You rage you lose, Sup Forums edition

You rage you lose, Sup Forums edition.

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I lost

Hope she gets raped in the throat by her tolerant religion of peace friends


>free speech

go to Sup Forums will your inane bullshit

damn lost on the first one

its getting worse

Boy oh boy, there's nothing quite like the sweet, sweet smell of month-old pasta

I sure hope OP lays on the dessert course of "Did you know Elvis is dead?" too that shit never gets old

Fuck you OP, I'd forgotten about that scene.

This is my trigger.

Here's the video from the picture.

I'm going to warn everyone here who clicks on this and watches the video- You're going to need a will of the most iron of irons to make it without losing.

Lost. Do you have the link to the video?

I lost in the first fucking sentence.
"...Islamophobia and other kinds of racism."

Is this in Britain?

Oh god not JonTron. I love JonTron... : (

Theres nothing to be mad about. Don't be a racist and you won't have to fear for your life stupid ass!

Most millennials are uninformed when it comes to trump, it's not surprising that jon thinks trump is bad. Come the general and he'll probably have come around


did this actually happen

Elvis isn't dead, it's a conspiracy...

Don't worry, uk. This has been posted since much longer than a month ago. ;) It remains relevant.

yeah. too lazy to find source for you though.

What the fuck strawman is this even arguing against? Have you been to an airport this decade? That guy would get raped 18 separate times by 18 separate TSA agents before coming within 100 yards of an airplane.

Lost immediately. The big free speech letters makes it all the more rageworthy

>I-I speak out my worries about the issy lamics and I got a def threat, innit
>r-rather than lisen to me init, ya just shout that im a raciss-
1. The guy is a cuck
2. the host is a bigot
3.Islam is not a race. Innit.

Since when are isolationist policies a bad thing? I thought liberals always bitched about the USA meddling too much in the middle east.

>the eloquent opinions of a pensionless college dropout who draws dicks for a living
Boy, I really do care

these nigs are like most creatives; they live in an echochamber.

Christ almighty, someone needs to re-colonize your country and teach you proper English.

I was in the /k/ thread too

>poor people commit crimes
>gee, I sure am hungry. Better go on a rape spree

Just found it,
youtube "BBC Free Speech Islam", it's one of the top results

Why does the guy representing the voice of reason always have to be a round faced beta pussy while the liberal host is a strong jawline alpha

Someone needs to re-colonize yours and teach you all about reading comprehension and critical thinking.

yes, western europe is beyond salvation. I dont even feel bad about them anymore. You reap what you sow.

Copypasta of Louis CK from another thread I saw on pol:


Good fucking lord Ive been angered

pastebin or fuck off with that shit

not giving that site clicks

just cringe.

They wanna eat some pussy.

funny.still not seeing any anger inducing shit.

>we cant trade with 3rd worlders for cheap, fake products
we are fucked

JonTron use to love Ron Paul.

What the fuck happened? Not even Gary Johnson.

>I went out in a short skirt and got raped
>Stop wearing short skirts

Nobody likes Gay Johnson.

Who cares..

I have a gay friend who is Pro-Hillary because it's the majority.

Nobody cares about rape, or violence or oppression by muslims, they just want to fit in.

Jesus fuck

do they cherry pick only ugly beta conservatives to be on shows like this to try to make us look bad

>I was murdered by a muslim at a night club
>Stop being an Islamophobe

Not really angered, all these people look like idiots. The EDL guy killed it in the worst possible environment.

You've totally missed my point, but ok. You're trying.


Kek will end this kind of thing.

Is there ANYTHING funnier in all the world than low-class British slang?


holy shit that's great

1. Other kinds of racism.. You're not a race, bro.
2. "I get confused when you say Islamists and Islam and Muslim" -- You're a liberal moron, what els.

3. "Stop being a racist and a bigot" and you won't be threatened with death. -- Because feelings hurt is worse than death. FUUUUUUCK. -- Again, because Muslims are a singular race. Fuck you, bitch.

4. These people don't even know what they're spouting. THEY'RE NOT A FUCKING RACE.

5. They were the technological center of humanity. AND THEN WHAT. ISLAM came in. Next.

I just saw Are Nige at a brexit roundtable saw he wouldn't vote for Hillary because she's a criminal and a Stayer immediately shrieked "OI BET YEWD VOTE FUH TRUMP!!!" like it was the biggest "gotcha!" she could think of and the hooting audience agreed

Bongladesh is a shithole

Couldn't make it past the 6 minute mark, there are people asleep in the house and I was about to fucking lose it.

Apart from the morons calling Islam a race, what you said is exactly what makes me rage the most: "Because feelings hurt is worse than death"

These people actually believe this

It's probably referring to the fact that sjws, Liberals, and Barack Obama refuse to admit any Muslim ever is a terrorist

You know, like they've literally just done with omar

>3. "Stop being a racist and a bigot" and you won't be threatened with death. -- Because feelings hurt is worse than death.

Reminds me of the meeting in Germany where citizens were complaining about refugees harassing their children going to school and the only response they got was "Have them use another street and avoid them!"

Rape is worse than death to leftists as well.

These people act and think as though there is another go around of all this if we die - including the atheists of the left.

Your life is the most precious thing you have. But, oh, no, 5 mins. of angry sex is worse..

KIll the MOOZRAT N0WWWW!!!! Faggit



What's enraging is that he talks for almost 3 solid minutes about his stance and about the problem he finds in the country but their response is "You're racist!" and the rest is just everyone smugly going "Yeah, that is what a racist would say" while completely ignoring his simple "What did I say was racist?"

Jim Morrison has been wandering around a ranch in Nevada apparently. And not the fun, 'bunny' filled type.

Enjoy this

Enjoy nogs claiming olmecs and Egyptians and Europe and were all black

>((( free speech )))

>ywn smother that face with a pillow

>ywn light this nigress on fire


Holy shit

>why are people "racist"?
>"it's their upbringing"
>"it's because of social and economic issues"
>"it's because of bigotry"

for me probably the most infuriating was The Chin vomiting out the usual #NotAllMuslims argument. or just the rapper in general being a pseudointellectual. or the "ur a racist" woman.

nevermind it was all infuriating

I was reading up on Tommy and saw this. Brits will defend this. What do you have to say for yourself Ahmed?

What Muslim allies do we need?

how does this whitey in blackface think she's fooling anyone?? do people seriously believe that she's black?



this made me proud to be an american

So Muslims, Christians and a political class that would be delighted with silencing any opinion counter to mass immigration.

is that guy the only person in the uk that knows what racism means? sheese get it together chaps, pure poppycock

I don't think so, her fucking parents are white.
But she has let 2 negroes impregnate her, so now she's black apparently. I loved when the reporter showed her a picture of her white dad and she almost had a heart attack.

Got a rifle, mate?

>on top of that arguing with a woman

Not for sale. A few shotguns.

idiotocracy was ahead of time


more like bevis n butthead or king of the hill.

EDL guy did pretty solid, it's good to see people like him out there relatively calm stating points in a logical manner.

It's in reference to the little muslim kid who made that briefcase clock that looked like a bomb. Then he sued the school.

I see this all the time on kikebook.

>just pointing out I'm gay and have received death threads by musl...
>ugh stop being gay then

Are millennials the most brain dead generation ever?

Don't say it...

shar... i...

shawshank redemption

he says, as he posts a frog



Most people who liked Ron Paul were retards who evidently couldn't grasp basic libertarian principles.

I just want to kill them, I'm not even mad anymore.