Where were you when The Eternal Man was exposed?
Where were you when The Eternal Man was exposed?
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it's hilarious that there is a whole industry that only and only feeds on hate of white men.
>This tracks with Carlson’s research as well. “As men doubt their ability to provide,” she argues, “their desire to protect becomes all the more important. They see carrying a gun as a masculine duty and the gun itself as a vehicle for a hardened kind of care-work.” Some envision scenarios where they intervene with their guns to save women and children.
lol republitards, cling to your fragile inborn sense of being a protector.
Its 2016
Whether the mass shooter is white, Muslim, black or whatever... it's almost always a fucking male. Less than half the American population, but what percentage of mass shootings in the U.S.?
Time to start profiling men.
Yeessss, let´s alter nature and get rid of dat extra testosterone.
I agree white people are quite hateful indeed.
>Neoliberalism aims to rob men of their sense of masculinity
>lol git a grip on your masculinity issues
git gud pol
I don't expect I will ever have to use any of my weapons in my lifetime, still have a bunch of them because shooting is fun
I'm ready to kill all women desu
"I feel the world is dangerous so I want to own a gun in order to protect the ones I care for"
OYE VEY! You don't need guns we have the government to protect you, now be a good lil goy and lay down your arms so your wife and daughter can get enriched by muslim culture!
a jewish feminist whose twitter feed, surprise, consists of retweeting fellow jewish journalists
woa, misandry much?
i'm going to be extra masculine today to piss off huffpost readers
Masculine and alpha persona creates competition, and with competition creates progress.
Alphas persona and masculinity build civilisations. Feminism destroys civilisations.
Also, women look at alphas just like men look at hot female models. Beta men and ugly women need not breed.
Yes, men can be violent, but nothing in this would is perfect
Try to troll pol and troll my own soul.
Forgive me senpais
So they say there's a masculinity problem when the kid in the picture is wearing nail polish?
more deflection from the leftards
The kid has no trigger disipline and is leaning back. 0/10 would not shoot with
>Finger on trigger
This triggers me.
The problem is a crazy muslim was able to get an AR-15 and nothing is being done to find out if he was part of a larger group or acted alone.
You need to archive that shit. I'm not clicking that link and giving that faggot website views. Nigger you're on Sup Forums, be smart
Well I guess that explains why this doesn't happen in Europe.
>men wanting to defend their resources.
as if that is a bad thing. fucking cuck
So basically men like guns more. No shit. Men are more built to make things take place so they like making things take place as well as tools that let them make things take place. Guns can do a whole lot of making things take place.
It's about agency, which providing and protecting are subcategories of.
Then why did my mom go buy a gun after Bernardino when my dad already has one? My mom is 54 and never owned a gun in her life until muslims started shooting people. But I guess it's just because of masculinity rather than the actual reason she provides herself for purchasing the gun.