Holy shit, we definitely need to update Sup Forumscore

Holy shit, we definitely need to update Sup Forumscore.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's been updating, you're the one who hasn't notice

If it has been, can we get a link to a newer chart?

Post it, then.

idk :(

MPP, Talking Heads, American Football, I love you guys, but you don't get discussed NEARLY as much as, say, Yeezus, Art Angels, or even some non-meme albums like Deathconscioussness or OK Computer.
It also, unfortunately, misses a lot of meme rap.

i made this using the most reposted album overs on Sup Forums this year

Pretty solid starter list actually, nice

Replace Abbey Road with Revolver or Sgt. Pepper's

nice to see that Ram is Sup Forumscore

Meme albums need to be on their own list separate from Sup Forumscore. Something that get spammed for reaction is different from something that actually gets discussed here.

i guess you're right but it's just that i always see that viper album on a Sup Forums chart so I thought I should put it there as well

>Bad Brains first instead of superior Black Dots
>Hip Hop



c'mon, as much as i love the album, everytime someone posts it here, there will be arrowhead memes

i don't really understand why there is no The Prodigy album in the bleep section. I remember that MFTJG was in older charts. Fat is also a classic bleep album and you can't prove it wrong

i'd delet such memes like DG and Kanye from main mucore

yeah but like mr said, something that get spammed for reaction is different from something that actually gets discussed here, and deathconscioussness gets more discussion than memes

hey nice trips but kanye gets discussed multiple times daily, with ranking discographies and shitposts and so on, and death grips is a pretty important part of Sup Forums culture

Uh, no sweetie


You're right. The wrong Sabbath album and no Zeppelin.

that viper album lmao

that's still not statistically correct enough, because of things called alternative album art and different image sizes and lightning n shiet. (itaots being an excellent example if you look at the most reposted album cover on rbt.asia/mu/statistics/image-reposts/ )
also, to make a statistically correct chart, entire threads about an album should have more weight than a post buried with other "ITT: Albums that _______"

that chart is "updated" actually. some of those albums are very recent, like swans' records

it's also a mess, but that's another story

I’m sure you know what you’re doing but you can tell that just by looking at this chart that it’s pretty representative of Sup Forums nowadays. I don’t think a lot of time should be spent looking stats up for Sup Forumscore charts of all things as well.

yeah, what i was actually trying to say is that that chart isn't entirely definitive

>Twin Fantasy