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The muslim looks alpha and Trevor or whatever his name is looks autistic.
Wow, rare flag.
Don't worry.
Whites are a minority in births now. Mexicans will be the majority of young men soon and their attacks on whites will be massively condemned while white crimes will be swept under the rug to prevent a race war in the US.
The confederate flag thing is fucking stupid anyway. You losers lost the civil war. You have no right to put your faggot flag on government property. In your own home? Fine. You have the freedom to telegraph to the world that you're a loser.
It goes along with the narrative that all that is wrong with the world is the fault of white males.
There were even widespread mob assaults against whites following that, which the liberal media partially covered up.
I don't think 'cognitive dissonance' accurately describes it.
Liberals are just openly racist towards whites, specifically white males.
The irony, this is completely the opposite of what's happening right now.
Yeah, they're not even focusing on him at all, just his gun.
>I live in some backwards shit hole country and I know what's happening in the bastion of humanity known as North America
Not an argument.
Roofie's still more fuckable.
If you're the bastion of humanity why are you so full of gays un-ironically wanting to be slaughtered in the name of Allah, eh?
Don't cut yourself on all those sharp edges
Because KKK kill ratio is much higher and USA flag is the winning flag of civil war. And besides guns didn't get banned, neither did confederate flag. Mayor difference also between killing fags and church people.
>Whites are a minority in births now
Still a majority with about a 60% birth rate. Although it is dwindling slowly, there is still time to turn it around. I saw we make abortions extremely cheap and available in ethnic neighborhoods and less available in white areas.
>Confederate flag
>American heritage
Sure is outright lies ITT.
Because Jews
Is this your first day here?
No. You make up less than 50% of the births. You are just the largest minority now.
Wrong, if anything tactical bowlcuts are alpha af.
3 hundred? Wow, that's a lot of hundred.
That only works on irresponsible blacks Mexicans don't believe in abortion or condoms!
If it's Jews then how come they aren't demonizing the muslims like they do with Palestine?
Are you really this ignorant and retarded?? Odds are you're too much of a coward to even respond to this as well, so have fun living in your deluded fantasy :)
>American (((comedy))).
>The muslim looks alpha
Are you retarded? He looks like a fucking douche.
Side standing and preset blame soakers. Gotta keep up the narrative your side is telling so you just switch the words around to make sure you're still blaming the same people.
Because the Marxists do not care about logic. Why can't people get this through their heads? Its not about logic, its not about debate, its about destroying the Western world at any price.
The Saudis beat the KKK's death count in one attack.
death penis hair is based af
Your argument is completely invalid
Responses were actually the opposite. People associated the Orlando shooter with ISIS, Muslims, and brown people in general, but most people were reluctant to associate Rooff with whites and racism.
Racism against whites isn't really a huge thing in the West except in some ghettoes.
There's racism against white in every facet of western life. We're the oppressed majority ever.
>Responses were actually the opposite. People associated the Orlando shooter with ISIS, Muslims, and brown people in general, but most people were reluctant to associate Rooff with whites and racism.
>Racism against whites isn't really a huge thing in the West except in some ghettoes.
You're clearly living in a world of your own brother.
>Confederate States of America isn't America
>Racism against whites isn't really a huge thing in the West except in some ghettoes.
Also in the entire political/media complex so much so that no one bats an eye when a candidate tells everyone "if you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor." Other than that, we're hunky dory.
No one banned the fucking redneck flag, you fucking retard.
muslims looks like douche, while dylan is handsome af compared to him, no homo ofc.
Jews don't care about Muslims killing Gentiles you stupid fuck. Jews only care about gods chosen.
Anything else that helps to push their subversion is good.
>Marxist conspiracy
Nice meme
Its not a conspiracy, Marxist.
best goy
You forgot
>and ban guns
Under the right side as well... really makes you think about the true desires of the govt. Huh?
Liberals really claim the contrary is commonly admitted
stop fucking posting
I don't want to sound too edgy or anything, but Tactical Bowl Cut fucked up. What purpose did killing a bunch of church lady negroes have?
And as a stormfag, he should've known that the more important problem is jews. Take out a few high-ranking jews and you end up doing much more good than killing a couple of niggers in a sea of niggers. Imagine if he instead plotted by selecting a few jews in high-ranking places like NY Times, SPLC, etc and chose to shoot them instead. Imagine if he shot george fucking soros.
Identity politics.
Not that there are such large numbers of Muslims that the Democrats are playing to curry their favor (not yet, anyway; keep the immigration tap open at full and it'll happen), but it serves the larger cause of sectioning off peoples into relatively small groups (a fundamental step to control via divide and conquer), groups that are paying attention to how others within the left's coalition are treated. Such is why the rhetoric by leftist politicians involving "Muslim issues," to how they're oppressed, victimized by western culture (as best represented by the right), not protected nearly enough by the well meaning folks of a large and invasive government, are copy and pasted direct from the civil rights script. They can just as well be blacks or even gays themselves in how the left treats with them, for that's whom the rhetorical appeal is crafted. A voting bloc larger than Muslims, but in whom the left fabricates on this issue the appearance of sympathetic alignment.
Incidentally, for this reason, pushing forward white identity politics as the alt-right does---those to whom a guy like Trump specifically appeals---plays right into this divide and conquer game, thereby advancing the left's agenda, being that they are the real experts. Not that the left wants the majority white vote (they can do without), but for as long as the races remain isolated in separate camps competing against each other for favoritism from on high, they win.
Roof fucked up in the first place by being a retarded stormfag, whereby he threw his life away to achieve the further cementation of racial favoritism that (as he perceived it) so worked against him. Doing something intelligent like killing "the right people" was beyond his capabilities. And yours.