Sup Forums btfo yet again


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>except the government:


AR-15 =/= assault rifle, M16 = assault rifle.

Who doesn't trust the government? Police officers, although racist and prone to acts of aggression, should be the only ones with these guns!


>"le assault rifle" meme


Also guns and bombs were illegal in Paris, lot of good that did them.

you must be on yours then.

Those pinko commie freaks had it commin



Are aren't sjw's crediting guns for being the thing that brought the guy down? I'm pretty sure the people inside the club weren't hoping that the cops came with tazers

comply or die faggot.
You're either a law abiding citizen or a nigger.

>comply or die faggot.

>daily mass shooting happens in murrica
>mass hysteria in europe about european gun laws
every fucking time



if it's a black gun then it's an assault rifle in the eyes of liberals

All faggots who start their threads with "Sup Forums BTFO" should be banned and gassed.

>implying you need an assault rifle to kill fifty people

Are they going to ban planes next?

Well I don't.

Checkmate, kikes.

Surely not government overreach.
>domestic response force of peace

Yes but those guns were held by brave police officers who don't fully understand that black lives matter.

Yes but if we ban assault weapons even though we can't confiscate any that have already been made we can still make a big difference through gun control!

arent you tired of posting this cancer?

>muh puffy wigs
these losers were the epitome of faggotry and should've been drawn and quartered for turning their backs on the crown and Christ.

Yeah bombs are illegal and noone blows anyone up. Ever. Everyone BTFOd.

It's not cancer, it's what's right. PERIOD.

Its going to be a sad day when they take americans guns

or uh not responded to?
novel idea?



Ok these "Occupy Democrats" can have jobs that pay $15 an hour to wear body armor and go door to door collecting firearms.

>Its going to be a sad day when they try to take americans guns
There will be thousands of dead zogites in the streets that day.

I've got an assault cock concealed in my pants capable of rapidly firing off millions of microscopic projectiles. When will someone ban my high powered cock, it only takes a single sperm to create life.

Wont be in this lifetime, I don't care if America becomes a warzone and this kind of thing happens every single day. They can have my guns when I'm cold and dead, atop a pile of warm brass.


im afraid it will go something like you guys start fighting it, few of them die then you will have DESIGNATED places to drop your arms off at and if you wont they will just drone you.

And doors, door guards who check if you have guns or not. ban security.

shill harder fag


gun bans really helped france out...or mexico...and the government would never hurt innocent civilians...except waco, ruby ridge, the oregon militia, operation northwoods...

>im afraid it will go something like you guys start fighting it, few of them die then you will have DESIGNATED places to drop your arms off at and if you wont they will just drone you.
And what happens when that drone pilot comes back to find his family gutted by the people he was ordered by his Jewish masters to kill?

> be american > ban assault rifle > mass shooting with handgun is the new thing

But its not easy to find out who actually flew the drone and even harder to know his family.

>be french

>But its not easy to find out who actually flew the drone and even harder to know his family.
It's called hacking their database. Or bribing/blackmailing someone on post. Or recon. Or simply attacking the drone station itself.


Come take mine.

You are a faggot.

AR 15
stands for
armalite rifle
it is a civiilain version
of the M4A4
op you cockrider.

So basically you people want to have access to firearms so you won't feel vulnerable to law enforcement officers? So when it is time to fight against "tyranny" what are you going to do? Shoot some SWAT guys? I don't think so.

I wouldn't feel safe knowing that my neighbour has several guns in his house. WTF there are plenty of ways to defend yourself. Guns are for murder. There are so many types of tasers and pepper sprays.

self bump - is this not even a fucking issue in the argument guise

>Pack of urban youths bust down your door
>Fire your taser
>It hits the first one
>He's unfazed by it because of how high on coke he is
>They proceed to smash your skull with a baseball bat and culturally enrich your wife and children

>shoot taser
>gets stuck on clothing and does nothing

>takes 1500 hand pumps to reload

Totes the same thing as an AR-15.

>I wouldn't feel safe knowing that my neighbour has several guns in his house.
Our rights are not subject to your feelings.

>tries to act patriotic
>doesn't support the foundation of our nation

You could kill 50 people with a hundred bucks and a trip to home depot

BAIT THREAD, this guy has NO INTEREST in having a conversation with arguments


>Missing the point that badly

best to hush this up and ban guns

So shooting one or two of them would solve the problem? What about an alarm system? Calling the police? Also, if more "advanced" tasers or whatever they use in the military that is non-lethal (microwaves etc.) would be made available to the public then you wouldn't think that tasers are useless. But that's the gun propaganda I guess. We should defend ourselves like they did 100-200 years ago. It's not like we evolved technologically.


I support a ban on alcohol, because no girl should be raped while unconscious; PERIOD!

The average polic response time is eleven minutes, so if you're willing to endanger your family for that long, by all means, go ahead.
>So shooting one or two of them would solve the problem?
Yes, putting a round in each intruders chest would solve the problem.

I support a ban on money to prevent greed.

These kinds of pics fuck with their agenda. Post more "oppressed minorities" with guns who love "assault" rifles.

shitty bait thread


Kill yourself

Ok. That's your opinion. I still don't want to believe that we are supposed to live like savages. Lots of countries are doing well without having access to firearms.

nailed it

What happens when not being a nigger is against the law?

What happens when the law says you're a nigger with no proof?

Real assault rifles require a tax stamp. They aren't legal for civilians to just buy. Unlike their imitation devices like an AR.

You could kill hundreds with a bomb though. What's an assault rifle, by the way? Because 50 people could have just as easily been massacred by a Henry Repeating rifle from 1866 (the version with the magazine, not the cartridges lined up under the barrel).

>What about an alarm system? Calling the police?

That's always the rub with these events. They always leave out the part where the guy was ONLY ABLE TO BE STOPPED with a gun. He would have killed EVERYONE in there if he wasn't eventually shot. Their argument at that point is usually "hurr well cops are trained". As if you need much training to pull a trigger at point blank range.

ONE gay with a gun in that room could have saved 50+ lives.


And those countries no longer have the ability to overthrow a dictatorship, so good for them if they're willing to make that trade.

The only way to fix this is using all the guns to kill muslims, that way the world can have peace

Will never ever happen. Literally every single person I know irl and social media is saying they're getting a gun now, at least people who live in Florida. Attacks like this make people cherish their 2nd amendment right more, because there are always left wing hysterics trying to ban them.

>ONE gay with a gun in that room could have saved 50+ lives.

or just killed more as he was trying to hit the shooter with everyone in panic mode.

you gunnuts don't think this through do you?

Yes but if you buy chemicals that are used to make a bomb you may be questioned and even have your home searched. Yet if you have several guns in your home and your son is bullied at school so he is a potential school shooter, you are fine.

I blame the EU...

>So shooting one or two of them would solve the problem?

>What about an alarm system? Calling the police?
Alarms don't make bad guys magically disappear, average police response time where I live is FOUR minutes.

I don't know, how does the story end? This is so exciting.

Why do you assume guns = living like savages? They are inanimate objects, tools. It's like saying a society is savage because they use too many shovels or hammers.

Well my point was that even though you have your guns, you still cant do much against swat teams. If there was to be a dictatorship, some guns won't solve the probelm. So why not ban them whatsoever?

Pearl River High School Shooting
Get fucked gun grabber.

>Yes but if you buy chemicals that are used to make a bomb you may be questioned and even have your home searched.
Not really, unless you're trying to fill up a ryder truck. If someone were to space out the purchases enough or just have other people make the purchases its impossible to track.

wow your a boot locking pussy faggot. how about when your neighborhood plow stations tank comes rolling through your god damn front door in a few years and guns down your entire family. are you going to be a gud boi then too you fucking cuck?


>hurr durr they should release advanced military microwave supersonic taser technology that doesn't exist, then tasers wouldn't be useless hurr

Yes I am positive shooting one or two would solve the problem. Honestly the easiest way scatter a rabid pack of attacking niggers is loud noises and bright flashes, the deadly projectile it's just a bonus. They'd literally be suicidal to keep coming, because I still have 12 more rounds in the magazine and another full mag on my hip.

Plus you guys are already trying to claim we shouldn't be allowed to own weapons that the military has (see liberal definition of "assault rifle"), why is a "military grade taser" all the sudden ok?

> just call the police or something hurr

You know like they say, when seconds matter, the police are only minutes away. Plus it was ruled on by the supreme court that the police don't have any legal obligation to protect you from harm. Police will if they can, but once again, they are minutes away when seconds matter.

>you still cant do much against swat teams
That's not true at all. If a SWAT team had to go to door in every house in the country confiscating guns, they would not have the manpower. Moral would be a joke after a while because they would have to worry about getting shot at in every single house they went in.

SWAT training doesn't magically make you immune to bullets. Most of what makes SWAT effective is overwhelming force up in your ass before you can even blink. This all assuming the cops would even follow mass confiscation orders. Pic somewhat related.

There could be non-lethal tools that do the job just fine. Of course, maybe not everyone has the money to buy alarm systems, tasers, etc, but if you are poor you will always be vulnerable so a glock won't save you. Are criminals actualy afraid that the one they want to rob could have a gun?

I support a ban on bombs, nobody should be able to make bombs to kill 50 people.

gun grabbing hippie faglords don't care about americans. these are the same retards that would ban guns and then funnel in millions of hostile immigrants in the name of their faggy multiculturalist star trek-esque jerk circle utopian ideals.

The old adage always rings true. "Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."

kys faggot

>There could be non-lethal tools that do the job just fine.
No there aren't. This is no non-lethal alternative to a firearm for self defense. Why are you so worried about killing niggers INVADING YOUR HOME? It's always better to kill them because in several states, the criminal can actually sue you if he lives. I would lose no sleep after wasting some criminals who tried to break into my home and hurt me and my family.

There is no*

ya when the government starts droning their own citizens, it definitely won't cause global outrage.

OP posted this as satire. read his posts. they are all satire. OP agrees with us.