If guns are bad like many idiots are claiming right now, why is my country safer than the rest of the world

If guns are bad like many idiots are claiming right now, why is my country safer than the rest of the world.

We literally have one of the lowest homicide rates in the world. Only a handful of countries have lower than us.

We even teach our kids to shoot REAL ASSAULT RIFLES.

So fuck you and your gun control and anti-gun bullshit.

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Because you have proper gun control and firearm education.

why do these kids dress like degenerate trash though

We have laxer gun control that certain of your states.

Because they are their early teens.

>proper gun control

The government gives you fucking ammo .

What the hell kind of proper gun control do they have?

Why do the states think that teaching gender identity is more important than gun safety?


you dumb fuck, If the people in America had no access to guns just like in Norway, They wouldn't be able to massacre 50 innocent civilians like that. Point is in my country and your retarded country the people are thinking clearly (Not to mention there are Muslims in Canada as well whom never have done anything like this fucktard Omar)

Now tell me there are Muslims here in Norway. It turned out out that Brevik is the one killing people.


"lol fuggin right wing rethuglikkkans don''t know that Switzerland has gun crontrol measures that would make them cry, fuggin stupid hicks"

-American leftist

>government slave is trigger by seeing free citizen

Proper gun control is using both hands to control the recoil

wha?. just like your country. Ze Zermans

If the government doesn't trust you to own a firearm, you are not a free citizen, mein neger.

The government trusts nobody

>Only a few ethnic minorities
>Really low poverty
Not saying that guns are bad though

its because you don't have a bunch of niggers

I got a free assault rifle from the government though

Does this trigger you?

Hmmm...could it be because of homogeneity?

Nah, surely not.

Not really.

Because you have homogenous population of whites and high national pride and social cohesion.

Based mongol knows whats up.

Having no negroids help

This tbqh family


>why is my country safer than the rest of the world.
Because you don't just let in every murdering shitskin from war-ridden countries and let them buy whatever assault rifle they can afford.


desu besides the whole being white thing you actually have real enforced rules, instead of the total anarchy that the NRA is pushing for.

I don't understand a damn thing they're saying but I'm laughing.

>2 finnish guys that are friends

I thought such a thing was a myth