Cities tomorrow lads:

Cities tomorrow lads:

Planet Earth 1 was way better so far (only on episode 5)


why do people like this? it's so uncomfortable knowing that everything on it is in danger because of human intervention in one way or another. do normies just block this part out or do they not believe it?

i mean attenborough always states it quite outright at the end so you can't really ignore it

Both are kino

It's got pretty animals doing whacky shit while David Attenborough whispers in your ear over a Hans Zimmer soundtrack, seems very easy to ignore the message and lose yourself in the aesthetic. I mean if you look up Planet Earth II right now, one of the most popular results is a football player poorly narrating over it.

You're retarded if you think every instance of animal hardship in the show is due to humans. Danger is nature's status quo.

So fucking sick of millenial retards talking about imdb ratings.

>he has to wait for it to air

Looks like the comfiest yet.

>tfw no deep ocean episode

8/10 at best, cities was interesting but wished they focused on more places than poo-in-loo

Are they doing a Blue Planet II

Ocean shows are comfy as fuck

nothin personel... kid....

It is popular as hell among young people and kids, might be able to get them early while the boomers are slowly dying off.
It is more popular than Xfactor which is amazing for a nature documentary.

Le science bitch! So epic!

nah, the footage they've managed to capture for 2 already puts it above 1

dood science the shit outta this!

i love animals more than i love people!

The way they tell stories makes ppl relate to the animal characters.

What age are you? If you are under 36 then you are a Millennial too.

It is.

Get ready for some extreme raccoon cuteness

haha, lads
lads :)
going to the shop lads haha want anything lads haha :)
lion bar, haha :)
haha, lads
comfy lads
comfy lads
so comfy