Does this seem like a really dangerous, slippery slope to anyone else?

Does this seem like a really dangerous, slippery slope to anyone else?
Also, why can't she do this in her current job?

Other urls found in this thread:

The american people have identified a lone bitch: Identified as: Crooked Hillary Clinton.


>quoting yourself on your own Twitter

Jesis Christ, people actually want to elect this crazy bitch?

look up the appeasement of nazi germany

what she means is she will order less false flags.

/r9k/ is always right

y r u so stupid do you think hillary has time to run her own twitter? donald trump does because no one likes him and he has no life or an actual campaign


why when most gun violence is committed by gangs of niggers?

She isn't quoting herself.

Her staff is quoting her.

Hillary posts end in -H

Maybe he just doesn't believe he's really above talking to people on twitter.

>Also, why can't she do this in her current job?
Out of curiosity, what do you think her current job is?

> I can no longer go to theaters alone


rip r9k

"lone wolves"

Please let me off.

So is a lone wolf just any white man or what?

lone wolf is code for haha we false flagged your asses.

Lone wolf will be defined as any single man without a facebook

Enjoy being tracked by the FBI


he never talks to people on twitter tho he just tweets random bullshit

This. No such thing as lone wolf attacks.

Read Sebastian Gorka.

That's very interesting, but Imma need a cite on that info m8. We all fucking hate her, even the left...but yeah...just cite your stuff.

...and pol in general, for about a year it's been nothing but twitter tier shit posting without much credible information to back it up. If we bring back taking the extra step to cite information, we get less shit posting, know who they are immediately and keep less threads from sliding.

She's actually done the opposite, while running the state department. Yes, it's my least favorite source but mainstream media won't cover her massive lies.

Article is based on a state department employees account, in his book, about Hillary's policies on tracking Muslims that are involved with known terrorists ties.

>tracked by the FBI

god imagine the shitshow that would be, they'd have to hire a bunch of interns to sort that shit.

>"huh what's a Sup Forums"
>"what's a hentai"
>"what's a /d/
>then an older Agent slaps them on the back and says "welcome to the Bureau, faggot"

He doesn't retweet, but he does read what people tweet and mention them sometimes.

Why is she quoting herself?

Kill yourself you deluded commie faggot

She's no longer Sec of State, and even then this wouldn't be part of her job duties.

This is just her trying to look tough on terror, she cracked under pressure from Trump and talked about radical Islamism on CNN:

Despite media outrage, her campaign staff must've told her it made Trump look good.


Are you ready for more surveillance, goyim?

step 1: take in 500,000 "refugees" a year
step 2: dont monitor or make lists.... thats "racist"
step 3: Americans die

Quoting Hillary on her own twitter is a misstep, it just serves as a constant reminder that it's not Hillary speaking, it's a media intern, one of several hundred employed by the corporate campaign machine of Hillary Clinton®.