Ok my fellow americucks, let's assume everyone can be a armed with whatever they want. If you don't want to ban assault rifles, how do you prevent as mass murder of this scale from ever happening again? Should we just accept that we can be killed in mass by a single individual at anytime before we're even able to draw our weapons? Why should we have to live like this?
>Background check memes will be ignored.
>Getting rid of memes will be ignored.
Ok my fellow americucks, let's assume everyone can be a armed with whatever they want...
Other urls found in this thread:
>how do you prevent as mass murder of this scale from ever happening again?
Live in a perfect society where everyone solves their issues with hugs and kisses instead of violence.
>we're even able to draw our weapons
What weapons? It was a gun free zone.
See it with me guys
How long would you have to leave a knife by a tomato before the knife cut the tomato?
This might work.
>Muslim terrorism
>okay smartypants how would you have prevented this
Did you just emerge from cryogenic sleep for most of the current presidential campaign?
>a rifle makes someone able to kill 50 people before anyone draws
lol no
And a pistol is much more effective for shooting up a night club.
You can't. It does not matter what you do, there is no way to stop it. You can only protect yourself and others around you if you choose to be a responsible human.
banning niggers and muslims would help though
Guns weren't allowed in the club, there was even a sign saying you couldn't bring in guns. I think the sign was too small and he didn't see it. Only if he saw the sign this could have been avoided.
We send all the liberals and niggers and beaners to Honduras where guns are banned
Then our gun crime rate will be .5/100,000
>weapons banned in France, still 2 shootings
>implying terrorists only use weapons and never something else like.. explosives for example.
didn't see any terrorist crying to the God of weapons. weapons didn't make this, fanaticism and bad ideology (Islam) did.
There was a shooting in Belgium like right now and 2 persons died. Belgium is no guns cuntry. Rly makes you think..
Lucky he didn't use a bomb. His kill rate was under half, he shot 103 people. If he had brought a pressure cooker bomb he could have killed everything in that building.
>im okay with people getting killed unless its a lot of people at once
The issue is that this meme of banning the 2nd amendment will raise crime for about 10 years until police adjust to the new climate, in which case it will settle about (shocker) right where it was previously.
Removing the 2nd ammendment simply keeps honest people who work hard from protecting their family legally. The meme of rising up to the government is impossible because of the govt butt fucking the billionaires who would be needed to buy/build the tools necessary to wage war against an angry north/ north east.
That being said there are more killings with handguns than any other firearm in the world and in America. Yet Obama is trying to grab AR-15's?
Not even. You get a 50 gallon oil drum fill it with fertalizer, a mix of styrofoam/gasoline (napalm) and another substance that i wont share with you and he could've parked his truck next to the building, walked two blocks away, and blown them all to bits and likely leveled half the block.
Nationwide legal open carry and turn tactical gear, plate carriers, and rifles into fashionable must-have items.
>highschool detected
So like a douchier version of Outer Heaven?
With 5.11 clothing, Blackhawk PCs, overpriced ARs, mall crawler Jeep Wrangler JKs, and Oakleys everywhere?
>that pic
nazis didn't kill jews. heat and gas killed jews
Maybe if the folks in that club were carrying guns wed have a different scenario. Sadly it was a gun free zone and the gays seem to embrace the left on gun issues despite being a targeted group for violent hate crimes.
Gays, women, and all minorities should be the first in line for gun rights yet they consistantly vote otherwise.
And all the hipsters would import foreign camo patterns and weapons, and wear old flak vests while rolling their eyes at the tacticool faggots. It'll be great.
>>Background check memes will be ignored.
you're right, it's totally acceptable to "ban muslims from the country" while simultaneously being OK with them purchasing firearms at wal-mart.
Ill bite you dead and get away with it
>Not all people go on mass shootings, most are responsible gun owners
Ummm excuse me bigot not all muslims go on mass shootings, most are moderate :^)
Fight the ideology, dot fight inanimate objects. The war to come is not a race war, as so many here on pol have been duped into thinking
The war to come is a holy war (or jihad) against not just the US but the entire world
Muslims dont kill people
Guns do
Don't ever kiss or hug me or I will fucking kill you.
Its sad that rpgs and explosives are banned. More dead americans would be nice.
Too late mate-o got you in your sleep
Yes its a slogan and its meaningless, we know
>i would smash a tomato with my hand even if i didn't have a knife
>i would murder 50 gays with whatever i could get my hands on even if i didn't have an assault rifle
thanks for proving our point
>viable solutions are memes and i want to set up the debate so i always win
fucking OP at it again
>i cant use a truck to kill 30+ people
taking away my high powered rifle is about protecting the tyrants in our government should they decide to trample on my liberties. Your either a NWO shill or an incredibly ignorant person.
Ban and destroy all guns
Sell pikes, swords, and maces for self defense
Bring back melee warfare
try EOD my very skeptical friend
You don't there are 350,000,000 of us shit happens sometimes. The deaths from mass shootings are a drop in the bucket people only flip there shit because they are already polarized on the subject. There is a couple of thousand non justifiable non suicide firearm deaths each year. There are an estimated 440K medical negligence deaths every year. Why in the sweet fuck is everyone flipping out about guns when swimming pools kill more children annually. Where is the pool safety advocacy groups? What part of gun control would have stopped him from making a suicide vest? The guy wanted to kill people he would have found a way. Stop blaming the inanimate tool and start blaming the human one that did this. There are between 1000,000 and 3.5 million defencive gun usages each year and only about 1000 justified shootings. At a bear minimum guns are used a literal 100 more for defense than offence and the vast majority of illegal gun violence is convicted criminals killing each other with illegally obtained guns. So what law is going to stop that? medicalmalpracticelawyer.center
People are so quick to forget how powerful ANFO and ANNM explosives can be, and how relatively easy they are to manufacture.
You can pass all the stupid useless feelgood legislation you want, literally the only way to completely eliminate the possibility of a mass shooting or a suicide bombing is to put everyone in the country under 24 hour surveillance, not allow weapons of any kind to be sold, and give police the power to do warrantless search and seizures.
Freedom or security. You can't have both.
You don't. You just man up and live you life. People die, get over it.
Europe has banned guns yet eueocucks are going extinct in their own nations. Australians banned guns and now they are all retarded. Canadians can't buy guns like us and they are a laughing stock.
If you want to take our guns, go ahead and try bro. You'll get shot in the face by some red neck and I'll laugh.
It's funny too, they think a gun grab would stop gun violence when really it'll cause it.
Is a knife designed solely to cut tomatoes?
Those aren't viable solutions.
People cut a tomato..........with a knife
People can kill people.........with a gun
In what altercation with the government would result in you needing an assault rifle?
It's not just about the death. It's about the terror it causes. Accidents happen all the time so you're bitching about a false equivalency.
I feel like most liberals just want to ban assault rifles. Why are the necessary for civilians?
What the fuck is this supposed to prove? They should both be banned regardless.
I know you're going to call me a paranoid slippery sloper, but they won't stop at ar-15's. There have been movements to ban all sorts of guns throughout the 20th century in america. Back in the 70s and 80s there were huge pushes by democrats to ban handguns.
Basically since the 1930's libs have proven time and time again that if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. The original NFA act of 1934 was supposed to be "the one." The one act they would need and you'd never hear from them ever again to try and take any more gun rights, and see how that's gone?
Businesses that make over a certain percentage of revenue in alcohol sales are automatically gun free zones.
What now, libshits?