Hello you fucking goyim
Since this worked so well yesterday let's try this again
zionist israel kike here
ask me anything and thou shall recieve
Hello you fucking goyim
Since this worked so well yesterday let's try this again
zionist israel kike here
ask me anything and thou shall recieve
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Drink bleach and stream it.
That's not a question you leprechaun raping potato-made shit sack
You didn't specify that it had to be a question, checkmate big nose.
being this retarded
fuck off potato nigger
Here comes fatty to the rescue. Run along, fatso.
>ask me anything and thou shall recieve
Give 1 shekel to some poor goy you know.
if only you could grow enough potatos
If only if you could grow some balls.
why do you suffer palestine?
Why is your PM visiting Putin so often lately? What are they discussing?
Its not fair when you count the British pair in your mouth
we want to get along with you why does your elite want to be such fucking cucks?
its gonna blow up in your faces down the line you know?
personally atm you can do what you like to gaza but you keep shafting us even after we gave you israel
Who are your favorite Jewish comedians and why?
Have you ever Jewed another Jew? What did you do?
>burger education
how long till your muslim problem is solved?
Why is bibi so based?
when will you gas all the muslims and gunslinger coat/dreadlocks jews that are parasitizing on israel?
also whats your opinion on muslims eventually taking over western europe... alongside its military equipment and nukes? cause it seems like shit times ahead to me
How tall are you?
Your honest opinion on goyim.
What is next in your anti West agenda? Bestiality or paedophilia?
hows the chosen weather today ?
It's now legal in dudeweedland. We have to go farther.
Canada and Sweden are no West culture, they betrayed years ago
Fucking Hebrew nigger trash
Why don't you reply to questions you hooknosed gas breather ?
done, 100 dollars that I've been meaning to donate for a few weeks
I dunno man
why do you suffer niggers?
likely what's going to happen in Syria once russia claims a chunk of it off to itself
dude you're letting pakis literally run as heads of UKip. Israel is a small country with a fairly small market, and we can't survive as a nation without european trade
kill one arab too many and we get sanctions
I suppose it'll change when oil becomes worthless and Europe starts shooting them down spordically, so arabs will stop being a political figure
then it's all over for them
Everything newer is cancer like that Schumer sow
dude, do you know how israeli arabs live?
they run stores as well as repair and construction business, NEVER report their actual income, don't pay income tax, and declare living in poverty to get welfare shekels despite living on 3 times israeli median salaries at times
that's why so many sand niggers in Jaffa can afford BMW while I can't
basically, arabs are literally outjewing the jews here
same way they're trying to do in Sweden and Germany
I give it 15-30 years
he's a spineless faggot with a right wing rehtoric but zero actions in practice
he's center that pretends to be right
Can Jews feel love?
nice, also Larry David top tier comedian
Why Satan? Actually curious
>suffer niggers
weve kinda done the same thing to niggers here
otherwise, kind of a non-answer there user
its ok though at least you replied like a non-faggot would
the haredis? we don't need to gas them
once we cut off all their welfare, they'll just get jobs like jews everywhere else like Brooklyn
and that's not going to happen
we'll likely send expeditionary IDF forces to assist in case of a european civil war, like we offered to do in the korean war
very broad term
west europeans - degenerate and decadent but worthy of preserving because of good genes
eastern europeans - deserve more respect than western europeans because of more adamant morals despite being dumber and hating jews more
americans, canadians, aussies, SE asians - most are cool, CA and semen drenched porn valley should be nuked however
latin america - mostly dumbasses but no real problem with them
africa - should be sealed airtight until it sorts its own shit out, population is too stupid to mingle with others
arab middle east - kill it with fire, which we're doing quite literally
I personally support hardcore porn to count as felony, dumbass
What is your favourite kike beer?
I was hammering Goldstar in Tel Aviv but like different Herzls and the one with the turtle logo (Alexander?)
Many Jews believe that man was enslaved in the Garden of Eden, and Lucifer set them free by giving them the Fruit of the Tree.
What can you tell me about this guy?
The weather is in Israel is really nice usually, as long as you don't live in really hot areas like Eilat
the sooner the better
>Irish intellectuals
Why does he wear the hat?
>fatty fat fucks
If I were to represent Europe, I would have 2 words for your forsaken kind:
Free Palestine.
/Holland checking out
מה דעתך על איילת שקד?
I'm a deist
my ethno-nationality is jewish, but I'm not religious in any sense
besides, why would jews worship Satan? You can say that jews are scehming and sneaky but we're not stupid
Why worhsip something which is defined by its desire to pretty much eat you?
suffering shitty minorities is part of running any nation state
Japan and the like were just smart enough to cut the problem at its root
I don't drink man
any person that's not a sociopath can feel love
even you would have to admit the greedy jew loves his gold, wouldn't you?
Oh my god guys did you just see this fucking potatonigger roast me?
America BTFO
Doctors have taken away our belts and shoelaces
Are you guys going to finally stop trying to control the Muslim hoards and give up your agenda 30 plan of out breeding natives in western countries with Muslims because you thought they'd make for cheaper labor?
Are you?
Because not only is it a total failure you are going to destroy yourselves soon if you don't stop this plan. It may be too late already
can u donate me 50 israeli shekels to prove jews arent greedy?
שלשים אותה בפורנו זה מהלך קוקסינלי
היא אישה משכילה, צנועה, ציונית, אמא ובגדול בדיוק מה שעולה לראש כשחושבים על ישראלים מוצלחים
You're either a sand nigger immigrant that's infesting Amsterdam, or a cuckold
Either way your opinion doesn't matter
no fucking idea man
I'm not religious
that's he a lefty cuckold fag
kekekek, hit a nerve did I, fatty?
that's what I asked
Jews do worship the Lucifer/Aton archetype
How do you feel about Norwegians?
What do you think about Liberman and Bugi ?
Have you meet any romanians in Israel mister kike, since there are many of us over there?
I don't really think of them really, I never met a Norwegian IRL, but the early Norwegian black metal scene has a pretty cool and interesting story
>איילת שקד
What country does the zionists like the most?
i'm a big fan of your work, Shlomo
That shit is really expensive by the way, like 150 USD per Shtreimel
Hello Mr. Jew, I come to you with 2 questions. Bear in mind I'm NOT a jew.
1. How agreeable are rabbis (and synanogue-attending jews) towards a non-jew that is interested in researching and learning their language and history INSIDE their own religious grounds?
2. How agreeable are Israeli jews (zionists or not) towards goyim that are interested in studying in Israel?
Thank you
Y u no reply?
Stop being such a manlet Schlomo
Which DUMB in the ozarks is enlil currently located at?
How do you expect to leave the planet with him when you're all the way over in israel?
That's a cool ass hat
I just donated 100 dollars to medical research, keep up damn it
besides what makes you think I don't openly admit I'm greedy?
better than swedes, for what it's worth
you should release breivik though
to early to tell
I suspect liberman would be like bibi: talk a lot, don't do much
quite a few desu
romanian boen jews are notorious for being thieves, here
Is Donald (((Drumpf))) a crypto-jew?
why havent you killed your rich disgusting politicans that push multiculty for everyone but israel and plot the destruction of the western white fucking male?
Do you hate cis white goy ?
What do you think about elite liberal's jews in Europe and USA ?
What's up with that Israeli false flag op in Orlando?
Do you hate whites?
Wouldn't it be best to just have jews and whites?
Are the memes real?
1.80 exactly
just above manlet but not by much
which what in where?
thanks guy
I get asked that a lot
as I said yesterday, ironically enough, Germany
I suppose orthodox rabbis wouldn't like it but would permit it
reform jews would practically suck your cock if that gets you to attend their congregation
as for studying in Israel I'm tempted to quote that space niggers greentext
but in all honesty you're welcome, provided you don't start supporting sand niggers
>Be American
>White knight for jews
You're a pretty big jew
Thanks for arming and trading with Rhodesia in the good days.
Thanks for helping the old South Africa regime.
Could you please get your leftist kikes in America to change their ways though - they're screwing you guys in the process too.
How hard is it for a guy to convert to Judaism?
Shit's hitting the roof over here and I don't think I can leave to any other white country.
Well, I guess you're not high up enough to know that information, which is why you're here.
Im not antisemitic but I have to ask you: are you ready for the inevitable fall of your nation?
Are you ready to see some decades from now your country pillaged by a muslim hoarde? I mean, most of your allies are either rethinking your alliance or just crumbling down by themselves, while muslims nations keep getting richer, more advanced and more bitter about the West.
Do you guys ever get scared thinking about scenario like these?
kek. the one "irish" poster on Sup Forums is a known muslim
His daughter is though, so he's likely to act as one regardless
because someone has to pay my salary dude and at least they're being nationalistic
non-israeli liberal elite jews should get the fuckig noose though
the noose
shut the fuck up nigger.
I answer your question but I can't see that you don't know how to write
well we just ensured the homos vote for Trump
you're fucking welcome btw
Hillary's state dept. had that shooter on investigation leads in his mosque twice and they let it drop each time as to not to offend muslims, so she'll get the blame soon so more votes for dolan
I only hate arabs
I dislike nignogs but don't outright hate them
אתה מזרחן ?
Would you ever marry a goy if she were hot and obedient enough?
i'd shoah you you fucking kike
>romanian boen jews are notorious for being thieves
and israelis are stuck up cunts ,most of you look like gypsies and can't act civilized without screaming,being pushy,loud and obnoxious
Non-israeli jews don't care about you,at all,really,stop trying
Do you like anime?
Do you ever get freaked out when a samurai gets shown in anime?
What do you think of American Jews?
Trade places with me, Ahmed.
There are plenty of Muslims here for you.
Fucking jewpsies
I can't figure you jews out...
It seems like there is plenty of you who want what any good right winger wants; a homeland free of sandniggers, degenerates, etc... and want for my country to have the same.
But then it's so damn obvious to anyone with eyes to see that it's jews who are behind Western niggerdom, degeneracy, feminism, etc...
What gives? Are you our bros or not? What's the general sentiment of the average Israeli? What do you think the people pulling the strings want for the West?
Serious question, no troll.
How do you Jews try to convince yourself that Jesus is not the Messiah? Does not the fact that after his death God sent the Romans to destroy the temple and lay Jerusalem flat to the ground, and sent you wandering aimlessly among the nations for nearly 2000 years, WITHOUT a priesthood and without a temple (so no way to offer true sacrifice to God for forgiveness of sin), does not all of this make it EXTREMELY obvious what God thought of your crucifying Jesus?
no thanks you're both the same
Btw. arabs are semites too
are you prepared for your unquestionable demise?
Wtf why do you have mudslimes in SA ?
Arabs are Arabs.
You're riding on the semite train all of a sudden to justify your retarded ways.
Very glad settlements are getting built still - I might just convert and hop on over and take your place for myself.
It's almost as if Jews are just as fractured a community as any other large group of people. Imagine that.
How do you sleep at night knowing that you have clearly disobeyed g-d? The messiah did not come, you are undermining the or=dr of things. You will doom us all.
Is it just common knowledge in Israel that Jews rip off the rest of humanity? Like are you proud of your tricks and merchantisms?
Dude we can barely keep our own leftist commei kikes in check. google ''the new israel fund'' and see what I mean
and converting to judaism is hard and requires actual commitment, it's not like islamic faggotry where you could just cite a sentence and then get murdered if you ever try to leave it
it takes about 3 years of studies and requires a written test, as well as getting your cock cut
a much easier way to get israeli citizenship is just finding and marrying a jew girl
arabs are getting more advanced? what the fuck?
arabs have a mean IQ of about 82, oil is literally becoming useless and half the arab world is in literal civil war
but ultimately, we have enough nuclear warheads to kill about 300 million arabs. If we die, we won't die alone
All talk
No we're not, Israel is majority Mizrahi/Arab. Most of the Whites there are Slave tier Slavics that shouldn't have even survived the holocaust tbqh
They're sub-human shit-skins that want us to die with them in that flea infested tomb of a desert. Fuck that
If you think whites are going to fight islam for you you're mistaken. We're going to take out the source of most of our misery first. You. Then we'll beat back the islamic hoards with ease.
They came as slaves and started breeding with the coloured (malato) community.
Thank goodness the coloured community is only 9% - making the Muslim community probably 3% only.
They're still dumb fucks down here though.