False flag general
Everything in this country is fucked beyond belief to the point I no longer care what obvious shit they get up to. Let them rattle it until it breaks and see how they like it when nobody fixes it for them.
Theyre rich as fuck.
It's best to murder them and steal everything they own desu
there's no way that's the same woman. The nose is different. I think.
Poor girl, she has been through a lot and survived like 23121 mass murderers with AR-15's
Common sense gun control now please, next time she won't be so lucky
Top kek. Since when does Sweden have bantz.
no wayy
You people are so fucking stupid that you can't recognize that this is clearly four different women based on hair, nose, and facial structures. The only thing they have in common is that they're all white with dark hair. Holy shit the bar is set low on this website.
Being unable to distinguish different faces is a symptom of autism, OP.
Don't you retards think they would use different people if they were actually faking this?
I mean, how god damn stupid do you people have to be to think they would pose the same handful of people in front of the camera, if they're so amazingly professional that they're able to perform all these incredibly intricate psyops without ever leaking any information?
>be the richest people in universe
>control everything
>hire the same woman for every job ever
You goddamn retards
i dont see the resemblance
Those are clearly different people. Are you a fucking robot with no facial recognition? Or do you just see women so infrequently that they all look the same to you?
murrikan basic bitches all look the same.
>socially reclused Sup Forumscukcs in charge of recognizing women
Could be. Maybe.
Evidence of propaganda pictures released to the press is not, by itself, evidence that a shooting/bombing is staged, however. They could just be driving home whatever narrative they are pushing without the inconvenience of reality muddling things up.
The Boston pictures were very clearly photoshopped for maximum carnage effect, for instance, but the actors they chose included famous amputee athletes which were as easy to spot as the "all change" from victims to first responders. Again, it doesn't mean there wasn't a bombing, just that the pictures we saw in the papers weren't accurate representations of the event.
It does seem rather convenient that they have such scenarios pre-snapped, however, doesn't it?
They don't even look the same
Welcome to Sup Forums
They don't look alike
You might have autism m8
>Don't you retards think they would use different people if they were actually faking this?
Just like they used a real plane for this? Right?
Why bother, the plebs will gobble up what ever shit the MSM says either way.
>yfw she is, in fact the unluckiest woman alive
The jew nose is a special breed.
It grows with time. Look at all the jewish actors. Look at their noses. You put them in order ascending by nose length, and quite surprisingly you get the order ascending by age.
Crisis actors are not hired, they're falsely lead into being at the "right place at the right moment". There is no trace, ever.
Hiring people induces leaks, they don't want leaks.
>itt : conspiritards
Point out where in my post I mentioned any woman at all
Fuck off
If this is true and the woman in the pictures is the same person this makes it 100 times more hilarious
One of the most sensitive building g in the u.s
>why don't I have a live feed on the front gate?!? Why wasn't there some random person with a camera at the front door like everywhere else on the planet!!?
You're an idiot.
crisis actors is my favourite
Don't get me wrong, Omar wasn't a false flag. But deep down it's still the international jewry pulling the strings, that made Omar hate America while, at the same time, incited him to emigrate to America.
It's another generic attempt at importing Middle-Eastern conflicts to the West to destabilize it.
>wearing the same fucking black bracelet and everything
Don't even look remotely the same
Wow they look exactly the same
>Omar wasn't a false flag
nigger please
>the government is fine with bombing brown children half-way across the world
>but they're too nice to set up actual shootings stateside and create elaborate hoaxes instead
Nice one Sweeden.
Wow, he went method like Olivier.
I have a friend who knew someone killed at the homo club. It wasn't a false flag
hair pattern and nose doesn't match
>identifying people based on cropped photos grabbed from the internet
>having autism
>using crisis actors instead of just killing people
>the desire is remove arms from the people is based on evil and not fear/concern
lol fucking OP
>shitskin shoots up fag club
it wasn't a false flag because it proves my point
>deranged white racist shoots up a church, school etc.
Trump is on Israel's side but he didn't need the terror attacks to win the elections, the international jewry is just confirming that Jews and Whites will lead the war against the Middle-East and its muslims.
They're hammering the "all muslims are evil" to complete their project.
>>why don't I have a live feed on the front gate?!?
Because it was 2001
>Why wasn't there some random person with a camera at the front door like everywhere else on the planet!!?
There are videos of the event, all of them classified.
You're an idiot.
I don't know about Sandyhook, aurora, Newtown or Orlando, but that Elijah wood looking guy they caught going to the pride parade with three rifles was DEFINATLY a false flag.
Has anyone got the nude of the one on the bottom?
And what is my point, fellow Leaf? All terror attacks aim at destabilizing the West and our 2 millennias old civilization. White people don't just wake up one day thinking about shooting up a school or a night club. They're being lead there.
The question is: who profits from this?
I think I understand now. He needs to die to save the west.
Trump is a puppet, he's the charismatic leader they need. Even if he managed to finance his own campaign "himself", he still received the money somehow; and millionnaires earn their money via playing the economy, not winning the lottery.
And who controls the economy? Who controls the banks?
So... you're implying we need to murder all capitalist rich people and violently install communism?
im not entirely sure if it false flag or not but the majority of evidence i saw floating here says it happened , looks like he was a cell for isis/isil
>All brownhaired wimmen look the same
>if you're against capitalism you're a communist!!!
Flaggots pls go
US foreign policy? The erosion of the CNN Effect?
We've had the following prodded by pangs of fear in these sorts of attacks lately:
>parents of small children (Sandy Hook)
>people who like to watch movies (Batman premier)
>athletes who run marathons (Boston)
>church going niggers (Charleston)
>people who go to art shows (Texas, thwarted by moonlighting cop with a good aim)
>disabled folks
That's a very broad, mishmashed collection of demographics to target with a continuous State Sponsored terror campaign. Maybe it's not the State directing this at all? (Assuming they are all false flags).
Or, it could just be terrorism, and we're confusing the rush to get at the scoops by an incompetent press with some sort of shady hidden hand?
It does seem strange that the media keeps publishing these doctored images, though. Almost as if they do so in lieu of either having or being able to publish real ones. It may just be that, a journalistic white lie.
Different hairlines, stop making these shill threads faggot.
clearly not the same person lol
lel, and this is what it all really comes down too.
People really die in false flags. Its just the story methods motives and perpetrators are false
It's a "nigger thinks all white people look the same" episode.
really makes you think
if it's a false flag, then why does it seemingly help my underdog candidate Donald J. Trump?
obviously a false flag
there is no way a muslim would ever do anything so horrible