What does Sup Forums think about incestuous couples?

What does Sup Forums think about incestuous couples?

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No kids. Not my business. Still awkward though.

Damn. Gotta fap now. Fuck you.

As long as I don't have to pay for their inbred, deformed children, I don't care.

But society have to pay for midgets and autist offsprings. Why aren't you against that?

Disgusting, sauce please


post more puertoanon

Is there even ONE porn video online with hot girl twins fucking each other?

It's crazy how there isn't anything.

You could probably tell us a lot more about it than we could, Poorto Rico

low quality bait that only a non American will take seriously.


>hot girl twins
>fucking each other
>fucking each other
literally what

Should be illegal.

Idk, but google Jade and naiomi marcella. They are real sisters.

>only inserting penis = fucking

So lesbians can't have sex?

Not sure. I would need to see a video of their relationship to make a final judgement.

>implying lesbians don't have "penises"

>white """"""""""""people"""""""""""" being incestous again

Why do you think theyre pissed off all the time?

No "O"

who are they?

I think I remember a documentary about these chicks.

"Madness In The Fast Lane"

It was some weird shit, worth a read if you have a few mins: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_and_Sabina_Eriksson

Is it true that incest couple has higher chance of giving a birth to "superior genes" child that normal couple? I know the chance of getting inbred retards is much higher but I heard somewhere that it also increases slightly chance to give birth to superior kid

>Ideal world
>Two adults in a consensual relationship
>Understand risks, use alternative methods of becoming parents - adoption etc.

>Our world
>Often not exactly consensual
>Strange fucked up dudes banging fat ugly sisters, making babies with health problems

Do you realize in pur current world there are countless of non related people that have conditions and are allowed to reproduce?

I'm married to my twin sister so it's not like I have a leg to stand on in this.

>inb4 all Serbs are from here on considered incest-crazy cunts

My sister and I are the exceptions. We basically had to change our names and a lot of other shit to have this happen.

Asian guy with the Love Twins. And yes they are real Twins / sisters


How did you beat the system?


Love to see an Asian guy pounding a white twins


>Sup Forums is okay with families being separated because of who they love

Like I said, a lot of shit. Including bribery (thanks Balkan bureaucracy), relocating to a different city, not having social media accounts and so on.

Also, we're lucky that our parents passed away a while ago and we have no other family.

Hidden camera of Asian guy with the Palmer Twins


This is Palmer Twins website and yes they are real sisters / twins. The Asian dude set up a hidden camera to capture his session with them and they have been trying to take it down.

That's a good american speaking right here fellas

Incest is good if it's one of the good kinds(like father/daughter) and if it's only when she's a little girl. When she's grown she should be married and therefore not messing around with her dad.

>telling a woman what to do with her reproductive system


Did you fuck her?

It's great it's working out for you.
Will you make babby? Will you name him Joffrey?

Not into it myself, but the reason why incest is frowned upon is because it increases the likelihood to have a fucked up offspring. That is damaging the rights of another human who does not consent. That is the reason why it's bad.

However, if it's between two guys or two girls then I see no technical issue with regard to freedom and liberty, because if they both consent, and no offspring can be produced then it doesn't impeach anyone's rights.

Still weird though.

We're married. What do you think?

We'd been having sex with each other since we were 16 and we're in our early 30s now.

Yeah, she's going to get off the pill in September.

>will you name him Joffrey?

Har har.

If that is you Emanuel I'm going to spank you when I wake up.



Why do you ignore that midgets and other fucked up people can reproduce? Why do you discriminate between gays and heteros? Did you know hypothetical fetuses aren't alive? Do you know abortion exists? Do you agree throwing somebody in jail 3 or more years for fucking each other?


>we're in our early 30s now.
That's pretty late for her to be making babby, especially since this is twincest. Why haven't you done it earlier?
Does anybody know that you two are twins? Will you forgo prenatal care to keep your secret or will you trust the doctor won't let it out?

How did it happen the first time?

Ono, necu ti se mesam u zivot, ali zasto jbte?

Because incest isn't that bad if it doesn't go on for a lot of generations.

hope you enjoy raising mutants

You are fucked up man
That's disgusting
Parents in heaven disgusted with you both

Its ok only for beautiful lesbians.

You raise good points about dwarves and reproduction. I'm not sure how I feel about that, I'll need to give it some thought.

The thing about it being a brother/sister relationship is that you cannot force a couple to have an abortion, or guarantee that they would have one.

>What does Sup Forums think about incestuous couples?
I loathe the muslims m8.


No, father/daughter is the purest form of love. But, of course, he should stop having sex with her after her first blood.

The ability to force an abortion is the standard by which you judge relationships?

Why can't brother and sister decide to have an abortion?

>Why haven't you done it earlier?

It took time to become financially secure.

>Does anybody know that you two are twins?

Where we currently live? No. We're not identical twins. And we left any friends and acquaintances we had behind in our home town.

>Will you forgo prenatal care to keep your secret or will you trust the doctor won't let it out?

We already have a doctor who knows about our situation and she's actually one of the few people that didn't need bribery to let us live our lives as we wanted.

Nothing much to it. We just wanted to know what it was like, and we knew it was better if we did it with each other rather than risk embarrassment with someone else.

Volimo se. Znam da zvuči kao glup kliše, ali je istina. Nije da nikad nismo bili ni sa kim drugim, ali uvek se te veze raspadale, i uvek smo onda nakon njih bili opet zajedno.

Neću da kažem da je ovo normalno, jer oboje znamo da nije, ali tako je sa nama i mi samo želimo da budemo tako, dokle god možemo.

Nije lako, neću da se proseravam ovde, kad moraš da se brineš da li će neko da otkrije tajnu, pa se razmišljamo da se iselimo iz Srbije i emigriramo negde drugde.

Common misconception and blatant lies to push people off committing incest.

I'm not saying the children would be born 100% healthy, but they're not born blatantly disfigured, unless it's been several generations in your family committing incest.


That's pretty degenerate

That was a non related couple that had high chances of having fucked up children and the state let them. Thank you for proving my point.

Is one of those a trap?

The thing is they can choose to not have one, and have the child anyway.

People that get told their child is gonna be retarded have kids all the time.

This is some extreme degeneracy. Holy shit.

I think it's very patrician.

Ne znam, niti sam neko cije misljenje treba nesto preterano da te tangira, niti bilo sta drugo. Mislim da to sto radite nije dobro, ne zbog vas dvoje jer to je stvar neke razlike u rezonu, moralu i etici. Ali zbog potencijalne dece, a i na kraju zbog produzetka nase srpske linije. Kapiram da ti ovo poslednje nije bitno, i to je ok jer mnogima nije koji nisu u slicnoj situaciji. Sve u svemu, srecno jbga i nadam se da cete naci mir i srecu negde.

Typically beyond the point that abortion is legal, no?

nice ID

>We already have a doctor who knows about our situation
It's good you have a doctor you can trust.
No, it isn't. Love between a man and his young daughter is very good.

I though abortion wasn't taboo among progressive Europeans and you guys actually love it and don't care about it. I am confident most would abort.

Just noticed. My wisdom is true...

>What is a girls benis?

Nope, they can tell very early.


Ni ne očekujem da ovde čujem ikog ozbiljno da odobrava ovu vezu. Mi znamo da ovo nije zdravo, ali ceo život smo takvi i ništa se ne menja kako godine prolaze. Neće biti ovaj život lak, ali je makar naš.

Well I don't agree with it, but it's not like we can kick West Virginia out of the Union.

How do you think the majority of downies are aborted? These tests are a standard part of prenatal care and they're done plenty early.

i m actually Serbian and I say fake and gay.
>relocating to a different city
There is only one city in all of ex Yugoslavia let alone Serbia and its called Belgrade. Its not fucking USA. So you are lieing.

t. Beograđanin

Ne seri leba ti. Izmislio si celu pricu.

smekeru, iskljuci se iz genofonda leba ti.

t. Beogradjanin

serbes are fucked up...

Superior relationships

>tfw it only takes two swedish women to wreak havoc on the british isles

Many. There's an especially hot one of cute giggling German twins you might like. Check the big porn sites.

Hot so long as it isn't me

Yeah but do they lick and finger each other or just get fucked in the same room? There is a difference.

motherless 1D0DBAE

>Is there even ONE porn video online with hot girl twins fucking each other?

yeah there is sasha and masha licking each others assholes, then some s-hebrew twins, bunch of german and czech stuff, google delai twins