VIDEO: Canadian Cuck Police

>literally getting bullied by niggers and then running away

Fucking leafs I swear

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Vegain Gains is actually pretty based if only because he's a top tier jimmy rustler

Jesus what a faggot.

Vegangainz is Canadian?

Wow it all makes sense now...

Of course I live in the same city as VeganGainz. Fuck.

>Royal Canadian Mounted Police
>Been riding horses since the beginning of time
>Earned Royal status from a King
>Stems from North West Mounted Rifles
>Created by the best Prime Minister Canada has ever had
>Served in three wars
>Black mutt with a mental disorder comes up to one and has the audacity to patronize this man

I fucking hate my life.

he didn't even look the cop in the eyes. he's not being honest. he's a stupid asshole whoring himself for youtube views hiding behind veganism, which is the only way he can be friends with someody. the cop did a good job keeping his cool.
i just dont understand he has so many subscribers

here this based vegan confronts a bodybuilder who tried to act alpha and wasnt prepared to be out alphad by the vegan slayer.

I see cops on bikes I seee...

I see a chimp out of the fucking zoo

Vegan gains is pretty based for a halfbreed mongrel,
When it comes to veganism he's a total fascist
He also has a good video where he totally destroyed YouTube feminists

Wait, why isn't he getting shot?

damn based, manlets btfo

Vegangainz is like a whiny teenage girl in a full grown mulatto man's body.

Holy cuck

mixed race sub, sad!

I'll never understand the vegan mentality.

A militaristic defense of animals to the point where you abstain from not just eating them but criticize others for using them as labour or tools while you continue to kill plants and use them to build your home etc.

You can't pretend all life is sacred while you're living off the backs of plant life. If you're just saying "Animal life is above plant life" that's not any different than "Human life is above animal life" so your fucking moral high horse is irrelevant.

Wish these fucks would just stop eating until they waste away completely.

Veganism is a product of the left. A vegan can never be a true right winger because veganism follows the same mentality of leftists: disloyalty and valuing the "bring harm to none" morality above loyalty. They would rather protect outsiders (animals) who would give a second thought of killing them if so desired than the humans that activity protect and serve them.

What a fucking cuck

See this is what happening if you stop eating meat

>What the fuck is the practical purpose of officers using horses?

How fucking retarded can a person get?


When are we going to start exterminating these people?

Oh my god you fucking mulatto can you just stick to whining about meat eaters? Riding a horse is now bad too?

dude is a twig lmao

Am i the only one who sees the fedora neckbeard in the background?

what a complete fucking retard.

t.someone who grew up around horses.

This is the most Canadian video I've ever watched.

>keeps an animal as a pet.

What a fucking piece of shit sicko.

I bet he was one of the guys that protested for having sex with animals.

funny thing is how he then edited this vid in order to look like he did not get btfo by Lexfitness when he lambasted him.

Tbqh fäm lexfitness was being a little cuck with his "apologize to my girlfriend pls apologize to my girlfriend"

>Vegan "Gainz"
>not an edgy manchild

yeah not gonna lie I always kek at the sub

>apologize to her

holy farking ruse

It's Canada


They aren't rcmp moron. They're toronto city police or at best Ontario provincial police. Guy wasn't a Mountie. A mountie would have kicked vegan gains ass.

Toronto has RCMP.

RCMP is everywhere, moron.

>vegan gains

can u guys stop lowering the standards of this board with these fucking posts?

literally nobody gives and should not give a fuck about that faggot

I went to a farmers market a couple of weeks ago and they put shoes on horses there. They didn't give a single fuck, lifted their leg up, continued to eat and didn't seem bothered at all.

They didn't even flinch.

He probably videotaped that cop like he videotaped his grandfather dying.

very peta
much rekt

>comment section

>why are you using a torture device on this horse?
>why are you defending animal cruelty?
>why are you a super-Hitler pedophile that kills children?
If you want people to listen to you, maybe don't be so fucking hyperbolic.
Saying "He's beautiful! Did you know bits are unnecessary and can damage a horse's teeth?" might have actually changed the cop's mind. But NO let's be a smug dickhead about it and start shouting hyperbolic garbage.

>when he came up and immediately went for the torture device method

I don't understand this video.
Starts with satanic shit.
Then has a disclaimer about threats being a parody or some shit.
Then goes on a vegan rant.
Like what the fuck.

Didn't this guy kind of kill his own grandpa, and then talk shit about him on youtube later?

Lol he was about to beat the crap out of that vegan, he got scared and said "look theres a camera!" and simply left...


728 vs Vegangainz, who wins?

It's autistic.

What a fucking retard, holy shit.

I can see him freebleeding from 2000 miles away

good video. he's great.

meat retards are pathetic.

go fuck yourself in the ass with a carrot you plant murdering pile of german scum.

oh and have a nice day.

you dumb nigger still dont realize 99% posts with german flags are ahmeds, do ya?


>be american
>get shot

what could i care? stick that carrot so far up your ass that it pierces your colon and kills you.

pathetic little retard. you're shit on my shoe.

>egan brains

Why can't you just shoot your niggers like your southern neighbours do, Canada?
Embarassing desu

>Vegans thinking they know anything about horse care

Protip: These systems have been developed over millennia by very rich people and soldiers who spend a colossal sums of money on horses. If it was bad for the horses they wouldn't do it because it would be detrimental to their goals.

>Spend a bazillion dollars on horses
>destroy them unnecessarily

Yeah, uh, no.

That dudes a psychopath. In one video he talked about how he wants to kill a baby if it's crying.

Seriously hope he's on a list

So the Americans win, leafman?

he is neo-cucked
and an edgelord