Are there any countries that you now have a lower opinion of, after interacting with them on Sup Forums?

Are there any countries that you now have a lower opinion of, after interacting with them on Sup Forums?



shit wrong version


who the fuck even makes these diagrams...

India and Canada


Why's the French flag the background?

>are there any countries that you now have a lower opinion of, after interacting with them on Sup Forums?


shitty bantz,try harder

Australia and Sweden

Canada to an extent

canada and germany.

higher opinions: most kikes and pierres

Probably my own country tbqh
The majority of them are illiterate cucks it seems.

Canada and Ireland


Everyone. Including the UK

Canada and Australia

Nips are cool tho.

This begs the question: can a nation strive for sick bantz that are highly informative?

Definitely Canada

Canada. Australia. Turkey. Although my opinion of Turkey was already pretty low.

Yes, Costa Rica


God I had no idea

I can't believe Swedes are real.
You simply can't be that cucked!
You'd be killed by your own toothbrush if you were.

Canada, most of midwest europe, Australia, and everything between Spain and Japan.

and this is why you're all the way in the corner


The Indians aren't that bad, most people start spouting memes at them like if they're not overdone at all.

When the Swedes speak it does start to seem like they've brought it all on themselves.


And the Canadians...

Why I would have a lower opinion about any country interacting with only a few people in a single board dedicated for edgy teenagers?
Sorry Australia, but I don't dislike anyone.

Antarctica pisses me off, sitting over there all alone smug and shit. Cold bastard.


Canada without a doubt.

That was nice leaf, you did well ;)

I thought american education was just a meme but it turned out to be real.

Banter status: Not Handled.

Canada .