Sweden has an overwhelming white team, with fans cheering Sweden (If you watched the game you would see the Swede qts). The only "Black" man is also a half swede.
Sup Forums btfo.

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Half a nigger too much

How intolerant...

Wow that team is pretty racist what the hell Sweden

The black man is even named Isakson I think.

Sven, you could be like the "French" team. Be thankful you ungrateful cunt.

His father is a Swede.

What the hell Sweden?

negerolsson is a hero

There's atleast one turk, one assyrian and a couple of ex-yugos in there (though not all yugos are in the pic)

The Swedes still worship some dunecoon named "Zlatan", so their cuck status is still uncontested.

>the only "Black" man is also a half swede
Mixed is worse than full-blood black or whatever, though. Nothing worse than mixed people. They're the result of what we try to prevent after all.

And yeah, Germany is like 40% sandnigger this time. We can only hope they lose so media won't use this to push their multuculutralism propaganda.

Yep, even Martin Olsson counts as Swedish to me because he has a Swedish dad and Swedish surname.

>He was born to a Swedish father and a Kenyan mother.

There still no Swedish people on the Swedish team, negros or not.

Looks like a nig and 2 arabs in that pic. Still betternthan Engerland and France I guess

Whats the alternative? The english national team? Full of niggers and even Wayne Rooney looks like monkey

Huh, so racemixing isn't bad afer all if one parent is white and the child is still white no matter what?

I see, this is how it works.

Well then, nothing to be scared of. Let's help all those refugees.

Yea that's because he's Irish

Like they need a reason to push it.

Wayne Rooney looks Irish as fawk.
Shhh sandnigger-turk.
Are you an autist?
The Turk looks breddy white, looks the slav gene smashed up the roach gene.

pick one and only one u fucking inbred leafcunt

He's Croat you stupid fucking cuck.

hes bosnian u fucking idiot.
and they're all bunch of sandniggers

>Replies to himself
kek, first off he's half Croat half Bosniak.
Bosniak is not a real ethnic group, it's either Croat or Serb.
The meme that Bosniaks are all Turks is just a meme.

his sister is married to this tall german basketball guy

Which one is muslim?

slowly we will breed the nigger out of them

Erkan zengin and kujovic are mudslimes.

Far left and bottom middle. Breddy sure he's shia though.

Kek. It's pretty funny with the meme that darkies are better athletes. Some swedish teams try to mostly recruit local talents or danish/norwegian players. So they get called racist. And then they beat the teams who are mostly imported niggers.

Guy in the bottom middle is Jimmy Durmaz, syrian christian orthodox.He is based bet he supports Assad.

his kid is blacker than his wife. So no, we wont. The black gene is to powerful

Lol one team has only like 33% of muslims and Sweden is somehow noncucked

Not white

Could be worse.Women's team is better

>watch the game
>leave audio on solely because want to hear explosions

whats taking them so long???

I saw a quadroon kid yesterday with blue eyes and ginger hair.
Ten is half Croat
Kebab man looks breddy white
Nigga dick is half white.

I thought it was just a meme...

there are no public pictures of his daughter tho. so how do you know?

>The black gene is to powerful


>kebab man looks breddy white
Well of course he looks white to you, leaf

dey gud buddies das all

>Pakistan 2.0

No white, not swedish. None of them.


Made for BBC, and you know she'll get it too, all Swedish women are slaves to the BBC.

Only because Swede men are beta as fawk.

>Stong male
pick one


That guy is actually from the Ukrania game