Would you like to fight against Slavs?
Would you like to fight against Slavs?
I am slav.
literally two-fac.
As long as they're not Russia.
Pretty much any slavic country except Russia can easily get his ass kicked by any western European country.
Sort of. But not really. You're welcome to try though.
>less than 20K vs more than 31K
Whatever you say m8
>inb4 muh quality vs quantity
ISIS is more like 200k according to the kurds who are actually out there on the field witht these guys. They just dont want to cause panic.
Literally god of war, t bh.
so what about ukraine, poland, romania and belarus you faggot
nah, our army is shit, it's NATO. All they do is disaster relief, if they don't get stuck between two tree trunks that happen to fall on a road and the fire brigade has to rescue them ...
We're better in guerilla warfare m8. I'm talking about Dinko tier motherfuckers.
what happened with his face?
>Fucking ANGLO...
figures. Slav's greatest '''''''''''ally''''''''''''
You scum are to us, what the Jew is to you.
There's nothing great about slavs as warriors. Their strength is in numbers. Not surprising considering their ancestors were peaceful farm types until the mongols raped the violence into them. They still died like flies in WWII. They act like they are super tough and disciplined but in reality they are just as prone to unorganized actions and plain idiocy as negros.
Slavs in battle is amazing
Too bad we have been fighting ourself recently
I fist fought a polish guy in a friendly way, joking and messing around.
He one punch knocked me out and broke my nose. When I woke up he said "Kurwa you spaniards can't take a joke".
same, so no.
Lmao go ahead and try then
Someone is still salty about Berlin.
My grandfather fought in Bernie, he was shot in the leg but put a bullet in the Germans skull.
Berlin, damn phone
We're waiting faggot.
This, that's too bad.
If nobody wants to fight us we will fight each other!
Ya I remember that amazing time in battle where the tank just drove forward and a pack of slavs just got gunned down because any lack of cover.
You guys are the drunken peasants of war and only manage to win wars by sacrificing 600 million of you before winter kicks and the other side says fuck it it's cold here.
>They still died like flies in WWII.
>III Reich lost about 10 mio.soldiers
>USSR lost 12.mio. soldiers
Most of the Russian losses were civilians (15 mio.). Its not a big thing to kill unarmed people, Heinz.
As much as i dislike soviets and i dont deny finish soldiers did great job, have u read or at least seen terrain topology during that conflict? I think only afghanistan with hills/caves everywhere and vietnam with endless jungle can be compared.
Back to the topic there are more slav countries than russians, and none of them have such manpower that can afford 'rush b cyka' tactics.
>drunken peasants of war
while brits are cucks who bend everyday for the muslim cock.
Interesting. My fathers uncle fought for the Wehrmacht:
First tour, the train he was on got blown the fuck up. Him and two others survived. A few hundred casualties.
Second tour he got shot in the neck.
Third tour, he got sent to the eastern front, defected to the Soviet side, fought all the way back home.
Died laughing on his home farm two years ago.
You've won the battle against my sides good serb.
Despite hitlers cowardly blitzkrieg that killed millions of unprepared soviets with air raids and armor they turned it around and made your leader kill himself in the end lol. So who is really the unorganized fuck up?
seems like you are under-exaggerating the numbers
don't forget the 666 trillion vladimirs, blyat
>Would you like to fight against Slavs?
Nah better to hop on a boat near Dunkirchen and GTFO,as a German fighting Slavs will lead to Brits moving in and claiming victory after I go all out on the Slavs which will lead me to being forced to deal with their crap for the next 70 years.
We've never fought.
We have fought other European nation and yet they failed. Germany at the height of its power couldn't take Moscow.
They also got their elite 6th army surrounded by a smaller army. They had full air superiority too.
Also we took heavy casualties at the beginning because we got caught by surprise.
When grace was caught by surprise they fell in a week and Brits ran away to their island.
>There are no other Slavs than Russians
stop embarrassing your flag retard
basically any mediterraneum country except greece would get a proper good kick in if they ever fucked with a random eastern european country