Was it a false alarm?
>Police also received another report of a person with a gun in the area, and are trying to determine whether that was a police officer or a suspicious person.
Was it a false alarm?
>Police also received another report of a person with a gun in the area, and are trying to determine whether that was a police officer or a suspicious person.
Probably some lazy fuck didn't want to do his exam today.
>Person with gun in the area
Literally nothing new. When I was living at Humber college if you left your window open some nights you could hear gunfire like every other night.
The campus security has armored seaways for fucks sake.
I really hope everyone is safe.
It was just a prank bro.
Oh fug!
It's happening for real, isn't it!
Dumb ass Toronto needs a nuking.
>false alarm no deaths
They banned gun ranges in Toronto in an effort to discourage legal firearm ownership.
It worked. But you know all the illegal guns are still there. You know the ones that were the problem in the first place?
Good luck keeping any semblance of an economy in this country if our financial capital gets destroyed.
Nonsense. Criminals are well known for turning in guns once they're made illegal.
>BREAKING: The shooter has been brought into custody and has been identified as Samaan Hayadee, 30 years old, ISIS terrorist
Now if only they made murder illegal :^)
on campus right now literally nothing is happening and nothing is different
Much ado about what?
Go back to China.
only thing he ever did that was funny was the jamaican skit
You got summer school?
much ado about nothing
if i was an international student i wouldn't go to uoft idk why people do
So what you leafs want to talk about then?
We are getting some pretty bad rep on this board. Not sure if Canadian VPN are cheap or majority of our countrymen are actually retarded.
I find us leafs are actually pretty level headed and can supply some much needed voice of reason to this board.
>hurr gun free zone durr
last time i checked criminals dont obey laws
oh look its a gun free zone
i guess i will go somewhere else to kill people
>liberals literally believe this will happen