Will all women's athletic records one day be held by mentally ill men?

Will all women's athletic records one day be held by mentally ill men?


I unironically hope so.


Women are not the problem, user. The system is.

>education reporter
>running is an education in america



Covering a school sporting event.

Heh. Let the west burn.

Wow that's a pretty dickish author

He's rocking the shimshock.

Why, for not catering to someone else's delusion?

Would read tumblr or Assigned Male if I wanted that.


Just do your job and record history. When everyone's collective dementia to pander to these ppl stops, we get to review records not set by actual women

>Women are not the problem, user. The (((system))) is.


>women vote for trans gender rights
>women gets btfo by "women"
>women learn that nothing is possible if you follow your dreams
>goes back to the kitchen

It's all quite funny really. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

>there will soon come a day when feminists actively protest trans rights
What a time to be alive

I usually write long winded essays about woemn in sports and I just dont feel like it today so ill keep it brief.

Women used to have to prove that they could do the sport first of all. In the late 1800's women would clamor for practice time when it came to playing hockey or basketball or any sport and they would compete against men. They had no choice and nowadays it seems sexist but that was the way it was. It was tough not only because of the times but because of their upbringing. Women used to be tough. but feminine now they are largely dyke-ish and vacuous.

These classy women from 100 years ago, who practiced against men would make "women" nowadays look like drooling retards

lost in all this is he makes a more-than-passable woman, would bang

>high school


Where do you think an Sup Forums poster that's willing to make a thread about trans shit gets their news from?

I know I'm going to get greentexted to shit just for knowing the nuances of feminist shit, but since my sister is a feminist...

They're already heavily torn on trans rights and shit. I held similar views as you and believed all feminists were the stereotypical SJWs until I stumbled upon feminist blogs and other places where they were ranting about how trans people threaten women's safety and all that. It really was like entering some kind of bizarro world discovering that anti-trans feminists both existed and were apparently popular outside of the SJW-sphere.

the girls crying after getting BTFO by Caster Semenya at the Olympics last year was hilarious.

>threaten women's safety

Aka, exposes women to be the inferior gender after mentally ill men are coming along and BTFO of them at every opportunity

like the other user said, it's been happening for a while. even the 'women's march' or whatever that shit was after trump's election was dinged for not being trans-inclusive.

makes sense when you're fighting for even more entitlements than you already have, that you would not want to share them.

Yes, until they see it's getting too ridiculous and cancel all the male-to-female trans records.

It's going to be so funny. Some uncomfortable questions are going to be asked.

I think some heads might actually explode.

why can't we just stop with the farce that is "women's" "sports"?

>Trumps not president, I refuse to call him that.

They're already holding it since the late 70s early 80s. Have you never seen Marita Koch or Jarmila Kratochvilova?

Except Trump IS president.

This dude IS a 'he', not a 'she'. Get the facts straight.

I believe the term is TERF, to be a feminist and against trans people

the fact that women, both athletes and not, aren't collectively standing up against this, just proves how little they care about sports.

feminists are a liberal identity faction that aren't particularly loyal to liberal causes, even the fags who have had their cause conflated with the trans cause and have reason to be angry don't compare to the anger that feminists have.


They already want to cancel their achievements though.

Drugs = bad
Being born a man and swapping for easy wins = good

One damages society by creating stronger individuals, one helps society by weakening individuals and tearing social fabric.

What do trannies in sports have to do with
politics? This is a sports topic you mong


Exactly. So I can be a person who calls a man in a dress a 'he' if I want. Stop oppressing me, fascist.


Thankfully you'll go to jail for this disgusting hate speech once Trudeau's new law passes

>As of April, Yearwood had yet to have a sexual reassignment surgery or take hormone and puberty blockers.

LMAO, how on earth was this allowed

you can just say you are a girl and if they don't you compete it's discrimination
welcome to america 2017


Think of all the Stacies getting redpilled as fuck because of this farce.

Trump 2020 my guys

L for womemes

We finna take over

finally I can become the Messi of women's football

i can probably become the higuain of women's football

I know right

What about people between genders like these fine xers?

Caster Semenya (which anagrams as "A secret man? Yes!) has a test of over 10 nmol/L if she didn't take suppressors. When she did take suppressors her performance went to shit. For context the median is .69 nmol/L and 99th percentile is 3.08 nmol/L


>gets triggered when "misgendered"
>But totally ok with calling them transgender
Will they ever stop 'transitioning'?

they arent mentally ill men theyre women you fucking piece of shit

oh and btw after hormones theyre at more of a disadvantage than cis women are at their respective sports so theyre winning off skill itself.

fucking educate yourselves retards

Anyone here watch iaaf?

terfs are goat except for the gay radical feminist part

It's a political issue now. Genderless bathrooms, preferred pronouns, etc. are all the hot topic in politics under the LGBT banner. Or as the wackos like to call it, muh human rights.

I went to the Dr. a few weeks ago for a yearly checkup and had to update my paperwork. Under gender the choices were Male, Female, and Other. No fucking joke.

i know this is bait but pic related was not taking hormones


daily reminder this article would be considered illegal in 2017 Canada

>"feminist" unironically wanted this.

The IAAF is already considering dropping a hella lot of impossible world records made by turbojuiced women backintheday. Many of them have since transitioned beacuse they felt more like men after the doping.