I think you know deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down in your heart of hearts, that he is totally, unequivocally, absolutely right, Sup Forums.
I think you know deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down in your heart of hearts, that he is totally, unequivocally...
thank god im not a nigger
Having a father was pretty nice imho
Their hair is disgusting, they are dumb as hammered shit, and their food is terrible. The garbage parts of the animal dipped into deep fryer isn't the height of culinary skill, nigger.
what good food? dirt cookies or the deep fried entrails slave nigs ate?
>WE are creative, artistic, & smart
I really wish that I could make them fully understand just how much I hate niggers
Whatever makes them feel better I guess.
I'm glad I'm not brown. Niggers, mudslimes, poo in the loos, spics, there's just something inherently dirty about them.
Yeah I know, there are your fat, disgusting, white trash burgers that you see at walmart with shit running down their leg, but atleast they don't look like literal shit.
I'm happy to be a white boi. Wouldn't change a thing.
Go be "Lit" in your own country
Prove the white man wrong.
>good hair
yeah that must be why literally every other race lusts after white women
blacks have enormously inflated egos and self-confidence. they will start a fight over someone mistepping on their shoe. lol. low IQ, high time preference and self-confidence, a crime trifecta.
"But everything changed when the white nation attacked..."
>we age gracefully
>we are creative, artistic, and smart
>our food is good
none of that is true
You can keep it m8.
All the things in this post are fine with me. They aren't victim gibsme dindu shit you typically read. Black culture does have good food, as well as great music.
I had a loving relationship with my father who taught me how to be a man.
No wonder darkies are just little boys at heart.
How did Black Americans get to be so incredibly self-centered and conceited? Never seen a group of people more full of themselves.
>our hair is magical
name 5 nigger inventions that you use everyday
as in how artistic is their music which only NIGGUH SHIT FUCK FUCK YO YO NIGGUH FUCK FUCK MONEY FUCK and the only recognition they get is because they are niggers, not because of actual talent
so smart that they ended up in a system that """"""oppresses"""""" them even though 40% of the national budget goes to paying them for literally not working, and reproducing like a vermin
lol this
they are self aware enough to realize that they have no place in a civilized world and it scares them
man all that those quantifiable skills got me jelly
This whole hashtag is so fucking annoying
It's all dindus acting all condescending towards the "evil, oppressin' us" white man
Yeah, you go girl, tear down the inherent white supremacist American society by being a condescending bitch
Also: shitty, 2-second tumblr gifs
in the arts of sport and music they are unmatched. i think we can all agree on this
>in the arts of sport and music
>we are just LIT
somebody please, for the love of god, post the webm with the nigger villager burning
by that, they mean inane jumbled up names like,
Sagoonigaina or L'tavish
they mean they're on MTV
they mean street smart, that means borderline retarded
Listen to Coltrane or Jimi Hendrix.
Nobody likes lil wayne except cringey white people
What the hell is black food?
so u dont listen to rock or country either i take it.
Wew lad
like it or not blacks have excellent rhythm and have contributed a lot of excellent music to our society.
even the cringiest rock or country are leagues above this nigger shit
>What is swimming. What is winter sports. What is everything that doesn't include running away or stealing.
>Implying Blacks don't need the Jews and White employees to help them every step of the way to making a song that vaguely sounds half decent.
their masters beat them in rhythm
Now they're getting it
Appropriated Southern food.
>like it or not blacks have excellent rhythm
asians have better rhythm
>Our hair is magical
You mean this stereotypical one?
No, it just seems like straight up delusion, backed by disingenuous white liberals who patronize them.
Blacks have very little to be proud of, and it's fucking wrong to give them the idea they do. I'd like to see them succeed, believe me, but they need to earn respect. Jazz was a good start, Sowell is good, but it's not even quarter of the way there.
so ill give you a pass not being a member of the American master race, but u do realize that blacks invented these forms of music right?
>that WE capitalized
Sup Forums has ruined me
>age gracefully
classic bantz
I know the origin and see no niggers playing or advancing it
>implying rock'n'roll has advanced since 80's
>In football, a cornerback's primary role is to defend against the pass
>their goal is to steal the ball in mid air
>Not a single white cornerback in the NFL
you cant make this shit up
a fringe album no one cares about
next you gonna post babymetal and pretend that they are have genre defining influence
Basketball has three main parts.
Niggers aren't great at the last part so slam dunks were invented.
2bh, I can't hate on young girls that do this. Girls are insecure as fuck and are just using this as a way to feel better about themselves.
Every race should be happy with their skin colour and should feel like theirs is the best. That's just healthy confidence. It's those niggers that think we shouldn't be able to talk shit about them that have the self esteem issues that are the problem.
says the nigger lover trying to be kangz n shit
>We age gracefully
Eh. No better than any other race.
>Our hair is magical
It's disgusting. Nobody wants black hair.
>We are creative, artistic & smart...
Nope. None of those are true.
>our food is good.
What food? The food they call "soul food" is just food that originated in the south and was created by whites, not blacks.
>We are just LIT
Okay yeah I'll give you that one. Blacks are often "lit".
Blacks have to pay higher health insurance in the United States because they're so genetically disadvantaged with diseases.
How miserable it must be to be a nigger, who knows that they are genetic waste of space that they have to compensate by attempting to prove they aren't a complete waste of space by sharing stupid things like this on websites created by whites and jews. I would consider suicide if I ever became this pathetic
None of that is true, though.
Nigger you are pathetic
Isn't "lit" niggerspeak for "stoned"?
>We are just LIT.
Statistically, he's not wrong. People of brown/black skin often LIT each other up, usually in record numbers.
Trips demand it
point out the fallacies in my posts please
>Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
>Deine Zauber binden wieder was die Mode streng geteilt.
>Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
in comparison to
>I like big butts and I cannot lie.
Clearly it's them that are creative, artistic and smart.
You didnt make any single point that you can back up.
you mean blacks inventing rock and roll? god youre stupid user
>you mean blacks inventing rock and roll?
Yes, niggers invented nothing.
damn trips
let me guess, jesus was white too
He wasnt black
Nah, he was nigger, just like you