How does this make you feel?
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Shit funding.
If they can't protect UNESCO world heritage sites, they're worthless.
>is this helmet supposed to protect you?
>then why are you wearing it?
>I don't get your point
UN in a nutshell.
There's no blood on it.
>blue helmet
I don't see what went wrong
Helmets aren't for stopping bullets, you dense piece of shit. They're to prevent falling pieces of shrapnel from artillery from driving into your skull and turning you into a human vegetable. Jesus, visit /k/ once in a while, eh?
UNinvolved in Africa?
Nothing of value lost there.
I was referring to the dead UN soldier not the helmet you drooling simpleton
We tottaly missed your point
Steel helmets were mostly built for deflecting shrapnel and debris, nobody expected them to stop a rifle shot unless it was a glancing blow.
It wasn't until we started using Kevlar helmets that we started prioritizing stopping bullets.
That's what my front yard is going to be full of if they ever implement gun control and task the UN with collecting them.
That's the way all UN helms should look.
how to become UN soldier
Then you should have posted a picture of the dead UN soldier dumbass.
Oh wait, there is no dead UN soldier because this is an obviously staged pic.
If the Orlando shooting taught me anything its that getting shot 12 times and shot in the head isn't enough to kill you.
Someone got shot 12 times and isn't fucking dead?
Makes me feel like bombing some serb-humans
don't have your nation mangle in other nations businesses
A person survived 12 hits and an officer survived a head shot.
Fuck dude. I need to track down those stories.
Maybe Mateen was an evil scumbag, but whatever the case, he was fucking skilled.
How the hell did he even have enough ammunition for all those people, shit. Nobody tackled him after he reloaded for the fourth goddamn time? I guess he really was surrounded by fags.
>lack of trigger discipline
Dude had to have been using FMJ. Hollowpoint would have destroyed those people.
>even work
Young know you can get 100 round drums right?
this is my favorite picture/series of pictures
When you are in battle, helmets protect your head from waaay more than just bullets. Think of flying rocks, bricks, chunks of concrete, shards of metal, your own dumb ass falling over, someone beating you with a rifle, etc. Etc.
They don't care for people on the field, only business behind it.