Sup Forums being btfo yet again!!! No recovery! You're just a bunch of bigots!
Sup Forums being btfo yet again!!! No recovery! You're just a bunch of bigots!
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and the remaining 96 % are niggers
Yet 100% of mass shootings specifically taretting gays were done by Muslims.
That's sectarian violence
More like 100%
Bigotry is a compliment now.
He stole that tweet.
They fucking murdered thousands of Americans 15 years ago
Maybe we should ban aeroplanes
You can't ban personal reasons.
What you can ban though is an evil religion that tells people to murder all who don't subject to it.
reminder that this guy openly tweeted about supporting ISIS and his followers liked that too.
But I'm sure he really cares about America!
>Muslims are 1% of the population
>Commit 4% of mass shootings
maybe, but ALL of the Islamic terror attacks including flying planes into building and explosive pressure cookers and shootings have been so you are a fag and clearly b8
saged for being a miserable
Hello Sup Forums. I am Syrian refugee in Serbia, im waiting to cross the border with Hungary. Should i go to Germany or Sweden, and what should i expect there?
Mass shooting aren't the issue, violence is.
Who commits a disproportionate amount of violent acts in the US?
Which group commits a disproportionate amount of terrorist acts worldwide?
How is this bigotry?
How is someone 75% white?
Muslims represent 1% of the population and are responsible for 4% of mass shootings.
That is all.
>How is someone 75% white.
You have three White Grandparents.
Ok genius
Go look up how many of them are black men
>noticing islamic terrorism is racist: the tweet.
How did Muricans become so cucked?
my neighbor is going to rent to muslim refugees, im so fucked god help me
Tough call, flip a coin.
Both places will give you:
Free food
Free healthcare
Free cash
Free housing
No work
Free blonde slut
Ability to rape anyone, even children, with no more than one week jail time
Oh it's more of that "I'm 2% irish" bullshit you're spewing
Did you not take a science class or do you just believe in the one drop rule? 75% of his racial makeup is white, that's why he has a job.
is he going to point out that 90% are from nignogs?
They'll rape you, behead you and kill you. In that order.
like that dumb bitch who trump calls pochohontas, she is like 1% native amercian she claims.
What proportion of casualties were inflicted by muslims?
Nobody wants to be Irish, people just thought the Irish were cool after that shit ass boondock saints movie.
Apples to Oranges. Being a Quadroon is way different than that.
>4% of all mass shootings are by Muslims! What about the other 96%!
>Forgets that Muslims are only 1% of the population
it makes it all the more sweeter when they get butchered by muslims
The largest mass-causality event was caused by Muslims.
So was the second.
Yet that 4% accounts for 23.6% of deaths in all of 2016's mass shootings
Also, that means 1% of the population commits 4% of the mass shootings
Taking this man seriously.
So the white guy that thinks he is a nigger wants to start quoting crime statistics? This should be interesting
It was an example - but I've heard many kids in the US (i did collage in TX) spewing out a lot of bullshit like i'm 4% german ...
worst part i live in the woods on 15 acres, its gonna be interesting for them around here. my dogs will be out all night.
Yeah, you can tell King tries his hardest to look black to help his "activism."
Most of that remaining 96% of mass shootings are committed by black men unlike yourself.
this meme needs magic to be pushed so more people will pay attention to the black crime ratios.
The 96% are caused by mental illness, which is very heavily addressed every time a shooting occurs.
The 4% are caused by Islam, but if you access that you're immediately a bigot.
The acceptance movement is just getting what's coming to it.
>what are demographics
>what is percentage of population
>what are percentages
>what is math
He's doing a good job of pretending to be a nigger.
OP just got rekt
Let's look at the other 96% then oh look it's all black on black
OH I just love it. This is why Trump is considered a racist. Someone famous could have said Trump was Batman and then everyone would be tweeting Trump is Batman. Dumb kids.
Unless you want to wait two years for a decision regarding asylum you should go to Germany.
If only Islamic terror weren't a world wide issue...
Just look at all those places outside of the US that are not the US
It's almost like everyone Islam is, Islam is a problem...
This same exact thread was posted yesterday. People need to stop giving shills the attention.
>How is someone 75% white?
How long have you been on Sup Forums to have never heard the word quadroon? You're seriously a summerfag trying to fit in, aren't you?
Is it like buzzword for leftists? Just like cuck for us?
>The acceptance movement is just getting what's coming to it.
1.Buy an AK in Serbia
2.Go to Belgium
3.Shoot up some shit in Brussels
It'll go a long way.
Why is he calling attention to all the black gun violence like that?
Succinct. I like it.
Nope, leftist buzzword is Nationalist
what % of terrorist attacks in the US are carried out by muslims?
what % of shootings are carried out by blacks?
stupid half breed
>Less than 1% of the population
>Commit 4% of the mass shootings
>A percentage that is only going to keep climbing up because Obama won't do anything about Islam
What an autist.
he actuality got btfo in a few of those tweet responses.
>He claims he's 75% white
He originally claimed he was entirely black. Why should we believe anything he says? He probably figured 75% was high enough that people would stop giving him shit and he could still claim to be black, when in reality hes like 90+% white.
Why can't why people have exclusively white countries to live in?
Because the Money Printers need cheap brown labor to make big profits.
First he is black
Then he is a halfie.
Now he is a quadroon
Full of shit
It's fucking retarded.
So one of your great great grandparents were German? Amazing! What percentage were they?
i know it's retarded... that's why i never got it
from what i understood it's longer the lines of: if anybody from your family is from a place you vaguely heard of - that makes you instantly x% nationality
Muslims make up 1% of Americans. So they should make up 1% of shootings. They are 4X overrerpresented in shootings. You're proud of this?
>Muslims make up 1% of Americans. So they should make up 1% of shootings.
Are you implying it's a normal thing for 1 in 100 muslims to commit a mass shooting? kek
He must have had a father who had a white mom and a black dad. Was that possible during the 1950s and 1960s?
Still, him and Cho have the high scores.
I got the feeling you shared those sentiments, Vlad, I just wanted to be clear.
Like this stupid bitch Elizabeth Warren here in the US, who was just appointed Harvard Law's first Woman of Color chairman or someshit, claimed to have native american heritage.
Okay, who in your family was a native american? How many generations back was this?
what's the % of muslims in america compared to the 96% shooters?
Oh I read that shit and it was hilarious. there were a few threads on Sup Forums about it