All those memes about Germany being cucked since we let in all those refguees trying to help them, feed them...

All those memes about Germany being cucked since we let in all those refguees trying to help them, feed them, give them a home and so on. While America basically takes in no refufgees and has less Muslims than Germany.

Yet America has to deal with terrorist attacks, rapes and other shit while Germany is doing fine and there is no big happening Sup Forums was always predicting.

Can we all agree Germany isn't cucked and helping refugees isn't a bad thing?

See guys, appeasement and surrender is working!

If it'd be true what Sup Forums says and taking in refugees axiomatically makes it more likely there'll be terrorist attacks and rapes, Germany should have happenings like the Orlando shooting every weekend.

Sup Forums is full of shit.

just wait

Yeah. You're just slowly being taken over by creeping Sharia.

Salaam alaikum.

>yeah! help your enemy, then maybe they'll have mercy on you!
>gotta be careful not to offend our gracious guests, or they might bomb another airport!
>see, we're not cucked, right guys?
>oh, sorry, I gotta go let 20,000 more muhammeds in

Germany is cucked.
When your Leaders steamroll over you, upend your country without conferring, voting, to change your country, it's called cucking and Germany is getting into it, you kinky, pretzel loving, minx

You don't shit where you eat. Plus you have tons of rape and sexual assault. Beyond that your government is actively suppressing information and negative opinions.

I will be in Germany tomorrow by 11am, and I will be the judge of that. I will take many pictures of daily outings (I will be all over Germany) to post pics on my return.

pls dont let these pics be of nothing but Muzzles germoney.

OK. Maybe when there will actually be a shooting in Germany, there will be five more in America. But whatever.

Sure has to do with taking in refugees.

Get fact straight.. US takes in over 100,000 refugees a year. Have been doing it a lot longer than Germany. Wait a while and they will start killing in Germany, remember Paris and Belgium airport,

Fuck off back to your Doner Kebab stand you smelly Turkroach

yes, if you convert your government to sharia law muslims will stop attacking you

but i don't see how that doesn't make you a cuck

So Brussells was just a coincidence and Calogne was the women's fault. You Europeans are in it for the long haul as usual.

yea pham germany isn't cucked at all its all Sup Forums's exxagiration i went germany to help my uncles restaurant last summer and haven't find white pussy for my tanned dick tbqh never saw germans dating turks or any other shitskin.

>Yet America has to deal with terrorist attacks, rapes and other shit while Germany is doing fine and there is no big happening Sup Forums was always predicting.

Yes, because all possible Happenings have been stopped at the nick of time.

Belgium and France have it worse, imo.

Alright Ahmed,you are right helping refugees technically isnt a bad thing, but currently there appears to be no end of the constantly growing refugee stream. Wether you are left or right we cant take this many which is a proven fact. And thats the reason good old goymany is considered a cucked nation as we appear to deny that very fact.

Were you not here last week?
Muslim rapefugees burnt down a multi billion dollar complex, because no one woke them up for breakfast.

Speaking out against Islam is edited on all social media, not just in the eu.

You can be jailed for speaking against eu policy.

Germany is editing all media reports of violence by muslims.

Islam is the religion of violence and rape, suppressing the news won't change it.


Is it true that refugees dirty up spas in Germany, by raping women in them and shitting in the water?

I fondly remember in door waterparks as a lad in Germany. I imagine now they're full of ugly brown kids?

So this is what it's like suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

>multi billion dollar complex
oh god lol

it was basically a tent, it's where we put the refugees so we can feed and shower them properly

You're acting as if there have been no rapes in Germany. Did we forget the fact P.C. school girls don't report when they are rapes or sexually harrassed by shitskins but don't report it in fear of retalliation on the shitskins? Or even the dozens of rapes that happen but go unreported or unpopularized because they're too afraid to report the shitskins because they think that it's okay since they are culturally different?

>Is it true that refugees dirty up spas in Germany, by raping women in them and shitting in the water?

Depends on the area most of the waterparks are infested with dozens of foreigners,most of them cant even speak german,often violating rules etc. etc. Its a mess trust me

>Can we all agree Germany isn't cucked and helping refugees isn't a bad thing?

Of course it isn't my german friend ! Please, take as much of the refugees as you want, help them, breed with them, make them feel at home. It is the right thing to do after all, yes ?
Have a good one now.

America is the size of all of Europe. That's like saying look Texas or Montana hasn't been attacked yet, they must be doing something right.

Whens the last time Europe was attacked by Muslims? Paris? London bombings? Hasn't France been taking in muslims? Yet they were attacked. Why do the refugees in France want to invade the UK? Oh right because of all the social programs just like in Germany.

How do you know they won't attack Germany soon? They're barely getting in now.

>no end of the constantly growing refugee
>we cant take this many
this. And that is not even taking into account the cultural barriers and high level of illiteracy amongst the arrivals.

we are literally importing the (right wing) lower class of some politically destabilized middle eastern country with no regards for the consequences.

I foresee parallel societies with sharia law desu

>germany is fine
you dumb sandnigger


ever been to Bremen?

Police tends to ignore and is specifically told specifically that they shouldnt act “so harsh“ on the poor poor rapist because he has another skik color. All just to not break the dellusion of a multicultural enriched Goymany


>most of them cant even speak german
that's what gets me. I was sitting in a bus yesterday and it was packed, everyone was taking (except forever alone me) and I could literally understand noone.

I know there were chinese, japanese, spanish speakers, and, of course,

arabic sounds offensive to my ears

Germany takes in more and is a way smaller country.

So because some whores got GROPED we shouldn't help staving children? And of course adults, it's not just children, they're all suffering.


And I don't want to know how soon the average Sup Forums poster would rape a cute girl if he comes from a wartorn country, hasn't fucked for 10 years and has absolutely no access to porn.

Well at least one guy understands it.


You are a self-loathing people, and culpability ridden country.

Memekel just want to imprint her name in history by showing how generous the wealthy germans are, by how much she welcomes refugees in.

You german boys are too cucked and self-hating to say anything. You will vote again for Memekel and accept more blacks in your country.

pic related: it's "pureblood german aryan" girl in 50 years.

nice b8 m8 8/8


Which is complete and total bullshit. A crime is a crime, and nothing less. We shouldn't allow ourselves to turn a blind eye because of skin color, gender, or even wealth status. The very fact that this is a world in which we live in is sickening. Almost everyone in power almost anywhere is too damn PC to actually be able to make a right decision. As lovely as a culturally enriched Germany may sound to some, they shouldn't be importing people who will only prove to be detrimental to the country and her people.

>at least one gets it
Alright Ahmed, do you know Irony lad? How can one be so dellusional and latching on to their own believes, really makes you think huh? ffs just open your eyes brother

>trying to help them, feed them, give them a home and so on
Which is the very definition of cucked.

Refugees are welcome in pic related

its not about muh terrorist. Lebanese gangs taking over the north of my city and recruiting refugees while german police cant do shit.

we fight them, they attack us back. that's the dance non-cucks have to do and we're leading it. obviously you're young, so enjoy watching the mudslime population grow within your traditional borders

Nice counter argument.

They don't attack you because they can infiltrate Europe via your cucked system. You will most likely have a lone wolf attack at some point if not some bigger orchestrated plot.

What city?

Well said,comrade. But it appears to me that ignoring the truth is much easier to pull of than acting against this existent inequality law wise. It is not only law related incidents in which the gouvernment prefers the non german populus: eg. Spending money, just take a look we are able to build refugee after refugee center but when it comes to the wages of nurses or care takers suddenly they cant help those due to a lack of money. Those social jobs are of high importance but underpaid dirty work

>biting the hand that let them cuck europe
why should they attack? they just ficki ficki here and there

>German posting a pro-German thread
>not mentioning the holocaust
>not apologizing for the six million
What are you doing Hans?

>implying refugees don't rape in Germany

>not cucked
Wait, can you even sing the last verse of your national anthem?

Every city in NRW really. Those Cartels are a serious threat to the civil population. The police refuses to interfer without the backup of Special forces in those infested areas, i cant make this shit ip its ridiculous

>Germany takes in more and is a way smaller country.

I didn't know that was something to be proud of

*first verses*


I'd feel sorry for you brainwashed Krauts but...

Who's laughing now, cuckland? (^:

Obviously he cant because then he would realize that is not Einigkeit(Unity) und Recht(Right) und Freiheit(Freedom) für das deutsche Vaterland

This is something called feeding the crocodile with the hope it'll eat you last. Your time will come, Hans. Your time will come.

>brazil please
we know that your country is a mess and have bigger problems

Ayy I was right I am aware the situation I live here myself

I didn't know the Pope posts here.

I'm an American who's been working in Germany for a few weeks now. I have yet to see the Muslim horde. In fact I've seen very few people who aren't white, other than A black guy a few days ago. I'm staying in the countryside though, maybe things are different in the major cities. I haven't really been to any of them yet.


Let's put things into a better perspective. Only 50 people were killed in the Orlando terrorist attack and that kind of events by muslims are done about once every 4-5 years per country.
Now how many people the refugees you bring in rape/kill during every single year. I'm guessing the number of killed goes somewhere in 50-200 in a country of 80 million people and that's probably very kind/naive estimate, not every stabbing makes it into the news. Rapes are probably counted in hundreds-thousands.

And it's truly sickening. Germany's politics have become too left for it's own good, and now the citizens must suffer. I truly do hope Merkel will eventually get a taste of what she has caused and ignored. She's too much of a fame whore who only wants to go down in history as a person who has undone the racist atrocities the Nazis have done. The German guilt and media whore mentality she has is far too strong.

I am so ashamed of OP. I'm sorry, Sup Forums, there's obviously some bluepilled people here who have not yet come in contact with the refugees they write about.

Ooooh man you guys are really far down the hole now aren't you?

>Nothing happening
Hahahaha. Stay cucked, Hans.

>A female police officer
>not a cuck nation

pick two faggot

Damn we should help all the Jews too right sausage eater?

Well, Paris and Brussels already had their respective happenings. Probably Berlin or Köln are on the way. But even if it doesn't happens, you have the ethno-cultural happening anyway: There will be over a million german women taking the BMC, with big chances of converting to islam and giving birth to muslim children.
Naturally, this doesn't bothers you because it would be "racist", but it will bring great consequences in the long run.

>doing fine

looking forward to next NYE?

Come to the Rhein Main area. Mainz, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, etc.

Besides I am certain Mudslimes are white by US standards.

>implying finnland have no female police


By spending 20 000 € to save one person into their countries liberals ensure there is no money left to help 3 others who all could get a decent help with the same money in their country of origin. It's waste of resources.

It is. Helping people is something you can be proud of.

You don't takein any refugees and yet you get the Muslim shootings and blacks rape your women.

Germany isn't cucked, we're just nice.


it wasnt an argument, and neither was your bait-post.

>hey guys these men havent had pussy in at least two months, surely they cannot be faulted for raping little girls??

Germany helped all those Jews out huh? Why didn't Germany get nuked again?

So, how's the football going? You sure want to make it up for World Cup, don't you?

That's it, I'm done. I am sick of discussing with you idiots every day, for years and years and years now.

Go eat shit and die. I can't bother to give a fuck about this country and people like you anymore. Only a few more years and I am out of here. Good bye for good and never call, you piece of shit of a cuntry.

It's summer right now, Sup Forums predicted there will be group rapes every day.

Girls are wearing hot pants so short ou can see their thick tighs and vagina lips yet nothing happens.

Next NYE will be tame as fuck.

>Implying i would post some weak female officer like its something to be proud of

Cuck confirmed

what about sweden's hand grenade problem?
was that quieted down by criminal bosses who are making big money and don't need that static?

So you become an immigrat; you become what you hate, destabilize your country instead of fighting for it.

Wow. Now you showed us all.

You shouldn't take that as an argument, so much as he's forced to believe you're not serious, because your position on the matter is so dumbfounding.

Weren't like 1000 german women assaulted by those fags in just one night?
Also France has more muslims in it than Germany and they got a parisian attack that killed way more than just 50 homos

I'm gonna be in mostly small to medium towns/cities. So hopefully I share that experience.

I'll be in Frankfurt for literally one night, then its off to Bonn. And I can't tell if you're rusing me, as every other German on Sup Forums has said Frankfurt is shit.

Also no, mudshit is not white by any standard. I live in CA and their presence is increasing in certain areas, and it sticks out like a sore thumb.

>starting to see full blown Afghani hijab garb

It's disgusting desu

Sadly, you are right the neo liberal mindset has damaged the political landscape to a certain extend where conservatism is rare. All thanks to our left wannabe Führer Merkel, an egocentric mear minded imbacile. One should really wonder, considering all of the earlier mentioned points in this thread, who is the racist biggoted moron in this,and thats what it really is, refugee crisis.

Your media literally admits to ignoring your women's rapes.

>Girls are wearing hot pants so short ou can see their thick tighs and vagina lips yet nothing happens.

How do you know?
Your government, and press, have already shown that they suppress facts about crimes committed by migrants and refugees.
So, why do you think you'd know?

>Can we all agree Germany isn't cucked and helping refugees isn't a bad thing?

No we can't, you cuck.

The difference Hans is that in America it's not yet illegal to report crimes committed by Muslims like it is in your caliphate.

Normally you don't even hear about a rape from your neighbour village even if it's done by your own people. It's not necessarily supressing facts, it's just not telling people something that's none of their business. If your daughter was raped by either a man named Jack or Mohammed should it be national news?

He doesnt because that wouldnt tie in with his idiotic microcosmos of a perfect multicultural Goymany where everybody loves everybody. Its like a child playing pretend and shouting loudly when others confront him with the truth

I hope you and your wife's son, Ahmed, are very happy together. Shame he'll have to stab you to death one day in order to send a message to all non-compliant kafir. Don't worry, though, he'll be given the best care in a clinic for a few weeks of re-education before being released back, able to inherit all your belongings and wealth.


I truly feel bad for you guys having all this shit flung at you from such a weak leader. If things get worse and Germans finally get feed up with the shit being flung, Germany may have a civil war upon her hands.

Media covers group rapes and other shit when there are witnesses. But apparently there are no group rapes.

Not even attempts. The last attempts is like two months old. In a shopping centre like 30 women were followed by immigrants.

The fuck off Sup Forums then.

>meet german guy in nostalrius WoW
>play together quite often
>get to know each other and decide to exchange facebook
>mfw he is some shitskin arab named Salem