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To the people who don't know what's happening, BLM organizers want to cause protests in both conventions and create extreme unrest in order to get Obama to stay

As much fun as it would be popping niggers in public during martial law, this just won't happen. The day martial law is enabled is the day this country is done, thus there wouldn't even be a "3rd term for Obango"

So it has not been debunked? Or it has and the Israeli is just shilling for shillings?



Does anybody know about canadabro?

Yeah. If martial law got declared over some niggers whooping at trump supporters us real americans would have an armed march on the white house and kill the traitor. I honestly wouldnt give a fuck if I got mowed down by the national guard or the army as long as I died standing up for my constitution.

>BLM organizers
What a surprise.

They are doing the same shit in Europe, but the tools are different.

that faggot Turk lol

Martial law won't happen before there is a massive (or several small ones) IS attack and the military, that contains a lot of people loyal to the constitution, is sent of to the sandbox to fight ISIS.
False flag or not doesn't matter, the end results will be the same.

Then you have foreign troops coming to the US to ''train'' and then it happens.

When the military is sent abroad, grab SKS and go innawoods.

in toronto
im in toronto

Literal terrorist organization.

>The land of free

Jews are parasites and we'll cleanse you all soon. Followed by muslims.

Trump is Ceasar

I dont know who Bernie is but he's not Crassus

I think what you are talking about, but I believe you to be wrong, is this:

The NDAA: An Emergency Law.

It's a lot of uninteresting shit, but basically says if the President of our fine, fine country declares Martial Law, said President shall stay in office.

Obunga got it to pass in 2012, I believe.

big words for a 98 pound effeminate little bitch posting from mommy's house.

thanks for the laugh faggot

the idea is Obama puts himself above the law and ruins the Republic. Crassus and Pompey were chosen, as they were a part of the triumviratus yet they both failed to do what Caesar succeeded doing.
Paul is Cicero and Trump is Brutus because they both tried to be the saviors of the Republic and they both failed.
With Martial law, Obama could stay president for who knows how many more years.

OY VEY!!!!

why must you be so mean to me

Some people are jealous of my girlish figure.

it's all over now...

Are these connections supposed to be that their faces look vaguely similar? None of those historical figures match the modern counterparts at all. If anything it would be

>Cicero = Obama
(known for his public speaking, lots of enemies)

>Crassus = Trump
(incredibly rich)

>Ceasar = Bernie
(relies on populism for support)

>Pompey = Ron Paul
(sidelined, loses badly)

>Brutus = Hillary
(not great connection, but she's an enemy of Caesar/Bernie)

Ceasar was supposed to be a great leader, politician, and skillful orator

Bernie let two plebs cuck him at a rally and will forever be known as the guy who came in second place

Otherwise your comparisons are ok

>Implying Obama has the balls to do this
This will not happen because of BLM because if that can work than LBJ would've did it in 1968

>Cicero = Obama
(known for his public speaking, lots of enemies)

Didn't realise Cicero was known for being unable to speak in public without a slave holding up a scroll to read from.

Lots of enemies? Obama has some enemies and countless mindless worshippers. The only guy you've listed with lots of enemies is Trump.


Can't wait!

This is fucking retarded.

So you're telling me that King Nigger is giving 'inside scoops' to some stupid group of niggers about him wanting to declare martial law?

As far as conspiracy theories go, this is as fucking retarded as it gets.

don't disrespect these great men by comparing them with these mongrels, thieves, and liars you fucking kike

Sven knows what's up. There already are foreign special ops doing "training" in the US, btw.