>Be on FBI terror watch list
>Buy AR-15 one week before slaughtering 50 people
Let's put aside the broader gun debate. But can someone explain to me how the fuck someone on the terror watch list was permitted to buy an assault rifle? This is lunacy.
>Be on FBI terror watch list
>Buy AR-15 one week before slaughtering 50 people
Let's put aside the broader gun debate. But can someone explain to me how the fuck someone on the terror watch list was permitted to buy an assault rifle? This is lunacy.
Other urls found in this thread:
your intelligence agencies are incompetent even with every tech company working with your government to spy on your citizens
>terror watch list
because there is no due process to getting put on that list and no path to get taken off.
It's Literally a meme to make people feel safer.
Literally a meme.
>I just said something was literally a meme
>wtf is wrong with me
Half of Sup Forums is on a watch list, it means nothing
Federal overreach + Federal uselessness and impenitence
They is no reason for the federal goverment to have this much power and control whn it dosnt even do shit
we have to back
Shrink the government, abolish the federal income tax
At what point did you start used retard terminology instead of adult ones?
Because despite what edgy, authoritarian Sup Forums believes, you're innocent until proven guilty in this country
bad shitpost
He had to have done a background check. It's mandated by law.
Many normal people get denied, presumably out of an abundance of caution. Yet this guy passed.
His presence on a watch list isn't nearly as relevant as the fact that he'd been identified as a threat and nothing was done.
Fuck the gun aspect. What do we do with potential islamic terrorists?
seriously this
jesus christ USA
It was delivered by the CIA, so he didnt need to get it at a store
Excuse me sir, I did not see your degree in memology.
It makes sense if it's a fed operation.
okey dokie
You forgot the wife that was beaten who could of gotten him on domestic violence and never had him buy a gun legally. She didn't because she is a cunt and didn't want to.
I think American intelligence is, like, literally retarded. He wen around bragging about knowing terrorists and they just let him go.
>But can someone explain to me how the fuck someone on the terror watch list was permitted to buy an assault rifle?
>Be an American citizen
>Have protected constitutional rights (right to bear arms)
>Commit no crime to warrant loss of rights
>Suspicion does not warrant crime conviction
>We never actually on a terror watch list, was "questioned" about associations, no evidence came out of it.
>OP is a faggot
We can't have a proper discussion about this if people keep calling the AR15 an assault rifle.
The fbi has its head too far up Hillary Clinton's ass, researching through her family line for the last 12 millenia to care
>50 ppl
im so homo erectus right now
>okey doke
You don't have to be convicted of a crime to fail a background check, numbnuts.
He wasn't on the terror watch list. He may have been temporarily if he was the subject if a terrorism investigation, but if no reasonable suspicion is found, then he has to be removed.
ban door guards and latches ban doors and locks
Yeah it was pretty weird. I know a bunch of people that have been blocked for shit way less severe than being on a terrorist watch list.
Also former government watchlist analyst here if you have questions
I've seen you sperg about this in every thread.
No one cares about the distinction. It is irrelevant.
The terrorist wasn't a church full of women and children, so the FBI was powerless to stop him.
>Sees two men kissing
>Mah religion
How many people are actually on those lists? I'd imagine there are tens of thousands.
>ow the fuck someone on the terror watch list was permitted to buy an assault rifle?
Due process, or the lack thereof.
Because if he was denied the gun then the fucking liberals would be crying discrimination while asking for a ban on guns, you can't win with these people.
As others have said, other people fail background checks for much smaller things, like being an Autist or a loner, without ever committing a crime. Wouldn't being on the terror watch list be a huge red flag?
As I understand it he wasn't currently on a list. He has been on a list and was investigated, yet FBI decided they couldn't stick anything to him (even though he claimed himslef, he had ties and connections and sympathies to jihadists) and therefor they closed the case.
I don't know if there is a register for purchased guns in the US if not its simple i buy a gun and give it to you ...you need only one person which is not on the blacklist.
it doesn't matter if he was a terrorist
he was a US born terrorist and that's all that matters
The state polices minor petty bullshit, focusing the most attention on law abiding citizens, and the enforcement of obscure, pointless regulations and codes. Meanwhile, those who do not play by the rules, and are ACTUALLY a threat to society are ignored amidst the noise of asinine bureaucratic prioritization.
Only about 20,000 that are U.S. persons. There are about half a million records in the unclassified terrorist screening database though. Some are in there due to known associations only.
I bet many of you burgers are on this "list" just being on Sup Forums.
You guys are overthinking it. Literally minutes after it happen the FBI released his spread sheet and info. They had every single bit of information on him that they needed, but they couldn't intervene because the current administration is all about Muslims and NO RACISM EVER bullshit. The FBI did their job, but King Obongo prevents them from preventing actual tragedy in the name of PC
this Sup Forums memery has literally taken over my own thought process
not a day goes by that i don't think to myself
"just cuck my shit up senpai"
and only this. Let's not pretend other wise.
If he was on the tsdb, then the govt would be aware of his purchase., but he wouldn't necessarily be restricted from purchasing depending on how he is flagged. I'm not aware of him being watch listed though.
He's a actor
>dont have a counter argument
>point out flag
Do you really think this works outside your basement?
also fpbp
Terror watch list doesnt mean shit.
One of the bosses of a youtube channel (roosterteeth) was put on it and couldnt fly on airplanes for a while,
This. Despite being a piece of shit, he was a citizen and had rights to own firearms until those rights are taken away. Should they have watched him more, or been alerted? Probably, I'm not the FBI. I don't know how everything works. But I certainly don't want to see any citizens rights taken away without due process, conviction or some really good reason. Thats exactly what liberals want.
oh boy here we go, next screen shots with circles and arrows
vague statements of some faggy witness blown out of perportion
and always the ever present ridiculous fucking meme evil empire that would go through some theatrical show in order to accomplish a far fetched goal
>assault rifle
nice bait
He was also removed by the state department, from that list because Hillary said it was raycisst. Yes its a shit source, but its based on a book from a state department employee.
He wasn't just "on a watch list." He was interviewed twice by the FBI, in addition to:
>While working as a courthouse guard in 2013, Mateen made "inflammatory and contradictory" statements to co-workers about having relatives in Al Qaeda, the radical Sunni terrorist group, Comey said. Mateen also claimed to be a member of Hezbollah, Lebanon's Shiite militia, and his remarks drew an 11-month FBI investigation, Comey said. Both groups oppose Islamic State.
>Comey said the FBI also briefly investigated Mateen in 2014 for allegedly watching videos by Al Qaeda propagandist Anwar Awlaki and attending the same mosque as an American who would later become a suicide bomber for Al Nusra Front in Syria -- another Al Qaeda affiliate opposed to Islamic State.
Read about the CVE--Countering Violent Extremism directive/narrative enforced by the executive branch.
Why does my country not give even the slightest shit about by safety?
Unless they have been convicted of a crime or a non US national, nothing would appear on a back ground check.
For instance, let's say you had a meeting or knew a guy that blew himself up because muh Islam. The FBI asked you questions and determine that there was nothing there. As a US Citizen, does that mean you lose your rights and lose your ability to purchase a firearm? No. So why would it for him? Especially a guy who worked a government contract award winning security company?
you can't take away constitutional rights without due process.
The only goddamn thing that would have stopped him from killing 50 people was if one or more of those people were also armed. The only thing equal to a man with a gun, is another man with a gun.
>imploding a man with a tank wouldn't be better than a man with a gun
>can someone explain to me how the fuck someone on the terror watch list was permitted to buy an assault rifle?
mrs. clinton actively allowed it. her department shut down a DHS agent's investigation into this mosque because they support the group with relations to this mosque. there was another terrorist grown from this place in 2014 as well.
And that is why our western word is rotting from the inside, the lefties think multiculti works. But it's not. The same is in germany and the "rapefugees" you only find about it on local papers and not in the national news to make it's look like it was a "individual case" but if you add all of them you have a other picture there is a joke about it meanwhile because of that "daily greets the individual case"
It was a false flag, assholes.
they let it happen like they did in Madrid, London, Paris...
>even with every tech company working with your government to spy on your citizens
You want a bad signal to noise ratio? Because that's exactly how you get it.
Does he have felonies?
FBI did everything they could, they had their hands tied by the new PC world order.
This is the price of political correctness. Brainwashing to believe everyone is nice and nothing will go wrong then doing everything they can after it does go wrong to blame something else.
I think he was an armed guard, so he had to have applied for plenty of licenses. Just goes to show how BS the whole watch list really is.
nice flag
Your cluntry doesn't even have tech companies. Go do the only good thing serbs can do and remove some kebabs.
You have done memetastasis
You guys are full of shit, even IF he was on a terrorist watchlist, Obama or any other person couldn't do a thing to stop him from buy a gun.
>Thanks 2nd amendment.
You're probably the same guy who would call the government out for 'racial profiling'. Oh, just because he's a Muslim he has less rights than a WHITE man?
Remember, the neighbors of the San burnidino shooter wanted to warn the police, but was scared of being biggot-shamed if their hunch was off.
If you really want the government to decide who's a threat or not just say so. You might not like what that looks like though, when the correlation between mosque visits and the banned from guns list comes up.
Who gives a shit.
You don't need a gun to fuck up tons of people.
This has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with islam and its radical muslim followers.
Check around the 4 minute mark to see what I'm referring to
>What do we do with potential islamic terrorists?
Kill them.
This. America spies on everybody. How can they expect to handle all this data? They should narrow their spy net.
Anyhow, they never stopped a terrorist attack, i don't expect them cucks to ever stop one.
I wonder if this guy was planted by Hilary as a way to take our guns.
you may be a fucking leaf, but you are correct
Can someone list the successes of the American security services? We already know the failures, this is another one to the list. You should start holding your politicians and government officials accountable.
You say it's a failure when the FBI knew all about it. They simply weren't allowed to intervene
>he was never on a watchlist, but was interviewed by the FBI and deemed a non-threat
>AR-15 is an assault rifle
Pretty much this, though I don't know why it would be embarrassing, the average american either doesn't care or actively dislikes our intelligence agencies.
It's shit like this that makes me really not worry about the fact that these chucklefucks try to make you think they're spying on your every move.
One thing Orwell didn't really put into 1984 was just how fucking incompetent human beings are. An NWO on a global scale will never happen because these idiots fuck up the simplest shit. They want you to be scared at the possibility that they could come for YOU at any moment, but the reality is they can't even stop a mudslime from getting a low-tier assault rifle and shooting a bunch of gays.
>But can someone explain to me how the fuck someone on the terror watch list was permitted to buy an assault rifle? This is lunacy.
he was guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms, along with the right to freedom of religion and presumption of innocence by the supreme law of the land. what's not to get?
Because the terror watch list and surveillance don't actually exist to stop terror. They exist to data mine information to sell to corporations and make sure Whites never become nationalist.
Clinton helped him out there to an extent.
sauce pls. That seems breddy impordund xd
It's not like they hold a parade every time they stop terrorists.
"Yeah there was this plot to blow up the statue of liberty today, but don't worry we take care of it." The success stories are classified and the failures are very public.
This is terrifying. Anti-Islam sentiment isn't allowed in the intelligence community? We might as well disband them entirely if they're incapable of doing their jobs.
Because government is competent and only the best and brightest get into public office.
And because background checks work and more will work more better (duh).
What was the question again?
>gun debate
>assault rifle
>Assault rifle