Is anyone hyped for Rogue One?
I have been a Star Wars since i was a kid, but I have 0 interest in this movie. It feels so fucking unnecessary
Is anyone hyped for Rogue One?
I don't get it, if you've been a star wars fan since childhood wouldnt any new star wars movie be a great thing? How is a new movie unnecessary?
>Safety pin through rebel logo
come to the cinema goy
>"I have been a Star Wars since i was a kid"
that's pretty impressive. how does one become a star wars?
It's like being a fan of DBZ or something, and trying to hype yourself for filler.
I'm mildly excited, I've been wanting a non-jedi take in the universe for awhile.
That being said fuck Chris Weitz. Let it be known he is a fucking kike faggot piece of shit and should have his balls removed with a red hot knife
OP here, the movie is just that, filler. the movie has no excuse to be made. The prequels have that ecxuse and even the sequels of the OT cause you wanna know what was the origin of the OT story and what it's gonna happend after the OT.
Well yea but if your a fan wouldn't you enjoy more material? I really don't get how you can call yourself a fan and not look forward to more stories. Like for DBZ you just never want anything new and just enjoy what ya got?
So you just want to know the origin story and nothing else out of the entire star wars universe? No new stories, if its not origin story of original characters hell with it?
I'm a lifelong DBZ and I never attempted to watch GT or Kai because they were unnecessary.
The issue is that it is not a new story.
Who decides what makes a story """"Necessary""""?
Oh, you're one of those idiots who thinks plot is the most important part of a story and defends the prequels because it EXPLAINED things.
>Like for DBZ you just never want anything new and just enjoy what ya got?
Yeah, cause eventually there's nowhere left to go, so the show turns to shit and they turn super saiyans into traffic lights.
The end of ROTJ was the perfect conclusion to the story, and now it's just a cash cow with none of what made star wars so great in the first place.
>already tracking to $150+ million opening
yeah, no
Well if its not a new story but you only care about the OT characters and origin story, this would add to the origin story. Can't complain about only wanting more info on the original story and then complain about it not being a new story to which you aren't interested.
I want to be just because I used to love Star Wars and a movie without jedi sounds cool to me. But theres so much politicking around these movies now that it's draining all joy that I had for them. It's literally making me depressed
Just thinks about it. Do you really thinks that who they stole the Death Dtar plans is interesting?
Imagine that you watch the OT for the fisrt time. You just wanna know why Anakin became a sith, how were the jedis, and what would happen after the ROTJ events.
You just dont ask to yourself, huuumm how did they stole the plans?
tracking like a VHS player with lines all over the screen
>Movie with "Star Wars" in the name
>Literally ever having any chance of bombing
What planet do you live on?
>you're one of those idiots who thinks plot is the most important part of a story and defends the prequels because it EXPLAINED things.
You're right... I'm an idiot....
>I'm mildly excited, I've been wanting a non-jedi take in the universe for awhile
We both know that's not happening. It's the Rebel Alliance, they're going to bring up the force every 10 minutes. The only non-jedi/force movie would have to be Empire centric.
I'm a different person so I'm not complaining about what you think I am.
There is no need for more information behind a New Hope. Any information is not neccessary and only serves to change the context of the original material.
I want new stories from star Wars that do not impact the original trilogy.
fuck no. unlimited universe to tell stories in, they choose to make a movie about the same fucking death star, RIGHT AFTER they remade IV in FA. It's fucking ridiculous, write a new goddamn storyline for fucks sake
Generally you watch a movie to see a hero struggle and overcome odds. If they can portray compelling characters with real struggles and the movie has powerful ending, this movie could be great. i'm hyped to see new world creating stuff and to see new characters as well as story not bloated with Jedi antics.
Why can't they just make new stuff instead of bringing back the Death Star, Vader, like etc
It's such an obvious cash in
What happened to the cool colourful planets from the prequels, they felt epic
no one cares about your autistic expanded universe
What Nintendo 64 game is this?
I've already got tickets to see it opening day, then the next week my company bought tickets for everyone. Both IMAX 3D full price.
Sup Forumstards triggered?
one where disney and JJ ruins science fiction franchises
feels like an exercise in forced diversity
>this thread
>this board
I didn't say they can't suck. Just that hordes of people will still give away all their sheckles to see it on opening night every time.
star wars should have ended after ESB
nah fuck this shit, star wars fucking blows now.
You're really dumb
Daily reminder that this is our fault for shitting on Lucas so much. Prequel days are looking pretty fucking good from here, aren't they?
nope everyone saw how lifeless the SW universe is in the hands of Disney with the force awakens. Expect disaster
Yes. They may be poorly directed by the story is rich as fuck, the VFX pushed the limits, the score, the sound, the games, the toys. Fuck red letter media.
>End a series halfway through literally every characters arc
Good one.
IF they can start making good starwars films, i'd prefer hat over never getting anymore.
oh oh someone's got a hurt feeling
better to end it on high note then make the disasters such
buy our teddy bears: the movie
shitquel trilogy
the diversity awakens
I don't care if the force is there, that's intrinsic to the setting. I'm just tired of everything being directly about a Jedi
I was always on board with pure CG animated star Wars movies done by the animators of blizzard shit, but that idea is extinct now.
>no aliens among the core group
>yet another robot companion
why even bother
I'm so glad I literally grew up on Star Wars. There is so little to hate in ROTJ, and the prequels are good.
>There is so little to hate in ROTJ
Except it being complete thrash
I lost all interest in star wars something around 2008
so no
the fact that they now seem to be bent with turning this into a sjw franchise doesn´t help either
I was interested in this movie until all the Political shit started to become annoying.
Oh come on.
Ewoks defeating the empire also makes sense, even if Kashyyk would have been "cooler".
>High note
>Han is frozen in carbonite
>Luke is defeated and handless right after finding out his father is Vader
Everything in ROTJ is fine except the ewoks.
I just saw ROTS on TV and I forgot how nice it is. It's not groundbreaking and it's not the best movie ever made but it's a decent Sci fi/fantasy adventure and it still had a lot of cool moments. Everyone takes themselves so fucking seriously now so the campy moments are cause for so much bitching and moaning, everyone is a fucking wannabe jaded Plinkett faggot. Everyone thinks they are a film analyst and stuff is "below them" I mean compare the prequels to the safe, formulaic bullshit hollow soulless capeshit and rebooted franchise movies of today. At least the prequels tried something new
yep it was ending on high note nevertheless and set up for probably amazing further stories
instead these arcs got resolved in hurried up pathetic interlude and the rest was about idiotic bears and cringeworthy 80s SFX
too bad you have to watch other 2 completely shitty movies to make sense from it
at least they were free of sjw stuff
I'll watch it on the Saturday morning after it releases. so I'll be avoiding Sup Forums for days after the release.
I also post on Sup Forums every day :^)
Lol no you're a Nazi boycotting it.
black guy is traitor for empire
he redeems though
prequels are shit. idgaf about the remakes with minorities and women but lets not pretend this has anything to do with the prequels or lucas. this is because of the current political and social climate
I already had TFA spoiled for me before the movie was even released. not that it was very surprising, but still. fuck you guys.
There is literally nothing wrong with ewoks. You're just fags that don't like things.
now i am become star war
So are they gonna let critics screen this thing or what? When they have a good movie it seems like they usually get 10 or 20 reviews out there so they can get that tomato score and the hype.
New films being shit doesn't mean that the older ones aren't less shitty.
the only good thing about ewoks is that half of them gets slaughtered
I thought it could be neat until all the safety pin and white supremacy bullshit happened. I'd just like to see some Star Wars, thanks. Not some guy's SJW semen on a script after he was done jerking off to diversity.
The special effects are top notch what are you on about.
people need this thread everyday to hear validation from other people that they aren't the only ones who won't see this movie
why is that?
I was hyped until I watched some of the scenes they released.
Because outside of Sup Forums-land, we all swim in a sea of normies.
Embargo drops on Tuesday.
wtf? I'm a Star Wars now
>more material
>literally just another episode IV wankfest
>ywn be this pleb
Feels great man
> It feels so fucking unnecessary
Just like The Force Awakens
Sounds like you rebel
>whines about white supremacy
>the main character is white, leading a bunch of shitskins
Really gets me thinking. Thinking about how hypocritical SJW are.
>I have been a Star Wars since i was a kid
it doesnt really feel like star wars, despite them putting all the stormtroopers and star destroyers in it.
also the clips make it look like total trash, and having a female lead in a sw film again seems really forced, since females never really liked it that much in the first place.
>Rogue Juan
Filler material is usually desperate bullshit that can barely be considered canon. The new trilogy is enough of a cashgrab and this one is even more blatant.