>London's new mayor, Sadiq Khan, has announced that advertisements that portray "unhealthy or unrealistic body images" are to be banned from the city's public transport.
Sharia incoming
>London's new mayor, Sadiq Khan, has announced that advertisements that portray "unhealthy or unrealistic body images" are to be banned from the city's public transport.
Sharia incoming
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So no fat people?
He's enforcing islamic standards of modesty
Sharia within the next decade.
>In a press release, the London mayor's office said that "from next month, Transport for London," or TfL, "will not allow ads which could reasonably be seen as likely to cause pressure to conform to an unrealistic or unhealthy body shape, or as likely to create body confidence issues, particularly among young people."
And they said there was no slippery slope.
Ma sha Allah.
Being fat is unrealistic and unhealthy. The among of wealth required to get fat is not the norm for most humans.
Soon mashallah
If he's talking about fat people, then I'm all for it, if he's talking about people with muscular/athletic body's (unrealistic) then he can behead himself
This could have caused a fat person jihad
>family goes to UK
>I stay in Lithuania because I don't want to face the absurd shit read about the UK on Sup Forums
>don't want to get in trouble for talking shit in the Jew Kay
>follow Lithuanian political scene
>realise that literally the same shit is slowly taking over Lithuania
>move here because might as well have it easy financially while suffering this bullshit
Well, time to move somewhere else. Any suggestions, Sup Forums? I'd move to Switzerland, but you need to be well-off to move there, so I can't do that yet.
simply discrimination against hot women
Anglos have worse white guilt than denazified germans
I was wary of this fucking guy from the start, and now this shit. Fuck him into the fucking ground. I can't even believe this crap.
>face niggers and spics everywhere
>risk getting shot
>eat GMO food
I don't know, senpai. It also seems as if the US is just as batshit when it comes to feminism and all that crap
next to impossible for white people no matter how qualified you are
Just move to the north or northwest.
It's hick country out there, but most places are good when you ignore the cities.
As-salamu alaykum my British friends.
>Where can I sponge off next?
Not for much longer, friendo.
UK is the most obese country in Europe and will be soon fatter than the US
that decision is understandable
seems a little bit lefty
Stay, my Lithuanian friend.
Together we can rule the galaxy.
>eat GMO food
Vegan autist detected. There are objectively no harmful effects of GMO food.
Are Leftists still buttmad about a commercial campaign that has long since ended?
Or is this simply more creeping sharia?
Londonistan getting what they asked for
I am happy
British Londoners, the second you see a muscled man advertised complain about it and link to this.
>There are objectively no harmful effects of GMO food.
t. citizen of the country that consumes most GMO products per capita in the world.
Lel no.
To be fair, I have not researched this topic thoroughly, so it's scary.
>elect muslim mayor for tolerance
>one of his first acts as mayor is censorship
wew lad, two more years of this?
ISLAM is slowly taking over the west as promised by ALLAH (cc) in the Quran.
there is no force in the universe that can stop this happening.
Why stop at advertisments.
They should ban unrealistic bodies IRL too.
Ugly women should wear some sort of cloth over their whole body.
Actually all women should wear it, not to trigger the ones that already wear it.
We just need a name for this kind of cloth.
Hmm what could it be?
took him long enough phoney allah
we just need two generations. once your grandparents and your parents die, muslims will be the majority because your generation doesn't have enough children.
Why do you wish to enslave us? Why can't we all just get along Mohamed.
>fat brits whales can't handle to see a healthy women on their way to McDonald's
>Ayatollah Sadiq Al Khan decides to fix the issue by enforcing Quran verses
What a week boys
>Get that Burqa body for the Hajj
Obligatory resistance pic related.
London is lost for four to five years, waiting for the inevitable resignation or impeachment after total abandonment of city by the majority of cockney's or inevitable collapse of the establishment.
soon women will have to wear sheets
Don't worry. I'm white, fluent in your language and have not taken in a single cent in welfare (and am not planning to). If every single immigrant was exactly like me the UK would be the best place to live in.
kek, sad but true
>physical fitness is unrealistic and unhealthy
What a shithole.
So unrealistic and unhealthy, it makes me feel bad about how lazy I am and my calorie intake, she's not a REAL woman, ban this filth now.
Being skinny and hot is completely realistic...my GF is from Japan and she is a size 0. Know why? Because she cares about her body and doesn't eat like shit all the time. Anyone can do it.
People just wanna justify being a lardass.
Pic unrelated but nice.
In the UK maybe
Sounds good to me. Sick of the idea that all men have to look like chads, maybe i am a feminist after all.
So if its fantasy then it's banned? Ridiculous. Most ads would have to be scrapped. Anti innovation and anti creativity and lets not forget this policy is a ban on freedom of expression and the last time I checked freedom of expression was a human right. London's new mayor is anti-human rights, folks. Remember that when London is a non-white welfare ghetto and not much else in four years time.
>claims to be moderate westernized muslim
>one of first acts is to ban images
>images of uncovered women at that
can't make this shit up
> It's a sin for men to be turned on by women
Soon he will segregating public places for the sake of protecting women from rape culture :^)
Screencap this.
>allahu ackbar 2bh famalam
Fuckin cockroach, only reason Islam is expanding is because, like cockroaches, they multiply fast, are hard to kill, and spread their filth everywhere.
Taking everything harmless that men like away one thing at a time.
Inshallah my brother and Ramadan Mubarak to you.
Were this anybody else, it'd just be the weak willed left being unable to reach the higher standards set by their betters.
In this case, I'm willing to bet that Kahn is simply putting muslim policy in place under the guise of "muh progression".
Sure is Al Taqqiya in Londonistan, of late.
Literally impossible to enforce seeing as though most using models are literally real bodies.
If anything I'm surprised Disney or someone hasn't tried to shut that shit down since the proportions of their characters are unrealistic.
As for unhealthy you can't do that either seeing as though you don't know their workout regimen or diet so that is unenforceable unless they are severely overweight or disabled.
Mother fucker doesn't understand how the law works.
Nice numbers
And you know what religion more than others appeals to men who are sexually repressed and pissed off...
>wanting to see some pear shaped bitch in saggy underwear with stringy hair and pimples on her ass in a lotion ad.
Fuck that. Didn't this guy have ties with terrorists?
That sneaky bastard
>London's new mayor
>Sadiq Khan
>london, mayor of london
>literally SADIQ KHAN
burger here, am i being rused
do you literally have a fucking muslim mayor
Very real.
>weighing less than 200 pounds
>I'm white therefore i'm special xdd
Too bad only racists scumbags think like that.
they are closer than ever
you seem butthurt, my short brown friend.
"The Mayor of London today took action on a pledge made during his election campaign to ban advertisements that could pressurise people to conform to unhealthy or unrealistic body images."
pressurize??? is nobody in the fucking world literate anymore? this is london.gov.uk here, folks.
I think the money-side will solve this problem.
Of course, 8 years ago is a long time.
>he doesn't know the current year
Sup Forums the musical
Nonsense, all we have to do is split a few atoms and problem solved.
Just how cucked is the EU and UK?!
We're ready for civil war if Sharia goes full scale here and we're supposed to be sexually repressed Asians.
We cannot stand for this shit any longer.
Just say 'fuck you' to our laws and jump the border. Libs will lick your ass for it and call us bigots.
he is Finnish
Suck mah diq Khan! What meme mayor kek.
My first thoughts EXACTLY. Who the fuck do you think he's trying to fool? First amendment.
Dude we have a Muslim president. You just waking up now I take it?
Anyway I can't believe London is just allowing this to happen. Banning images of women? Kek
Pure coincidence goyim!
I like that bait, I'll give you a A- . It's almost flawless, except you didn't cite those sources.
The US literally exports hella food to foreign countries, not just GMO corn but oranges and shit too, nigger. The midwest is known as the breadbasket of the WORLD. Do you know how many people would starve if not for GMO food?
You ever hear of that one guy that discovered that one rice strain that fed literally hundreds of millions of people. What you think that is? Miracle rice? Naw that shit GMO dude.
Feminism and Islam together at last! Next step, stop objectifying images of women displayed in public! (Women that show any skin)
Don't you think most people are fooled about his motivation? I'm pretty sure most just see it as a SJW-issue, and not him slowly forcing people to wear garbagebags
Does he have the authority?
well considering our Lithuanian population is the population of your goddamn country you might as well
I've literally never seen one of these in my life that wasn't ridden by a 95 year old vet with one or no legs. Also, the 2nd one up from the bottom right is Canadian.
>mayor want to ban the promotion of degeneracy
>Sup Forums outraged at this
I'm no fan of Islam, i'd be happy to see every muslim put into an oven to be honest but COME ON guys it's 2016
fascist fuck.