Britain Needs More Than 64% Of The Vote

"The country seeking to leave the Union will be required to secure support from at least 72 percent of the continuing member states representing at least 65 percent of their population, as well as consent from the European Parliament.[36]"

britain will not leave eu. the gap is too big. maybe i misunderstood, but you all seemed to have missed an important legal criteria.

its a shame though, i would really LOVE britain to leave the eu.

please tell me i misunderstood, and 50% will more than suffice senapi

>Britains answer: Piss off cunts.
Europe btfo.

obviously this

requiring continuing members to vote on a nation leaving is asinine to begin with.

>implying they'd let britons leave

A referendum has no power. they could get 100% of the vote to leave and they'd have a loophole in place to disqualify the outcome, destroy its legitimacy, or just outright say 'no'.

And what do you think the response of the British public is going to be when they pull that shit off? You think we're just going to sit down and say "well it appears your rules have got us beat". No, we're going to say "fuck you, we don't give a shit what your rules say. We don't want to be in your shitty club". Violence against foreigners is going to skyrocket and brussels will let us leave just to stop continentals being killed by British nationalists.

>as well as consent from the European Parliament
You guys are here forever

This reminds me of something...

I don't understand. Doesn't that make EU a de facto federation?
Doesn't that mean countries in EU don't actually have sovereignty?

what theyre implying is we'd need a confident lead to beat the status quo, where they think alot of voters at the last minute will just go with Remain out of fear.

but in the past couple weeks we have had confident leads, we're leading by 5+ as of today and thats in the phone poll

>And what do you think the response of the British public is going to be when they pull that shit off?
> You think we're just going to sit down and say "well it appears your rules have got us beat".
>No, we're going to say "fuck you, we don't give a shit what your rules say. We don't want to be in your shitty club".
hahah no. the new Iphone is too important and the new got season is on too

What are you

Brexit has large scale support from the Armed Forces. If Parliament simply ignored the referendum a coup is possible.

If that starts I'll lend you arms

what color is the sky in your world?

>Doesn't that mean countries in EU don't actually have sovereignty?

..... How new are you? The overwhelming majority of laws of various EU countries are written not in those countries themselves, but Brussels.

Wow, its almost like the EU can do what ever it wants because british citizens are not armed.
>be British
>get denied independence

No dear, it doesn't work like that. We vote to leave and we leave, it is as simple as that.

Remember friend, you are all weak as puppies, only France is strong along side us in Europe.

You are the little man behind the screen who soils himself when he faces reality.

>British people using deadly weapons in riot

>being this delusional

There is very little public support for parliament plus parliament is in support of remaining. Among possible results of the parliament refusing to accept the referendum, a coup is one of them.

Situation in brotherly UK is going to be normalized.


oh no what is the EU gonna do, sick Sweden's feminist military on them?

obviously the bottomfeeders are going to vote to keep a net contributor and a military protector

Get fukt EU. You are already dead. Enjoy the invading force your softies willingly imported.

Never gonna happen the globalists wont allow it

I said possible. It is possible if the Parliament refuses to acknowledge the referendum.

The more likely result with be the dissolution of Parliament.

We simply repeal the European Communities Act 1972 and stop paying the membership fee.

There is literally jack shit they can do.

>TFW Britain votes to leave
>TFW Brussels says no
>TFW when Europe can into war
>TFW Britain did something good for once

>He doesn't know the EU is built like a dictatorship

>and stop paying the membership fee.
This whole conversation sounds very familiar

The will of the people is what matters here. A simple majority vote will suffice and it will all be done and over with.

We'll see in 10 days if they're smart enough to leave or if the propaganda overwhelmed them to stay.

I'm a level 7 Paladin questing to destroy Muslims. I'll use my holy words with a +6 charisma roll to brexit.

Fighting on Britain side in this one, even if it mean attacking retard on Canadian soil. I'm not letting that precedent happen because I want muh independence too.

Tesco cutlery sets are going to go THROUGH THE ROOF!

Buy stock in Tesco now!!!

>b-but the civil war was about slavery

>shows burgers

>eternal anglo sets out to destroy Europe once again

sadly this

in recent times I have lost all my hope for humanity

people are just too unintelligent

no, they give the stupid people of the member countries the ILLUSION of sovereignty by allowing them to vote for their EU Parlimentary MEP.

The MEP's are utterly powerless. The seriously have as much power as a student government does in a high-school.

The actual EU laws are debated, and written by people who are APPOINTED with absolutely ZERO democratic say as to whom goes where and does what by ANY PEOPLE OF THE EU MEMBER STATES.

Basically it's a bunch of IMF/Internationalist jews appointing their friends to be the new de facto Lords, Duke and Barons of the NWO.

That's why they are so ardently opposed to even the slightest right0-wing thoughts and shitting bricks over Trump and the Leave campaign being as popular as they are.

Worse. They're too comfortable.

the referendum is not legally binding in the first place

no need for a loophole

all I hope for is that it will further radicalize the european population


He's from the UK.. so, Grey obviously.


>"The country seeking to leave the Union will be required to secure support from at least 72 percent of the continuing member states representing at least 65 percent of their population, as well as consent from the European Parliament.[36]"

Right, because that's how it works - we need fucking foreign permission. I don't think so.

I was one of the one million people that marched through London before the Iraq kicked off telling Blair to get fucked. If 1 in 60 turned out to march through London, how many do you think disagreed with the Iraq War casus belli? And what did Blair do? 'Lol git gud fagets'

They will ignore the outcome of this referendum unless it's in their favour and no one will do shit about it, just like Iraq. If it made a difference, they wouldn't let you do it.

> declaring war on someone because they want to leave your club and you don't like that
it sounds so retarded europe might actually do it

You do, sadly, otherwise they can't impose sanctions and shit for breaking contracts. I really doubt it'll be of any concern, they just want it to look like they have power.

>Sanction 5th biggest economy in the world. One of Europe's largest markets for goods sold.

Sounds like a plan

As i said, they just want to look like they have power and can scare the people. It's only the bankers and such they can affect.

Fucking lol.

>It's funny because it's true.

Britain will do as it damn well pleases, with the right public mandate.

An attitude worth noting and emulating, Eurocucks. You don't need the EU's fiat money, you were fine before and you'll be fine after you, too, leave.

>Looks out of window
>Yes, it is true



>realizes the EU is intended to subvert nation-states
Congratulations, you just redpilled yourself

>For a deal to be done, both sides need to agree. On the EU side, that requires support from a qualified majority of the continuing members (specifically, the so-called ‘super qualified majority’: at least 72 per cent of the continuing members, representing at least 65 per cent of their population) and from the European Parliament. If no deal is done within two years, the UK’s membership automatically ceases, unless the 27 vote unanimously to extend the negotiation
>If no deal is done within two years, the UK’s membership automatically ceases, unless the 27 vote unanimously to extend the negotiation
fuck off

Don't be a goon, bin that spoon