Team North America: (USA, MEX, CAN) UK (after Brexit) + other anglos AUS/NZ Greatest Ally: Isreal Asia Pacific + TPP partners: (Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines) New team members: Russia Federation (Trump and Putin being bros) and India (hates Muslims)
Cucked EU (Germany, France, and the rest of the Western europe) China Middle East Sunnis (Iraq, Saudis, Pakistan) Most of North Africa and east Africa
>Cuba joins Team EU >Single handedly defeats the inefficient and politically correct US Military
Camden Sanders
>I dont know shit about geopolitics, the thread
Michael Barnes
We don't need a ww3 if the US just mind their own business when we tried to clean the map last time. Now we have to do it with muslims too
Cameron Cox
Add south america to the second team
Daniel Sullivan
you didnt mention eastern eu
Dylan Morales
>What's your WWIII dream team? Doesn't really matter. Can't wait until we switch sides like 6 times, and at the end of the war we get the rest of Hungary.
>mexicans build most of modern America infrastructure I don't suppose you have a source for this utter lie.
Hunter Russell
No I want the Frenchies to do the majority of dying until we figure out how to win the war, a la WW1.
Carson Russell
>eating a soggy pizza
ey, astamatta for you, huh?
Caleb Ross
Not mentioning Turks.
Zachary Thomas
US and Russia Versus everyone else.
William Bailey
Go outside your mom's house for once. Who is build the roads and house
Chase Walker
None, I'm staying back home and breeding all the women while you faggots go and die for Goldberg
Ryder Morgan
People forget that North Pole holds the advantage.
Literally, from that view point we have the high ground.
Jacob Thompson
Nice statistic.
Fuck off.
Evan Richardson
Hopefully on the opposite of the yanks, because you always been on the wrong side in all your global wars.
Adrian Peterson
You have to go back paco
Robert Walker
you won the next WW too, yeah, you kinda lost against nazis but you still we're part of the winning team you're have a streak in world wars, be happy we lost winter war and continuation war
Michael Smith
The world unites against the ayys
We lose but it'd be interesting to have all of humanity on the same side for once
Samuel Gutierrez
Correct choice
Isaiah Roberts
Leave him alone nigger
Jeremiah King
We already know cockroaches can survive nuclear fallout.
Matthew Garcia
You must live sheltered nigga. 95%+ brand new home neighborhoods are being built by beaners
Joseph Harris
B-But ruski senpai what about ous iranians?
Jaxson Taylor
>Germany is strong in 2016 You are a century late boris
>team north America with mexico and cancucks You guys are already fucked, those 2 countries can be finished even without nukes
Lincoln Morgan
I like our odds for the next one too.
Colton Davis
>Implying Trump isn't going to 360 moonwalk the entire global theater
Dominic Young
>implying Trump will ever be in a position to do that
Eli Cox
>China >siding with Muslims
Yeah, Nah m8.
Andrew Sullivan
fuckin marines
Jayden Rodriguez
You'd get Europe but thats it.
Noah Evans
World invades Finnland, can't find any's's dark, world becomes depressed and departs with severe mental issues...Finnland wins.
Aaron Ross
Well said, ol horse.
Samuel Reyes
Dude, when I went to US it was just Mexicans building shit and doing the roads lol.
Luis Adams
Based Finn-bros.
Jaxon Hughes
Team 1 could also count on Polynesian and Nepali (Gurkha) support - small populations but they are 100% fucking badass and awesome soldiers.
Carter Fisher
That's my plan m8 Great Finnish Empire will include whole world
Blake Hill
>Russo-American Partnership + Allies United States Russia India Belarus Syria Various Militias in Europe
>Former NATO + Allies European Union Canada Ukraine Saudi Arabia Mexico Turkey Pakistan
Josiah Smith
yea, but they say, that they STRONG! The elite of the US army!
Juan Ortiz
Unrealistic as fuck.
Aiden Perry
Justin Nelson
The players of WW3 depends on whether Trump or Hillary wins this year.
Scenario #1 - Hillary wins
US and EU + allies vs Russia + allies
Potential outcomes: US - EU victory or Nuclear devastation
Scenario #2 - Trump victory
US + Russia vs China
Potential outcomes: US + Russia victory or Nuclear devastation
Any other scenarios or outcomes are unlikely.
Dylan Jones
Fuck off Ahmed, you're a retard.
Logan Allen
>implying the EU wouldn't start trying to grab more power from it's member states as America withdraws military support >implying the EU wouldn't feel threatened by both US and Russia >implying US and Russia wouldn't intervene
Isaac Foster
Which scenario are you referring to?
I guess there's a possibility that WW3 could be US + Russia vs EU but I think that's less likely. The EU would probably disintegrate in the event of a Trump victory.
Nolan Rodriguez
"Built" doesn't refer to the autistic laborers who can only follow directions and do nothing else. Architects and engineers build things, laborers follow orders.
Anthony Richardson
I want a drone production line in Europe, but that's strictly it. Imagine that; cheap, german quality unmanned drones running on solar energy, armed with a single A2A missile to curbstomp any opposition.
Jacob Robinson
China would not go against both RU and US, it'd be suicide
the EU would inevitably try to form an EU army to counter "russian agression" if president Trump starts withdrawing forces from eastern europe
if the UK leaves, all of the major military powers like France, Germany and Italy are very pro EU other member states to do whatever
Brayden Baker
Don't care who fights who.
Anyone has some schekel and needs weapons, drugs, women or food?
Angel Scott
I'm all in for giving their countries a little freedom (;
Aaron Gomez
Russia really doesn't have a lot of hard power and is mostly bluster atm. They have excellent tactics but that's not much good in an open conflict. At best they would just boost US power by having an ally in the region. It would basically be a US vs Chinese conflict. China is growing rapidly, particularly in military power right now. If war broke out towards the end of Trump's presidency (particularly if he gets a second term) China may well be ahead. If the EU stays out of the conflict which would be a smart move tactically, China may be able to put up a fight. It probably wouldn't win anyway but it's not a completely ridiculous concept. china also has a lot of allies across the world because of it's non-interventionist foreign policy.
Liam Morgan
Sweden will remain neutral as usual, but this time it's gonna be because we'rel busy with a racial civil war.
Jacob Ward
Holland stands alone.
Mason Thompson
Global freedoms to shit on designated shitting streets confirmed.
Dominic Reyes
In the Muslim countries India will place one designated shitting street on each corner
Juan Barnes
why would they go to war?
Jackson Wood
kek, I can't wait for the tears when he loses
Colton Gomez
Trump's USA, Russia, Nigel's UK, Front National France, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia's slaves (AKA Syria)
Merkel's Germany, rest of the EU, Muzzie countries, China
Joseph Rogers
>she looks like my ex
Damn it Sup Forums I never asked for this
Austin Kelly
I don't care really. I just want to not have to work and live in the Bay Area anymore. I just want to bash someone's face in with something, legally.
Eli King
you mean mummys russia
president mummy
Jaxon Williams
The ones that are winning
Levi Garcia
There are Gurkhas in Indian army too, about 40 Battalions of them IIRC
Jonathan Cruz
China hates Trump and Trump would be such an unstable leader that anything could happen.
Jordan Ramirez
>non-interventionist foreign policy. I dunno much about geopolitics but hasn't china made a lot of enemies in south east asia because of their constant expeditions and expansions in the South China Sea?
Anthony James
The Asians apparently, as they aren't participating while we all bomb each-other to smithereens..
Grayson Bell
>expansionism = non-interventionism
Sure, they've pissed off a lot of their neighbours but outside of Asia they have a number of allies, particularly dictatorships in Africa and the Middle-East because of trade deals that they've made with them. Whereas the west would try to force policy and regime change, China doesn't.
Kayden Morris
Meant to say >expansionism = interventionism
Austin Cook
Implying you'd fight with fucking Mexico under Trump Implying Israel would help