever he passes by a gay couple.

if muslims reject the crazy part of their beliefs (which essentially makes them non muslim but they do like to seem part of a group) they can be ok. People who follow the full teachings of the nigger bible are undoubtedly awful people.

It is propaganda by the Usa. If they give blood they dont burn down mosques. If you give blood you are tired.

He's not a real Muslim.

When they reach 5% of the population he will be out there protesting for sharia.

Fucking right on.. Are you me? is this the multiverse

first post best post

>white man you must forget race and religion
>but us proud shitskins can rub it in your face

They're worse than any faggot in their attention seeking victimhood bullshit.

>believing this

People like you are the reason your country is screwed

You literally just fell for the oldest lie in their book

>I'm a proud follower of a retarded 1400 year old book that tells me what categories of humans to exterminate
What a brave, beautiful soul.

>I'm proud to be american/italian/german...
What a nationalistic moron, being proud of something so stupid.

wtf I'm a muslim now

>for bulking

That actually makes sense now. The whole "lifestyle" is a literal preparation for war

It took my mates a good six years to find out I give blood on a regular basis, and that was only because I had to call one of them to give me a lift back from the clinic after a nurse fucked up once and almost knocked me out. I hate these "moral" people who have to brag about everytime they "help" someone. Fuck off, you're not supposed to do it so other people will think you're a good person, you're supposed to be doing it because its the right fucking thing to do.

It's funny that any time a Muslim attacks in the name of Allah, people sit there and talk about how it's not all Muslims, and this guy wasn't a true Muslim. I wonder how different the attitude would be if a white Christian capped a hundred poofs.

>virtue signaling

yeah, you deserve a participation ribbon for a super duper job!

Wow. Just fucking wow.

I'm a mod of reddit and every fucking hour I have seen constant and persistent fucking Islamaphobic spam all over our site from piece of shit Drumpf supporters for hours now. They are blaming the entire shooting on the muslim community which is wrong. I asked where they're coming from and someone mentioned this place.

I cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is this place? Are you all being fucking ironic?

I seriously hope you assholes are being ironic because 95% of the posts I'm seeing here are blatant hate crimes. I've logged all of your IDs and am putting together a report for the police.

I'm shaking with fear and anger, I cannot believe this place is allowed to even exist. I hope you all burn in fucking hell.

Stay the fuck away from my reddit

Stale pasta is stale and you're a shame to the leafs. Try harder Ahmed from Bramladesh.

thanks for the pasta leaf im gonna use it on my next shitposting spree

>claim to be muslim

>we can't judge all muslims by the action of one crazy guy
>look at this one muslim do a good thing see muslims are good

>let's not focus on who killed who, let's all unite ;DDDDDDDD

>Muslim does bad thing
>muslim does good thing

>Costs associated with transporting blood
>Costs associated with screening blood for disease, removing leukocytes, and separating it into usable components
>Costs of staff

Wow. Such Jewish conspiracy. Many bucks 2 be made. Wow.

>cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is this place?

Not so safe?
Kill all muslims.

Well at least it's a change from the usual Muslim way of donating blood to Allah

>gibe social points please
virtue signaling deluxe

Ramadan is actually for cuting

I give blood pretty regularly too, go out of my way to not say jack shit about it or else I'll feel like a narcissistic punk.

I feel you bro.

I thought this would get me more (you)s come on guys..

Wow, what a good person he is.

Wait, what if muslims infected themselves with HIV an donated blood? How long before this would be discovered?

Well yes muslims are decent to the very extent that they are not muslim. That is still saying islam is bad. Every 'good' muslim is muslim in the same way that i am christian because i gave up chocolate during lent when i was a kid. They would be better still as pure apostates.So to say that there are good muslims is missing the point, there are good cancer patients, the cancer not being the good part about them.

Jesus Sweden, are so so cucked you can't even screen brown peoples blood anymore for fear of being labelled a racist?



Those poor people, getting injected with mudslime blood

good goy

We're onto you schlomo

My thoughts exactly

My cousin who lives in Israel wrote this on facebook yesterday. Makes me fucking sick.

>The amount of Islamophobia on Facebook today is horrible and is missing the point.

>Radical Islam doesn't have a problem with homophobia. Societies everywhere have a problem with homophobia. You can't ban gay men from donating blood, not allow trans people to use their bathroom of choice, fail to pass laws protecting LGBT community members and then put the blame on a person's religion and ethnicity. This is not an issue of Islam, it's an issue of all of our societies. This is an issue in American society, where the shooter was born and raised. This is the same country in which people can be fired for their sexual orientation, where trans women of color are the most murdered population and where trans homeless youth make up over a third of all homeless youth.

>Gay marriage hasn't made us safer or less prone to violence. Homophobia doesn't just end with one court case. It requires actively educating our youth and ourselves towards acceptance. It requires that we demand equal rights and that politicians join in on ensuring that those rights are guaranteed and protected.

>Pulse was not a random location. The shooter didn't just target a club, but an LGBT club.

>You don't get to fail to protect our community and then blame outside forces for being the culprit.

If not for the obligatory "he wuznt muzleem we dindu nuffin" I thought it was pretty nice. It kind of sucks that we can't even trust """"americanized"""" muslims though because their women are enjoyable to be inside of.

FYI, 98% of that blood will spoil and be destroyed in 40 days.


Instead, donate 4 times a year.
If you do not regularly donate, you are a dumb virtue-signalling slactivist, and you are actually HURTING THE CAUSE.

>I can't eat or drink

Motherfucker. Muslims can stuff their faces all they want as long as the sun is down, fucking hypocrite. Stopped reading.

who cares if it spoils? your body will just make more.

Die you fucking muslim faggot.
Two or more in the club
2 men.
ban door guards and latches - ban doors and locks

Obama uses this to ban guns rather than tell the real story.

Wasn´t that only valid in war times or when your life is in risk? so you can lie to save yourself from being killed for being a muslim?

>implying muslims are not always in a time of war

they believe there is a war and they are in mortal danger.