Straight White Men Banned From Equality Lectures In Liverpool

>Straight White Men Banned From Equality Lectures In Liverpool

>Straight, white men were banned from attending a series of lectures on equality hosted by the British University and College Union at a conference held in Liverpool last week.

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What the fuck is happening to my city


Ban them from all white male lectures.

Literally everything except gender studies.

Well done.

No surprise, really, that's what the world has come to. And it will continue to go down the drain until someone throws a serious wrench into the SJW machine.

Because the Merchant control your universities and Colleges.

You white goyim are bad and must be genocided.

Never forget Muh LoLocaust

Umm. Why? This is discrimination. I wonder why the white male is hated now?

I'm mixed race so appear mexican so I often get asked for a green card.


>Not Lefty central


It was a bit communist but It was never this bad

We have have tons of fucking mudslimes walking around in burqas with 30 kids, all you can see is their eyes. Beggars who pretend to not speak English. It was never this bad

Every single primary school I walk by is 90% noneuropean m8, you think its bad now, just wait 20 years.

Fucking great.

The degenerates, cucks, feminazis, muslims and niggers are all segregrating themselves from white men.

Is this not what we fucking want? When they leave to form their own society, we will be free to make flying fucking cars and clones without having to worry about the "feels" of the shitskins.

thanks for infecting us with your poisonous culture sjwmerica


Only reason I'm voting remain is because Liverpool gets a bunch of EU money for stuff and I know more Paki's would end up over here

Remove kebab

>I'm voting remain

You know we can't control both types?

Turning into a shit hole. Like the rest of this country.

>Only reason I'm voting remain is because Liverpool gets a bunch of EU money for stuff and I know more Paki's would end up over here

what? wouldnt you want the EU money to stop so the pakis stop?

>I'm voting remain
This better be b8

You fucked yourselves. Don't try to shift blame.

isn't their position that straight, white males are the ones who would most need to be 'educated' about 'equality'?

Why would you ban them from lectures on the subject when they're the ones you want to teach to behave differently with those lectures?

One of the reasoning's the leave campaign is using to convince pakis to vote leave is that we'd be able to make immigration "fairer" for them, i.e they can bring their poo in loo family over

Also can I really trust the government to invest and equal or more money in my area than the EU does?

I understand why people want to vote leave, I just think it's better for me and my area to vote to remain. If I wasn't a poor cunt with no hope living in this shithole I'd be more open to voting leave

lmao nobody cares

No problem OP. When I, as a White CIS Male, do all of the hiring for my company, I'll have my final laugh.

>purple haired, pierced and tattooed straight into the trash.

aren't those the kind of lectures they use to torture americans for being white? Why would anyone go there if they aren't mandatory, or like in this case, even off-limits for normal people?
Education isn't a joke. Listen to your engineering professors, not those hacks at equality """""""""conferences""""""""""""


>Straight white men banned from equality lectures
>Straight white men banned
>banned from equality

Actually, I'm ok with this.

>Straight White Men Banned
How does that work again?

>I wonder why the white male is hated now

I've noticed something,

I'm a black guy but I think a lot of these girls hate white men because white guys, the guys they want, reject them. It's why feminists are usually fat, ugly, etc.

Any straight white man that voluntarily goes to an "equality lecture" deserves to be gassed anyway.

same way "kill all men" is equality

I went to a lecture about internet toxicity.
Thought it was going to be full of sjw bullshit so i wanted to see what it was about, but turned out to be not shit. though i did trigger someone into walking out.

voting to continue to pay 10,000 EU beurocrats MORE money than our fucking PM gets!

cos he is on the gravytrain

he doesn't evencare that we can not alter one word of EU law, can't repeal anything, and only tghe commission can propose legislation, NOT the MEPs

at least if we rule ourselves and one lot of pols does something we don't like we can vote in another lot who can change it

with the EU, there is NO changing anything WHATSOEVER!

Same can be said of MRA/MGTOW types, the bitter, ugly, virgin stereotype is crude, but there's no smoke without fire.

wont be long now before the whites are actually allowed to segregate themselves from the rest of society. white ethno staten on an island thousands of miles from shitskins when?

>oh noes white men wont be indoctrinated into being self hating cucks
>how can i possibly live with this

Yeah it's great but before that happens we're gonna get thrown out of our countries and all properties/assets seized. They'll probably make it pretty easy to kill is and get away with it, too. Something like micro racist aggressions are cause for lethal self defense.