What are your opinions Sup Forums?
The Left chose Islam over Gays
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Well of course. Being gay is virtually normal now, while Islam remains incredibly "edgy" and "controversial". It is thus far easier to pretend you are sticking up for an "oppressed" minority with Islam than with Homosexuals.
Fuck all religions. It's a problem you stupid fucking faggots created for yourself to stay entertained.
Gays are sick but still deserve human rights. They didn't choose to be that way.
How are they sick? Because the "muh purpose is to breed" meme?
>Fuck all religions.
Edgy. Are you gonna sit there with a straight face and try to tell us that Christianity's "wrongs" are equivalent or even comparable to Islam's?
Lol it's not like the right wasn't stomping on them for decades or anything. I suppose they'll all totally forget that because the left didn't target muslims enough, or something.
Oh excuse it's the "the tiny fraction of leftist extremists are truly of great negative influence ot the world" meme.
nope. Has nothing to do with that. I respect people smart enough not to reproduce when the world is overpopulated already.
Because they were given naturally a tool TO reproduce with a person of the opposite sex. They're supposed to want someone of the opposite sex but don't. They just have a brain problem where they don't want this. I'm not trying to judge. Just saying they're different I guess. Forget I said they were sick. Not needed for the argument I intended.
Nope. I will say religious people absolutely choose to believe and have faith and let their beliefs be dictated by a book that is far from proven to be in any single way taken seriously (other than the fact that millions upon millions of people have brainwashed their kids to believe it over a fuckload of generations).
yeah, considering how bad history it has
then again Sup Forumstards are wannabe christians
Islam is strong. Gay degenerates are weak. It is natural.
of course because the "oh my god gay is such a edgy and taboo issue" has passed already. it happened during the 90's - 2000's.
now the trend is supporting NO MATTER FUCKING WHAT niggers, and mudslimes
>"muh purpose is to breed" meme
It's not a meme it's a fact retard. Strip away civilization and your only left with breeding and eating.
am I the only one doesent give a fuck about the gays?
Kill them. Their not our man
When it comes between islam and homos, the left throws homos under the bus.
Some homos are waking up to that fact and switching sides.
We have enough things on this planet to where breeding more just causes more problems. Back in the days every other person would die for natural reasons is long gone. People can enjoy their lives now. If you feel breeding is the answer kill yourself so the next person born can take your place. Not sure when the fuck you're going to be happy, except when there are so many people on the goddamn planet that we're bumping into each other and shit because we don't even have space to walk.
>inb4 exaggeration
I think my point was pretty clear
Unbelievably based guy. Milo fucking skewered them every word of that is true. I have seen it first hand on overseas travel. Muslims are fucking dark ages tier when it comes to homo shit like snakes and daggers and burning people at the stake for it.
Mudslimes are the problem and they are quickly becoming even more dangerous than the kikes if that's even possible.
The kikes wrongly thought they could control Islam in ancient times and that resulted in untold bloodshed and finally crusades to put a stop to it. They have now tried once again and failed and the demon is out of the box.
If we don't deal with the Muslim problem soon we will surely all be killed.
Gays - especially male ones - have simply fallen out of oppression olympics.
Kek. Anyone notice how the left almost always blames the victims?
If gays start openly supporting Trump the left will really get pissed at them.
Obama will probably start importing muslim terrorists and drop them off next to gay bars.
Good, there are many conservative gays, we need to bring them to our side, Islam wants to vaporize them so it shouldn't even be hard.
All votes count, whatever it takes to have the left out of government positions.
of course
they need Islam to ruin the west
Leftist goal is to destroy western society
Leftists on Twitter today have been DEFENDING Islamic State and trying to absolve it of all guilt.
Their thought process: if Islamic State is innocent, then it must be the fault of guns therefore I can advance my political agenda.
My thought process: These people want me murdered.
I'm not the only faggot who thinks this way, I spoke to friends they all want Muslims to get the fuck out before they murder us all.
I was looking for this pic. The french one is the perfect one for this situation.
The flag should say refugee welcome or no borders or stop police violence or something like that.
>If gays start openly supporting Trump the left will really get pissed at them.
That is still a question of IF.
The lgbt account from this screencap uses capital "i" instead of lowercase "L".
He didn't fly so good.
People can decide their own purpose, if they say that breeding is not one of them then that's what is is. Not in general for most humans but for themselves.
Nothing in politics makes me as gleeful as major events that bust false-narratives.
This was already mini-experimented with in Sweden when they held a gay rally in a Muslim neighborhood and the left took the Muslim side.
straight from a berserk page
Yes look at Russia and China what great developed atheist societies they are.
Article or video of this?
wtf guys stop blaming muslims for the attack when it was obviously a zog organized false flag like 9/11.
Islam is a peaceful religion unless provoked so stop spouting bullshit
Christians: "Hate the sin, love the sinner."
Muslims: "Kill all the gays!"
Liberals: "As you can see, all religions are equally bad!"
Of your point was that you are a raging faggot, then yeah, it is pretty clear.
Soon gays might become redpilled, they will see the light once they realize women aint shit
>Love the sinner
>Christians on Sup Forums happy gays got shot up
Yeah, i guess you forgot Sup Forums reveals what people Really think and feel. Not what they advertise.
>Christians on Sup Forums happy gays got shot up
Pretty sure that's just Sup Forums and not Christianity.
No one cares what religions say, people care about the way people act.
Christians don't go about murdering gays, women, non-believers.
Muslims do.
>Shitposts on Sup Forums represent christianity.
>Sup Forumsitically incorrect
>"See? These people who are being politically incorrect and satirical on a forum made for those exact purposes are exactly same as Muslims who come to the West and kill the people living here"
>"Also fuck Charlie Hebdo, don't insult the prophet"
Honestly the faster the left lets Islam consume it from the inside the faster we can have a real reactionary movement against it.
Yeah, and I supposed Muslims don't want to kill people. It's a nice wonderful peaceful religion that keeps to itself. Can't let a couple bad people represent Islam.
Jeez. Muslims and Christians do sound the exact same.
Need a better source, mate.
ibtimes is populist filth.
>kills people over cartoons
/lgbt/: Get out of the way.
/lgbt/ shoots a bolt of AIDS and Sup Forums gets out of the way just in time. The bolt strikes King Jew in the chest and he staggers backwards.
You did this to me! All of my life! (uses other hand) You made me! (with each bolt, he steps closer) One! Two! Three! FOUR!
If you compare it to cologne a pretty interesting hierarchy is forming though.
WOMEN > Muslims > Gay Men.
Wonder how the story would have went, had it been a lesbian club.
>Implying it is only pol and not Christians all over the net and some even in real life.
didnt they blame the victims again
>50 beaners dead nin homo night club
>registered democrat muslim perpetrator
>gays switch support to Trump
It's like he's magically destined to become president
> Implying that is not a writing that nonsense
first post truest post
Fabien society
George soros goons
Frankfurt school
>Fuck all religions. It's a problem you stupid fucking faggots created for yourself to stay entertained.
How the hell are you such a giant fedora tipper that you literally don't include yourself in the human race anymore?
Reddit would like an enlightened extraterrestrial such as yourself, maybe you should go there?
Fuck off I'm going to sleep. You can search there are others.
No. They did acknowledge it pretty soon, eventhough all the evidence shows it never happened and was a feminazi false flag.
John the Other did a good video series on his Mgtow channel explaining and proving it was such and an political act to stigmatize men and "prove" rape culture.
I know him personally. He is not.
He is a trad. Calvinist.
I'm not religious dumb fuck. Not sure when I implied I wasn't human.
the only people I've seen on Sup Forums unironically hating gays since the shooting are autistic stormfags
Ah I think they chose it as much as Muslims chose Islam.
That fact is irrelevant though and an argument for another time.
Muslins are far far worse because they have a guaranteed fucked up (or at least morally insane) code of ethics while gays could have any sense of morality.
>It's a problem you stupid fucking faggots created for yourself to stay entertained.
You essentially said that people created religion for entertainment, and now we're reaping what we've sown.
The implication is that your such a delusional sack of shit you can condemn the human race over your fedora bullshit without even for a moment considering that you're also a human being and are therefore condemning yourself for making up religion to keep you entertained.
That's a stage of disassociation I've never even seen before, I have no clue if you're an extreme narcissist, psychopath, or a tier one autist, but you're definitely a dumbass and an annoying shit, that's for sure.
>feminazi false flag
it was fucking rapefugees harassing women everywhere, wasn't it?
if it were to proove the rape culture among shitskins, then it's all good
He's implying that he would never support a delusional system which neglects human life enough to cause issues...
Ironic that he propagates delusional nihilistic nonsense.
> it was a false flag. Muslims don't rape
Whatever helps you sleep at night while you're wife is fucking Ahmed.
Uhmm nope. I said people creates religion. Choose to continue to follow. They can simply choose to not follow religion since its made up but don't make that choice. That was it. Religion is drama that a person opts into by choice.
Lgtb don't choose to have it in their lives. It is just there. They can't choose to not be gay anymore than you can choose to be gay.
This event is the final straw for me. The left are beyond help. Fuck'em. They are brainwashed zealots with no redeemable attributes
>pic very related
Well done milo
Keep it up brother
Sup Forums two days ago:
Fucking degenerate FAGGOTS. Fucking gay fuck tranny DEGENERATE FUCKS. Fuck these fucking SJW faggot-niggers. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY YOU GAY FUCKS. Fucking DISGUSTING.
Sup Forums today:
>;_; How DARE they! How DARE those sexist homophobe Muslims KILL OUT GAYS. How fucking DARE they! We LOVE gays in this country! Fucking racist homophobic fucks!
Do you people have no shame?
Fuck all sexualities. It's a problem you stupid fucking faggots created for yourself to stay entertained.
Muslims are sick but still deserve human rights. They were raised Muslim, they didn't choose to be that way.
Hate this tactic and is lazy and gay
nothing is destined
it is the power of kek that warps reality to his favour
you must refuel the meme magic to continue the ride
Maybe they don't choose to be gay, but these people specifically are still huge degenerates.
People were literally prancing around in panties and sucking themselves off there.
I'm straight but you don't see me going to a strip club and paying a woman to kick me in the ballsack for cuckolding pleasure.
Because I'm not a hedonistic degenerate freak.
That's not to say I'm advocating violence, but to say they didn't make a lifestyle choice that landed them in that situation is idiotic.
I want false flag reddit niggers off my board.
Christianity was literally worse than Islam before the Christmas reformation.
Hurry durr what are the crusades and dark ages
Here's the difference between Sup Forums and liberal media.
Sup Forums dislikes muslims and gays, but will ultimately stand with gay people against muslim violence.
The liberal media likes muslims and gays, but WILL NOT stand with gay people against muslim violence.
Which is why, mark my words, gays will start becoming more conservative in the wake of this shit. Trump hasn't done anything to explicitly piss them off, having only been driving away their votes because they tend to be liberal. After this his polls are gonna increase by at least 2%.
Homosexuals have been betrayed by the liberals, and I think if they want to get into our camp we should let them. I don't fucking care if someones gay anyway so long as they don't go around sucking each other off in public.
>what are the crusades
A response to islamic invasion and aggression.
Straight people do a lot of stupid shit to. I'm sure this is where you tell me you are the perfect person and do no wrong, but lots of times what they do makes me think "i wish these fuckers were gone".
I am straight btw. Point is when you make a choice that satisfies your personality and get fucked for it I hope you remember how you felt towards these people. Let others know to so when you get fucked up they can give absolutely zero fucks.
The crusades were a response to 400 years of Islamic jihad on Europe. Did you know that Spain was almost entirely Islamic at one point?
da kriegt man ja angst!
Appropriate responses to the collapse of the only stabilizing empire in the region and constant muslim aggression, respectively.
Also, the church was the only bastion of science left during the middle ages, and without them the renaisance would never have been able to start off in the first place, a fact you blind fedora tipping fucks are unwilling to accept.
The damage the shooter did is going to go up by a lot, at least a few of those people are either going to have HIV or Aids, or both. They said blood was everywhere, he probably just killed 500 people.
>You this!
>You that!
>Religions are like this too!
Why don't you get some opinions that aren't just sweeping and retarded declarations about what people other than yourself must think?
Instead of telling me how I feel, or telling Christians what they feel, why don't you think for yourself instead of just being a walking fucking golem of pure stereotypical fedorathist whining?
Delusional fucking idiot.
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
You must be jew here.
Personally, I hate Islam and have no issue with homosexuals insofar as they aren't hypersexual publicly like many are wont to do.
Two gays kissing publicly? Perfectly fine.
Running around in nothing but S&M gear? Despicable.
They need to stop celebrating their faggotry and just allow it to be their sexuality. It's an issue when they try to make it a core of their identity when it's really just who they want to fuck.
You mean taking a retarded agreement and showing how retarded it is? It's lazy because it's super easy when an argent is indeed retarded. Please explain to me how being gay is any different then being raised Muslims or covering because of life experiences? You are broken and defective either way but at least gays are only killing themselves
The left doesn't "choose" one demographic over the other. Neither are relevant to us. The middle ground is gun control for automatics.
>the left
Lol, the gays themselves choose islam over themselves. I went over to /lgbt/ yesterday and all they could talk about was their hatred for christianity. They still think "islamophobia" is unfounded.
They're off their rockers
It's not gays who are the problem except for the paedos who should be killed.
Homophobia being unacceptable allows straight millennials to be cucks, pro-open borders and write for the guardian. If we had a homophobic climate like Russia hipsters would be much less of a thing.
The dark ages were brought about by the Pagan (non-Christian) barbarian invaders who sacked Rome and destroyed every source of knowledge and scrap of enlightenment they could find.
The Crusades were both a response to Muslim incursion, and had a very low death toll: 500,000 over a 200 year period, so about 1500 deaths per year.
Compare that to Islam, which has averaged about 400,000 people per year since it was founded.
That means the crusades, considered one of the bloodiest series of Christian wars in history (even though it wasn't), is about 266x LESS deadly than the Muslims have been every year since 610 AD.
That amounts to about 690,000,000 total deaths caused by Islam. Christianity, on the other hand, weighs in at about 25,000,000.
At this point, you're probably thinking religion sounds pretty bad, but let's compare the low end (25 million) to the deaths caused by two prominent atheists, Stalin and Mao Zedong: 20,000,000 and 40,000,000 respectively.
So, belief structures in order of deadliness:
Christianity: 25,000,000
Atheism: 60,000,000 (so atheists have killed about 2x as many people as Christians)
Islam: 669,000,000 (about 26.76x deadlier than Christians)
You are wrong.
Fake tweet but funny
>Christianity, on the other hand, weighs in at about 25,000,000.
That is total BS. The christian Taiping rebellion ALONE caused 20 Million deaths.
By the sword, burger